Latest Bloodwork-PSA High

Smokin Joe

Active Member
Best bloodwork I have had since statring TRT but now PSA is back higher than ever.
Total T 502(348-1197) Free T 10.6 (7.2-24) best I have ever had.
DHEA 42.4 (71.6-375) Normally around 70 for me.
And finally PSA @ 10.6. This has risen from 1.9 in May 2014.
The only thing I have done differently was to increase my dosage to 80mg per week divided into two doses of 40mg sub q.
A little scared at this point but will seek medical care at this point through URO.
Does not look good.
PSA is just a marker and not a direct indication of malignancy.

It could also be lab error since your PSA serum levels were never this high even back in May.

You need to have a digital rectum exam and possibly a biopsy.

Relax, but do see your Uro as soon as you can.
yes that PSA is way too high and definitely need attention. I never seen PSA jump that much in a short time! I agree with GD, it could be lab error.

do you have any symptoms like going more often to the bathroom, burning sensation when you urinate, the urge to urinate but nothing come out, difficulty urinating?
Also, elevated PSA can be caused by any number of benign things like ejaculation and any type of prostate manipulation just prior to blood being pulled.

The fact that it jumped so high like it did so fast and given that prostate cancer is so slow I am thinking lab error.

But, it still warrants further testing to rule out foul play.
Thanks Guys for the reasurrance. I have had about a week maybe two of discomfort when urinating and also some delayed action. Some burning. Have a Drs appt this afternoon.
I too was schocked-scared the hell out of me to see 10.4 from 1.6 in two months.
I started sub q abdominnally 4 weeks ago and went to 40mg x2 weekly.
This is the only change from 100mg every two weeks which we all know is crap.
Anyway I have my fingers crossed that it is infection or bad lab result.
I use Life Extension/Lab Corp and have not had a problem up to this point.
Will try a run on Cipro if infection and we'll see where it goes from here.
I would hate to stop TRT now that I have finally found a protacol that is working.
Thanks Guys for the reasurrance. I have had about a week maybe two of discomfort when urinating and also some delayed action. Some burning. Have a Drs appt this afternoon.
I too was schocked-scared the hell out of me to see 10.4 from 1.6 in two months.
I started sub q abdominnally 4 weeks ago and went to 40mg x2 weekly.
This is the only change from 100mg every two weeks which we all know is crap.
Anyway I have my fingers crossed that it is infection or bad lab result.
I use Life Extension/Lab Corp and have not had a problem up to this point.
Will try a run on Cipro if infection and we'll see where it goes from here.
I would hate to stop TRT now that I have finally found a protacol that is working.

If there is any pathology it's going to be an infection as serious things like this take time and you'd see a slow progression in the increase of the antigen not a dramatic jump like this.

You won't need to come off TRT.

Keep us posted on your results in this thread Joe.
Gene Devine said:
It could also be lab error since your PSA serum levels were never this high even back in May.

Agreed. Looks like a false positive. You could take the test again and post the results here. It'll be reassuring for all of us. :)
I will do. I'm am going to start Cipro today to rule out infection/Prostititis first then recheck PSA.
This does have me stumped because I had a PSA of 1.9 in Feb. 2014 and 1.6 in May.
I was off testosterone for a while looking for the right Doctor(Endo Type) that I could work with so I attributed the slight fall in PSA to the short break.
Anyway I appreciate the feed back and will keep you posted.

Retest. If your PSA is high again, have urinalysis done and also have doctor measure your white cells in your urine to see if it is an infection.

Don't ejaculate or ride a bike within 8 hours prior of your next PSA test.
1st doctor visit done with my Primary Care Doc.
Normal DRE and clean urine. DRE revealed no nodules-not spongy. She says it's mildly enlarged meaning the high side of normal.
Cipro for 14 days. Repeat PSA using a different Lab.
I still feel like it is an underlying infection. At least I hope so.
Wondering though should I keep the TRT schedule or stop until.
1st doctor visit done with my Primary Care Doc.
Normal DRE and clean urine. DRE revealed no nodules-not spongy. She says it's mildly enlarged meaning the high side of normal.
Cipro for 14 days. Repeat PSA using a different Lab.
I still feel like it is an underlying infection. At least I hope so.
Wondering though should I keep the TRT schedule or stop until.

Stay on TRT you don't want to crash.

Wait till next round of tests.

Based on your DRE I think your assessment is spot on and it's just a low grade infection.

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