today my total came 384 (250-1100) free 80 (35-133)
do you think I have low T?
I have imsomnia, fatigue, poor libido,poor concentration, moodiness, loosing bone density. How Do I convince my doc to to put me on TRT?
I seriously doubt any managed health care doctor is going to give you TRT for the fact that you are "in range" even presenting with all the classic low T symptoms. This is how managed healthcare works in range and you do not get treatment, out range and you get treatment.
There are other options though, going private and self paying opens up many doors for you and is where all the hormone specialists exist. Its doubtful any sick care doctor will even know how to treat you let alone know what tests to order.
Your numbers and symptoms suggest low testosterone, typically below 500 men can expect symptoms.
Younger men usually have more testosterone than middle aged and older men.
What is you age?