Labs Out of Whack


New Member
I have been on TRT for 5 years and doing OK without any problems. I normally manifest an increasing HCT, so I donate blood about every 8-10 weeks and have been for the last two years. My HCT is around 51.5 to 52 when I donate. In early Sept, I started getting blurred vision, headaches and heart palpitations and couldn't figure out why. I searched online and found that these are signs of high HCT among other maladies, so I decided to give blood even though I was at week 7.5 from my last one. When I got to the blood bank, I found out my HCT was 60. I was shocked. I donated immediately and then contacted my dr when I got home. He was concerned, so he said to lower my normal dose of Test Cyp from 100mg a week to 80 mg (twice weekly injections.) He said to come back for labs in 3 weeks. (All symptoms cleared up after donation.)
So at the 3 week mark, I went for labs on my trough day. Labs were taken and when I got home, got a call from the lab saying she forgot to draw enough blood to come back in the morning. I did that. When my results came back, I could tell that the lab did not process my trough blood from the day before because my numbers were high. They were:
T - 936 (264-916ng)
E2 - 7 (11-43pg)
HCT 49.5 (39-51%)

That is a standard E2 not sensitive. Dr said all was normal. hmm... So I did a re-test on my own at discountedlabs on my next trough day. They were:
T - 365 (264-916ng)
Free T - 8.07 (5-21ng)
E2 Sensitive - 15.5 (8-35 pg)
HCT 47.5

Not knowing other factors besides, T, free T, E2 and HCT and with the original HCt at 60, I was fearful, so I decided to stop all Test Cyp for 30 days and restart myself. It has been 30 days and I did the "Complete wellness panel for men" and SHBG with Discountedlabs to see where I stand. I got results today and I'm in disbelief. They are:
T - 42.3 ((264-916) Yes, I typed it correctly 42.3
Free T - 1.9 (6.6-18.1pg)
LH - .5 (1.7-8.6)
FSH - 1.5 (1.5-12.4)
E2 Sensitive 5.4 (8-35)
SHBG 53.3 (19.3-76.4)
TSH 1.74 (.45-4.5) (I take thyroid med, Armour thyroid 90mg daily)
Free T3 - 2.2 (2-4.4)
DHEA - 162.8 (30.9-295.6ug)
Platelets 134 (150-450) This is my normal and has been for many years
PSA 3.5 (0-4)
So, with the hell is going on? Are T and free T LAB ERRORS? Why did E2 drop to this level? I have not restarted TRT as we speak. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
First, you probably overreacted to that HCT of 60. Although I understand your concern, if you have been donating as frequently as you state and you are in the same usual range then a 60 doesn't make sense unless you were severely dehydrated or changed something.

As far as the labs after coming off for 30 days, what did you expect the results to look like?
Thanks for your reply. I expected T to be in the 300s, not 42 and E2 to be closer to 15 not 5.4. I'm not understanding why my E2 is so low when I have always been in the high normal range. Trying to understand why and if there may be something going on that one of the members has similarly experienced.
Have you tried drinking 6 oz to 8 oz of grapefruit juice daily? I drink 6 oz daily and it’s kept my hemocrit at or under 49.5. It lowered my hemocrit by 3.5 pts.
I dont think that those numbers are alarming for having stopped cold-turkey 30 days ago.

The one number I think you should be concerned about is a PSA of 3.5
As the guys have said, the 30-day post-treatment numbers make sense: the T cypionate has just cleared your system and you have not yet restarted your own testosterone production. The lowish free T3 has the potential to cause symptoms.

Your two earlier testosterone measurements are inconsistent. Going from 936 to 365 is an excessive drop for less than half a week. One of them may be wrong.

I recently went through a period of very low estradiol myself that was never fully explained. You should monitor this and if it stays so low then take action, whether it's adding hCG or even supplementing directly, as I did briefly.
I dont think that those numbers are alarming for having stopped cold-turkey 30 days ago.

The one number I think you should be concerned about is a PSA of 3.5
Thanks Vince. I don't recall seeing on the forum T numbers in the 40s and E2 outside the lower range without causing it with an AI, which I don't take, so my concerns are lessened based on your comment.
I do see a urologist for BPH. Apparently my prostate is HUGE and he checks PSA every 6 months for changes along with ultrasound.
As the guys have said, the 30-day post-treatment numbers make sense: the T cypionate has just cleared your system and you have not yet restarted your own testosterone production. The lowish free T3 has the potential to cause symptoms.

Your two earlier testosterone measurements are inconsistent. Going from 936 to 365 is an excessive drop for less than half a week. One of them may be wrong.

I recently went through a period of very low estradiol myself that was never fully explained. You should monitor this and if it stays so low then take action, whether it's adding hCG or even supplementing directly, as I did briefly.
Thanks Cataceous. I may not have explained well enough in my intro that the lab tech did not submit my trough blood as expected. She submitted all new blood the next day, so the T reflects my full dose the night before, not trough unfortunately. As far as the free T3 goes, this is the first time I have been tested for it, so will investigate what that implies.
Thank you for sharing your own experience. I appreciate you and all the members who contribute on this forum.
Thanks Cataceous. I may not have explained well enough in my intro that the lab tech did not submit my trough blood as expected. She submitted all new blood the next day, so the T reflects my full dose the night before, not trough unfortunately. ...
This was clear enough: it's still much too large of a drop for steady state on an ester that has a measured half-life of 5 days. Although there's a chance you could be an ultra-fast absorber, it's more likely that one of the measurements is wrong.
I once had a total testosterone measurement of like 9 ng/dL. Turned out to be lab error. I think a human types in numbers into a computer, reading off a machine. So a mistake of that magnitude can happen.

RE: your 60 hematocrit, was that from a finger prick test at a blood center? Those tests aren’t very accurate. I had them tell me my HGB was over 18 from a finger prick, and I didn’t donate (got freaked out from the high result and my heart rate got too high). I got a CBC a few days later and my HGB was 17.
I had a similar experience with the finger prick test when donating blood, the same day I drew mandatory labs and levels were lower on blood testing.

Those finger prick tests overestimate.
I've had the finger prick at the red cross usually ready lower than what the CBC says until I'm near the upper limit for normal HCT, at that point the finger prick seemed to jump way higher than actual HCT from a CBC. The machines must be calibrated as such to allow a wide range but filter out the really low and high rollers so to speak. At least thats my guess.

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