Long story short... Here to learn while I find optimum TRT


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48 year old male about 2 months into TRT and should have my first lab results in a day or two and will post numbers shortly. Healthy weight is 180 at 5-11 and am currently sitting at 200 pounds so hoping for the metabolic boost.
I went to my Doc recently for a full physical as I recover from a motorcycle crash a year ago which included 2 surgeries and a lot of Physical therapy which I am almost done with. Sex drive has been in the tank for a few years as well as ED so, during the physical/labs my doc tested my Testosterone and I came back at 170 which is why I am here!
Doc started me at 100 mg bi weekly until first labs are in and I already feel the peaks and valleys. I believe he will give me the freedom to adjust dosage and frequency within reason.
Admittedly my Doc is not familiar with injections so he is being pretty cool so far. I hope that doesn't change as I am comfortable with him as he has cared for me on and off for 30 years and is familiar with my pre existing condition of Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (IHSS) so, needless to say he will be watching my labs carefully as will I.
Anyway.... Thank you for the great forum and look forward to sharing my progress and learning as much as I can to safely get my Mojo back :)
Thank you for that article - Dr. Paul Thompson, Mentioned in the article was actually my surgeon back in 1986 and performed a Myomectomy (sp) here in Orlando where he shaved the septum via the left ventricle accessing through the aortic arch. I take calcium and beta blockers and will for life. I was very athletic growing up until the discovery of the enlarged heart - No more team sports for me :) Sudden Death Syndrome was/is a very real scare for me.
Currently, my dosage is 100 mg every two weeks until my labs arrive as I just had my blood drawn yesterday.
Thanks again.

You may not reach total testosterone blood levels above 500 ng/dL with that dose. In men using beta and calcium channel blockers, the sex drive boosting effects of testosterone are blunted somewhat, so they usually require higher doses. But I understand your conservative approach due to your issue.
Understood - Thank you for your quick reply and I am hoping to increase the frequency once my numbers come back as I do expect them to be very low. Once my doctor approves a weekly injection, I expect things to get interesting :) I will keep the forum updated. Thanks again, Just an FYI as far as my daily med schedule I will list them here:
Alprazolam Anti-depressant 1 mg once daily
Atenolol Beta Blocker 50 mg twice daily
Verapamil Calcium channel blocker 120 mg twice daily
OTC vitamins
This has been my regiment for 3 decades.

I was able to get some numbers over the phone and i will get the official results on Monday but, my numbers were as follows:

Testosterone is up to 285 from 168

HGH 0.10

My original prescription was 100 mg every 2 weeks and my doctor has agreed to 100 mg every week with new labs at 6-8 weeks out to revisit the blood levels at the new dosage. overall I am happy with my doctors willingness to let me adjust the dosage as needed. I am hoping this will bring me to a good level and see and feel real benefits. Please share your thoughts and thank you in advance.
Nick, welcome to EM. Glad you joined. Always here to help, just let us (or me) know if help is needed. Glad you are doing 1x week injections. That 2x week routine is just a roller coaster. Need to know if your Estradiol assay is sensitive or ultra-sensitive? Reference ranges needed as well. Also, you spoke about the desire for a metabolic boost in your OP. Have you had thyroid labs? Good chance this department needs visited.
Chris, thank you for replying and I have to visit the office to pick up my labs (and original labs for thyroid questions) to answer your questions as my Doc does not have e-mail.....Crazy huh? I love "Old School" but it has it's drawbacks when it comes to communicating - I am just so stoked he asks ME what labs I want to check and is allowing ME to adjust my dosage to reach MY desired "T" levels of 500-700. I have a 30 year history with my Doctor and there is a trust on both sides of the aisle, I shared with him this forum and encouraged him to visit. I have referenced this forum for most information I have provided him so, Thank you to everyone at Excel Male.
What I failed to mention is that I feel great even taking it "Low and Slow" and currently the only adverse effect is my nipples are more sensitive and in full disclosure they always have been! During puberty I recall "Stones about the size of a pea" in my nipples which were crazy sensitive and the "stones" went away but the sensitivity has always been there and my nipples have become slightly more sensitive since starting treatment but nothing out of control. I will be keeping a close watch on my Estrodial and if there is anything else, Please let me know.

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