I had cardiac calcium score done about 10 years ago and while still a little controversial, in my case it may have saved my life. Ten years ago, the score showed that minor calcification had occurred. Nothing major, but a warning sign. A made adjustments to diet, exercise and started 10 mg lipitor (low dose). 8 years passed and I had another score done and the calcification had progressed, rather dramatically, despite improved diet and a great exercise regime. I have never smoked and don't drink but have inherited "bad genes", thanks dad! Anyway, long story short, the second test cause me to take dramatic action eventually leading to the placement of 5 stents. With out this test, I probably would have gone years and years with out doing anything. As it was, I was lucky to catch it much earlier than i would have and thats one HUGE benefit to this test. While it may not be an exacting diagnostic tool it is great as a kind of an early warning system for many. In terms of cost, my first test 10 years ago was 3 times more that the one i had done two years ago which was $99. Money VERY WELL spent in my case.