Labs 120 days in to retrograde

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Last labs in November, which were textbook perfect, documented remarkable progress in two years of healthy diet and lifestyle and self guided care. In no particular order here are few accomplishments after only 120 days of trading real food ,whey, aminos, supplements for 7-11 sandwich of the day, frozen burritos and dynamic living arrangements.
12 hour fasting labs last week:

Heamatocrit up to 54.8 from 48.3

vit d 25h - dropped 8 points to 43

hemo A1c was 5.1% , now who knows , new doc refused to order

Cholesterol total, 159 to 207

Chol to HDL ratio was 3.9

HDL was 41,

LDL up to 141 from 94

microalbumin/creatinine is more than double the upper limit whatever that means

trigs up to 172 from 120

VLDL up to 34 from 24

hormone levels unknown, five different new docs have refused to run them. My telemed doc will provide lab orders of course but I'm not going back to get re-stuck

Cbc, Platelet, No Differential

[TD="class: ccrCol1"][/TD]
[TD="class: ccrCol2"]


Hepatic Function Panel (7)

[TD="class: ccrCol1"][/TD]
[TD="class: ccrCol2"]


Renal Panel (10)

[TD="class: ccrCol1"][/TD]
[TD="class: ccrCol2"]


Lp+Ldl Direct

[TD="class: ccrCol1"][/TD]
[TD="class: ccrCol2"]


Cardiovascular Report

[TD="class: ccrCol1"][/TD]
[TD="class: ccrCol2"]


Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy

[TD="class: ccrCol1"][/TD]
[TD="class: ccrCol2"]


Microalb/Creat Ratio, Randm Ur

[TD="class: ccrCol1"][/TD]
[TD="class: ccrCol2"]


Last edited:
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Last labs in November, which were textbook perfect, documented remarkable progress in two years of healthy diet and lifestyle and self guided care. In no particular order here are few accomplishments after only 120 days of trading real food ,whey, aminos, supplements for 7-11 sandwich of the day, frozen burritos and dynamic living arrangements.
12 hour fasting labs last week:

Heamatocrit up to 54.8 from 48.3

vit d 25h - dropped 8 points to 43

hemo A1c was 5.1% , now who knows , new doc refused to order

Cholesterol total, 159 to 207

Chol to HDL ratio was 3.9

HDL was 41, LDL was 94

microalbumin/creatinine is more than double the upper limit whatever that means

trigs up to 172 from 120

VLDL up to 34 from 24

hormone levels unknown, five different new docs have refused to run them. My telemed doc will provide lab orders of course but I'm not going back to get re-stuck

Cbc, Platelet, No Differential

[TD="class: ccrCol1"][/TD]
[TD="class: ccrCol2"]


Hepatic Function Panel (7)

[TD="class: ccrCol1"][/TD]
[TD="class: ccrCol2"]


Renal Panel (10)

[TD="class: ccrCol1"][/TD]
[TD="class: ccrCol2"]


Lp+Ldl Direct

[TD="class: ccrCol1"][/TD]
[TD="class: ccrCol2"]


Cardiovascular Report

[TD="class: ccrCol1"][/TD]
[TD="class: ccrCol2"]


Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy

[TD="class: ccrCol1"][/TD]
[TD="class: ccrCol2"]


Microalb/Creat Ratio, Randm Ur

[TD="class: ccrCol1"][/TD]
[TD="class: ccrCol2"]


Man after all of that hard work...why??
Looks like your were better off eating, "7-11 sandwich of the day, frozen burritos and dynamic living arrangements"
Please vote:
Not high enough for a phlebotomy?
Hematocrit 54.8 ( 37.5 - 51.0 )

My local PC doctor's assistant is saying on the phone: "No phlebotomy required"

Opinions please!

edit: My telemed doctor has just rendered his opinion which I'll reveal after the votes come in here.
Reply: (1) no action required
(2) borderline , it's your call
(3) High, order extra leeches asap
Please vote:
Not high enough for a phlebotomy?
Hematocrit 54.8 ( 37.5 - 51.0 )

My local PC doctor's assistant is saying on the phone: "No phlebotomy required"

Opinions please!

edit: My telemed doctor has just rendered his opinion which I'll reveal after the votes come in here.
Reply: (1) no action required
(2) borderline , it's your call
(3) High, order extra leeches asap

At my doctor's practice, the vote would be a non-panicked "3" - leeches optional.

Did your doctor tell you that you do not need therapeutic phlebotomy at a hematocrit of 54?

That's what In said in post 4. Specifically she said she asked the doc and that's what she was told by him. No local docs here want to order it.
Also as stated above my telemed doc sent out an order within an hour of calling for a phlebotomy.
Went to see the PC. He said I'd need a full work-up to determine the cause even though he knows I'm on HRT. By that time I had the email from tele-med md with a pdf script. He refused to print it out "because of HIPAA" and "doubts" it's valid". He did not have any comments on any of the test results. He wants to "refer to a specialist for a full work up to determine the cause of high HCT. Such a specialist would be the only doc who can refer me to the "Transfusion Center". I asked him to look at my new pt questionaire as he would find the cause there. I'm going to repeat the test at 30 day? intervals and see what happens.

Low alkaline phosphatase-

zinc deficiency, hypothyroidism, adrenals , deficiencies of phosphorous, b, c vitamins, or protein, high D intake and more. I though I could rule out all but thyroid, adrenals but after read kaslow I'm not sure.

I returned to a diet sufficient in vits and minerals weeks prior to this draw. High D intake was noted as a cause. I take one Bio Tech D3-50 ( 50,000 IU ) per week for about a year? This is the only thing that worked to bring me up from single digit . Until this draw my serum level has been slowly climbing. This is the first reversal of the trend.
Two weeks later:
The "specialists" havent found the cause of the high hematocrit yet. I did manage to find an infusion center and a M.D. willing to undetake the highly risky and experimental therapeutic phlebotomy. I was scheduled today. They cancelled an hour prior because "the last land you had were in September". Im seriously consider never setting foot inside another medical clinic.
The computer glitch which caused 3 years of repeating failure in the lab computer has been identified. With any luck at least one manor obstacle in getting labs is behind. New set of labs drawn today at the phlebotomy. I'll be looking forward to the results.
The computer glitch which caused 3 years of repeating failure in the lab computer has been identified. With any luck at least one manor obstacle in getting labs is behind. New set of labs drawn today at the phlebotomy. I'll be looking forward to the results.

Good luck.
O.K. new labs were drawn on 5/9 during the therapeutic phlebotomy. Both the Quest ms/lc/lc u. sensitive test and reg estradiol were run from the phlebotomy blood.

Quest u. sensitive: 94 pg/mL with a standard less than 29
reg estradiol: 61 (less than 56)

Past E2 results:
< OR = 29 pg/mL

[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]6/9/15[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]9/8/15[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]12/31/15[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]1/19/16[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]6/1/16[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]11/7/16[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]1/17/17[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]5/9/17[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]5/9/17[/TH]
[TH="class: buffer scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"][/TH]

[TD="class: name fixed"]Estradiol (E2)

[TD="class: rsltflag_5 scroll"]83 H[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]50[/TD]
[TD="class: rsltflag_5 scroll"]34 H[/TD]
[TD="class: abnormal scroll"]41.9 A[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]27[/TD]
[TD="class: rsltflag_5 scroll"]88 H[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]25[/TD]
[TD="class: rsltflag_5 scroll"]94 H[/TD]
[TD="class: rsltflag_5 scroll"]61 H[/TD]

The columns above when adjusted should read [27] = January 17 draw. I was using 0.25mg anastrozole twice weekly. I've been injecting EOD fairly regularly for the 6 weeks prior to draw except a few times where I went 3 days.

The 11/7 E2 result of 27 was Labcorp ultrasensitive
Last edited:
Phlebot. blood hematocrit was considerably lower than last month at 49.8

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]White Blood Cell Count[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]11.4 K/uL[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]4.0 - 11.0 K/uL[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"]H[/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]Red Blood Cell Count[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]5.25 M/uL[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]4.40 - 6.00 M/uL[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"][/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]Hemoglobin[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]17.0 g/dL[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]13.5 - 18.0 g/dL[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"][/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]Hematocrit[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]49.8 %[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]40.0 - 52.0 %[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"][/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]MCV[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]95 fL[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]80 - 100 fL[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"][/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]MCH[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]32.4 pg[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]27.0 - 33.0 pg[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"][/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]MCHC[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]34.1 g/dL[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]31.0 - 36.0 g/dL[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"][/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]RDW[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]14.0 %[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]<16.4 %[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"][/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]Platelet Count[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]151 K/uL[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]150 - 400 K/uL[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"][/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]Differential Type[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]Automated


other results from 5/9

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]White Blood Cell Count[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]11.4 K/uL[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]4.0 - 11.0 K/uL[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"]H[/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]Red Blood Cell Count[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]5.25 M/uL[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]4.40 - 6.00 M/uL[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"][/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]Hemoglobin[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]17.0 g/dL[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]13.5 - 18.0 g/dL[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"][/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]Hematocrit[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]49.8 %[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]40.0 - 52.0 %[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"][/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]MCV[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]95 fL[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]80 - 100 fL[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"][/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]MCH[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]32.4 pg[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]27.0 - 33.0 pg[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"][/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]MCHC[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]34.1 g/dL[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]31.0 - 36.0 g/dL[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"][/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]RDW[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]14.0 %[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]<16.4 %[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"][/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"]Platelet Count[/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"]151 K/uL[/TD]
[TD="class: rangeCol"]150 - 400 K/uL[/TD]
[TD="class: flagCol"][/TD]

[TD="class: nameCol srchbl"][/TD]
[TD="class: valueCol"][/TD]

25 - 95 ug/dL

[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]6/9/15[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]9/8/15[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]11/13/15[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]6/1/16[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]11/7/16[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]1/17/17[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]5/9/17[/TH]
[TH="class: buffer scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"][/TH]

[TD="class: name fixed"]DHEA Sulfate

[TD="class: rsltflag_5 scroll"]442 H[/TD]
[TD="class: rsltflag_5 scroll"]569 H[/TD]
[TD="class: rsltflag_5 scroll"]158 H[/TD]
[TD="class: rsltflag_5 scroll"]216 H[/TD]
[TD="class: rsltflag_5 scroll"]215 H[/TD]
[TD="class: rsltflag_5 scroll"]203 H[/TD]
[TD="class: rsltflag_5 scroll"]233 H


18-58 YEARS: 13 ng/dL

[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]6/1/16[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]11/7/16[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]1/17/17[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]5/9/17[/TH]
[TH="class: buffer scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"][/TH]

[TD="class: name fixed"]Pregnenolone

[TD="class: scroll"]21[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]29[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]6[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]<5[/TD]

SHBG at 10.1 as of 5/9/17:

[TD="class: scroll"]22.7[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]17.9[/TD]
[TD="class: rsltflag_4 scroll"]10.7 L[/TD]
[TD="class: rsltflag_4 scroll"]10.1 L[/TD]

DHEA Sulfate, hCG mono prior to 5/2016. After 5/01/16: T Cyp + 19nor + hCG25 - 95 ug/dL
442 H569 H158 H216 H215 H203 H233 H

Standard Range0.8 - 3.1 ng/mL

[TH="class: name fixed, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]

[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]6/1/16[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]11/7/16[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]1/17/17[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]5/9/17[/TH]
[TH="class: buffer scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"][/TH]

[TD="class: name fixed"]C Peptide

[TD="class: rsltflag_5 scroll"]4.0 H[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]2.2[/TD]
[TD="class: rsltflag_5 scroll"]10.6 H[/TD]
[TD="class: rsltflag_5 scroll"]5.7 H[/TD]

Standard Range16 - 79 ng/dL

[TH="class: name fixed, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]Name

[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]1/19/16[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]6/1/16[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]11/7/16[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]1/17/17[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]5/9/17[/TH]
[TH="class: buffer scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"][/TH]

[TD="class: name fixed"]DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE

[TD="class: scroll"]43[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]79[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]36[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]20[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]26[/TD]

Standard Range0.34 - 4.82 uIU/mL

[TH="class: name fixed, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]Name

[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]1/22/15[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]2/10/15[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]9/8/15[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]11/13/15[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]4/13/16[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]6/1/16[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]5/9/17[/TH]
[TH="class: buffer scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"][/TH]

[TD="class: name fixed"]TSH

[TD="class: scroll"]1.57[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]2.71[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]2.187[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]1.857[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]1.15[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]2.16[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]1.54[/TD]

Standard Range18-58 YEARS: 13 ng/dL

[TH="class: name fixed, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]Name

[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]6/1/16[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]11/7/16[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]1/17/17[/TH]
[TH="class: scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"]5/9/17[/TH]
[TH="class: buffer scroll, bgcolor: #F5F5F5, align: left"][/TH]

[TD="class: name fixed"]Pregnenolone

[TD="class: scroll"]21[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]29[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]6[/TD]
[TD="class: scroll"]<5[/TD]

Pegnenolone has been steadily decreasing since transitioning from hCG mono to dual AAS + hCG on or about 5/1/2016. It is now undetectable using this lab's methodology.

SHBG has steadily decreased from 22.7 to 10.1.

I'm not sure what I will do if anything about an E2 of 94 ms/lc/lc. (61 immuno fluorescence).
Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
How does hematocrit go from 54.8 to 49.8 in three weeks with no intervention?

Estradiol results 94 on the ultrasensitive yet a sample from the same draw results 61 on the standard immuno fluorescence?

SHBG, will it go to -0- ?

How are the results from these two sets of labs useful in assessing or adjusting a HRT protocol?
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