If iron is low, I personally wouldn’t go the iron supplement route. It might be effective, but not sure if it’s healthy to ingest the form of iron that’s in supplements. I would just eat a lot of red meat, eat beef liver, or take desiccated beef liver capsules, and try to ingest vitamin C every time u take in anything with iron. The vitamin C will help ur body absorb the iron.
In regards to DHEA, it all depends on whether ur low or not. Have u had ur DHEA levels tested? For example, my DHEA levels are naturally always on the higher end of normal, so not sure if supplementing would be beneficial for me. DHEA supposedly has an inverse relationship with cortisol, so too much DHEA I would assume can start to have negative effects. Although, I’ve heard some top HRT doctors recommend trying to get DHEA levels as high as u can without experiencing side effects. Like into the 800 range, so who knows. DHEA-S range is (106-464) for reference. If ur low in DHEA, supplementing would definitely be smart. DHEA has a ton of benefits, and is very important for optimal health. I would personally always start HRT with one compound tho. I would start with testosterone, try to get as dialed in as possible on test alone, and then introduce one more compound, get as dialed in with that compound, and continue adding compounds as needed one by one. Adding more than one compound from the beginning, or at any time, is a rookies mistake, and takes years and years to learn for most people, and doctors as well, unfortunately.
As far as pregnenolone goes, the more research I do on it, the more I think everyone should probably be on the stuff, as long as it doesn’t cause any negative side effects. If u look at the possible benefits of this stuff, it seems nothing short of a miracle supplement/ hormone. I plan on experimenting with it after my next set of labs.
And yes, pregnenolone should be absolutely fine to take without DHEA. But if ur low in DHEA, don’t expect pregnenolone to raise ur DHEA levels. So if u are in fact low in DHEA, u definitely want to take a separate DHEA supplement to get levels up.