Have not posted here in awhile but here are my current labs. 30 year old male and not on TRT but I do have some low t symptoms still. How do these numbers look?
-Total Testosterone- 613 (250-1100 ng/dl)
-Free Testosterone- 62.3 (46-224 pg/ml)
-Bioavailable Testosterone- 128 (110-575 ng/dl)
-Albumin- 4.5 (3.6-5.1) g/dl
-SHBG- 47.3 (10-50)
You have been at this for a few years now.
I know you decided to come off trt last year.
Were your labs done between 7-10 am in a fasted state?
Judging by the reference ranges you most likely had your labs done at Quest.
Your FT was not tested using an accurate assay!
Would not rely on your FT results unless you had it tested using the most accurate assays (ED or UF).
FT 5-10 ng/dL would be considered low.
FT 16-31 ng/dL (top-end) is healthy.
As I have stated numerous times on the forum most men will do well with the FT 20-30 ng/dL range.
Some may choose to run higher levels.
Comes down to the individual.
With a TT 613 ng/dL and highish SHBG 47.3 nmol/L, your FT would most likely be 18-20 ng/dL and far from what would be considered low.
Keep in mind that dysfunction thyroid/adrenals can easily mimic low-t symptoms.
If anything I would get a more thorough set of labs.....full thyroid panel, 4-point cortisol let alone FT tested using an accurate assay (Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration).