Libido and Glans Sensitivity is Gone After Long Term TRT


New Member
I am now starting with defy in a week. Thank god.
My question is libido and sensitivity.
I am Encouraged by seeing that Nelson seems to have a good libido and been on trt for some time.
For me the only boost I got was when I first started trt and since then I am the same as pre trt or worse.
Never got close to that again and hoping to.
Of course it is causing me sexual anxiety and ruining new relationships. I don't even care if I have to do tri mix just to get over the first time with a new woman.
Hcg seemed to help but I seem to need higher doses than what most use.
Viagra cialis do nothing.
Sensitivity is way down but was up with the initial trt dose and God did not feel good.
Does anyone know what sensitivity is tied to the most?
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I'm unclear. You write of "sensitivity" - do you mean the sensitivity of your penis when aroused? Or do you mean erectile dysfunction in a broader context? If that's what you are referring to, it should be noted that a great number of us, even with good, solid labs regularly rely on daily Cialis. All of this is distinct from "libido", the desire for sex. You may receive more focused comments if you clarify what you're asking. Don't forget: you may well be on a substandard TRT protocol. Working with the doctors at Defy is a big step in the right direction.
I believe penile sensitivity is tied to DHT and probably nitric oxide. Just a hypothesis never studied.

Do you get hard but feel little on your glans?

How much TRT and HCG are you using? How about what daily Cialis dose? Have you tried Citrulline ?

HCG has made a big difference in increasing glans sensitivity for me. It gets even better when I add 10 mg cialis or levitra.

Are you cut or uncut? Do you masturbate a lot? Do you have diabetes?
I have been suffering from low libido for years. In the past year I began to lose penile sensitivity. It was not confined to the glans. The entire penis. But it started with the glans. I have been on HCG mono therapy for 5 full weeks now. My last injection (Wednesday) for the first time it quite a while I had my sensitivity back. I know what you are going through and it sucks. I can tell you that I was suffering from low T, low Estradiol and low DHT. Since last week (my 4 week test) they have all been up into normal range for the first time in a very long time I gather. So I am not sure what turned things around for me this week...It could have been any one of those. But my T was below normal but not crazy below. My Estradiol was very low.
I had the exact same problem, since Ive stopped arimidex the sensitivity has returned, i have way more feeling down there and desire with my e2 nearer the top of the range, I follow Nelson's protocol and it keeps my total test around 800 ng/dl and e2 at 35

I believe penile sensitivity is tied to DHT and probably nitric oxide. Just a hypothesis never studied.

Do you get hard but feel little on your glans?

How much TRT and HCG are you using? How about what daily Cialis dose? Have you tried Citrulline ?

HCG has made a big difference in increasing glans sensitivity for me. It gets even better when I add 10 mg cialis or levitra.

Are you cut or uncut? Do you masturbate a lot? Do you have diabetes?

Last dht test, I was at the top of range.

When hard, I'm not that sensitive in the glans. . Like it's almost impossible to use condoms. Only time I was sensitive was when I had my initial shot and I suppose it was my natural test was there and the shot spiked it high before i shutdown.

40 mg 2 x week, was doing 100iu Hcg daily but hasn't really helped. I seem to need a higher dose and its from overseas so I question the strength (hence defy)

Haven't done daily cialis but I get sciatica pains from it when I tried it. 15 mg did nothing.

Arginine 750 wth 250 citruline, 4x a day.
Pycgenol 30 mg, 4x a day.
Goat weed 10% 1000mg, 2x a day.

I'm cut and I was never really sensitive.
No diabetes. Masturbate holiday does nothing. Started using man 1 lotion.

Months ago during a restart I used. 1000 iu Hcg (overseas) as a test and 1-2 days later had a great election and light blue balls feeing That was great. That's why I question the Hcg strength or I just may need more than a typical dose.
Exactly the same. I lost sensitivity in my glans after a month on TRT. AI and HCG helped I think, but nothing compares with natural T in my case. During TRT, I had more issues with libido and ED, than I felt good. Cialis always helped with ED, but what's the point of using more meds, if natural your ED is PERFECT....

I'm now natural, probably low T (will check next week). I am fatigued constantly, but I can masturbate or have sex 5+ times a day with rock hard erections without cialis or citruline...
Something, I think no one still knows what, destroys libido on TRT, even if bloodwork looks perfect....

Someone will say libido (desire to **** a wood :D ) is subjective, but IT'S NOT if you lost it completely on TRT, and it comes back after you stop with it.....
It's some hormonal/neurotransmiter problem that we don't know how to test it probably :/ .....
I believe penile sensitivity is tied to DHT and probably nitric oxide. Just a hypothesis never studied.

Do you get hard but feel little on your glans?

How much TRT and HCG are you using? How about what daily Cialis dose? Have you tried Citrulline ?

HCG has made a big difference in increasing glans sensitivity for me. It gets even better when I add 10 mg cialis or levitra.

Are you cut or uncut? Do you masturbate a lot? Do you have diabetes?

Nelson, what does able to get hard but little in the glans ...point to? Is there a specific cause for this or fix?
what is your dose of Hcg?
How much do you rely on trimix?
I think ( once levels are right) my main issue is low sensitivity which might mean I need higher levels and maybe mental.
I know that when many including me start trt the very beginning is great.
I've heard about the direction theory but that would mean if you returned to baseline pre trt and then started again, you would have the same feeling during the acceleration when begging trt.

I wonder if it's more just how high the levels are and it ratios vs direction.
When you start with say a 350 level of test and start trt, your body didn't shutdown yet so your levels are high at the beginning.
When I started trt the very first time, 3 days after being given a 200mg injection (yes I know this was wrong) I could have wore a condom and had sex 5 times.
I actually had sex 4 times that day and was very sensitive.

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