is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ???

Might be time to start looking for another doctor. If you are just a number, you are not going to get the attention you need and that is showing. I completely understand your panic levels being up. My wife freaked out the time before last when my blood was so thick it stopped the blood machine and she had to force the blood through several different times. This time it at least flowed like water.
Your doctor sounds like a Florida doctor. A lot of doctors are about the money cause insurance doesn't pay. You need another doctor or you can end up with a stroke or heart attack. Please start taking aspirin to thin your blood and go get a therapeutic procedure. Your wife has every reason to freak out.
whoooo partna'.......Slow down now....I think you misread my post....this post you quoted was not about my doctor, it is about @whoremoan's doctor. Besides I live in Houston, Texas.

My doctor is doing all he can to turn my HCT problems around and listens to every thing I say. As far as me......I take aspirin every day, take metformin, eat grapefruit. Have dumped blood 3 x this year and even made the decision to stop my test cyp, even though the dose was minimal. The last time I dumped blood I was at 55%, now it is most likely 52. I am seeing my doctor Thursday to decide where we are going from here. I am hoping after my visit Thursday one way or another we are going to get this problem solved. I probably have one of the few doctors that loves just sitting in the room talking about what ever subject come up. I sometimes spend over an hour just talking with him. Not many of these left. Am I frightened, absolutely not. This will get solved.
Your doctor sounds like a Florida doctor. A lot of doctors are about the money cause insurance doesn't pay. You need another doctor or you can end up with a stroke or heart attack. Please start taking aspirin to thin your blood and go get a therapeutic procedure. Your wife has every reason to freak out.
Oops sorry
I got started on that yesterday. Believe it or not, I can feel 15mg of test base much more than 40mg of test cyp. It is very short acting and would be excellent to do before training. I will see if this is going to lower HCT or is enough to replace the test cyp or I need to go to either test U or test E.
Oh yeah with your dmso method the peak on 15 mg Test will be much higher than 40 mg Tcyp. But the 15 is out fast as you stated.

Best wishes on the experiment. Hope it works well.
Yes you should be worried, it might be inaccurate results, but if your having headaches, extremity weakness or heaviness in your legs or chest you should see a doctor right away.
in the gym ive been getting stronger
i dont have headaches or heaviness anywhere

when donating blood do they see hematocrit levels? because if so the only reason they didnt proceed was because my hemaeglobin was too high, and only by 6 points
he did say dont worry its nothing major and said to go to a doc to get iron levels checked
in the gym ive been getting stronger
i dont have headaches or heaviness anywhere

when donating blood do they see hematocrit levels? because if so the only reason they didnt proceed was because my hemaeglobin was too high, and only by 6 points
he did say dont worry its nothing major and said to go to a doc to get iron levels checked
Hct is roughly 3x the Hgb level. Clinically they are interchangeable. Blood donation centers typically check Hgb. You would qualify for therapeutic phlebotomy and shame the Doc ignored.
in the gym ive been getting stronger
i dont have headaches or heaviness anywhere

when donating blood do they see hematocrit levels? because if so the only reason they didnt proceed was because my hemaeglobin was too high, and only by 6 points
he did say dont worry its nothing major and said to go to a doc to get iron levels checked
Yes, the do the old finger prick and test your blood.
Yes, the do the old finger prick and test your blood.
what do you mean ?
so on their screen they can see hematocrit levels ?? they definetly saw haemoglobin levels

they had needle in me and i was going ,,,, he then stopped after 3 or so minutes because haemoglobin was too high, he said everything else ok tho and said to get my iron levels checked

i was like wtf am i gonna have a heart attack or stroke? and his says noooo this is fairly common and levels can fluctuate daily but i need to get iron checked out and i have nothing to worry about
what do you mean ?
so on their screen they can see hematocrit levels ?? they definetly saw haemoglobin levels

they had needle in me and i was going ,,,, he then stopped after 3 or so minutes because haemoglobin was too high, he said everything else ok tho and said to get my iron levels checked

i was like wtf am i gonna have a heart attack or stroke? and his says noooo this is fairly common and levels can fluctuate daily but i need to get iron checked out and i have nothing to worry about
Here they prick your finger tip with a small lance and draw blood. This blood is put on a test strip and put in a small machine that reads blood samples. It may be possible they have a different method where you are, I don't know. I use Gulf Coast Regional here in Houston and they check everything before they even put the needle in your arm. I would not get too excited either but just address the problem and solve it.
If you have hypertension with the elevated hematocrit and hemoglobin you need to reduce those numbers sooner than later, but it is paramount to keep the BP under good tight control until the docs order blood dump, or you can donate. Your numbers for those two markers are likely related directly to the amount of testosterone you are getting, plus worsening or developing sleep apnea again from the hematocrit. The high BP, controlled by the telmisartan, is critical as it contributes greatly to developing strokes or heart attacks, thats why its critical to keep it under control. Even after you get the hematocrit and hemoglobin in the normal range, its a number you don't want to mess with...cheating only hurts you. It will likely require a reduction in dose of testosterone. If you get reduced benefit, as in reduction in mood, energy, libido, you may be able to switch to the newer compounded creams applied to the scrotum and see a rise in DHT which helps much more with symptoms of low T. Like many others on this forum, I've been where you are. Fortunately, I was able to catch my rising hematocrit and hemoglobin and donate blood before it got to high. I donate every 9 weeks or so, reduced my dose to T which was very high any way (and yes without symptoms) and watch my ferritin (iron) which is easy to support thru diet iron rich foods I like. Think steak. its not that hard to get this under control, and still feel really good. T is like anything else, more isn't necessarily better.
bit of an update
blood pressure is always in the range btw

just got bloods back
and hemoglobin is 190 and hematocrit is 0.59 range is 0.40-0.55

so they have both significantly dropped in the last 12 days
i added 40mg telmisartan and fish oil
i also drank 500ml water before blood test so first test i was definetly dehydrated and possibly even this one ?

just started inositol and will lower test dosage too 150mg ew from 200mg and split it into 2 injects a week

i was told too i should take test in middle of the day after ive drank a good amount of water so im not still dehydrated

either way i just need to drop 2 points on hemo and i can donate
4 months ago... i was on a cycle
i since (am) running 200mg test c a week plus 500iu hcg split twice a week

i will be getting sleep study hopefully today at doctors, i think i definetly have sleep apnea

im hoping i can avoid phlebotomy

i was on a big cycle

i want to definetly donate as i want to help someones life,

In My Opinion:

Dancing around the issue with HCT at 61 and 59=DANGER. That is really high. The longer you procrastinate, the more likely an unwanted event.

It is likely if the figure dropped in a short time, that you were dehydrated... so that also means you need to work on continual hydration, not just for when you have a blood test.

But 59 is still TOO HIGH!

The viscosity curve is not linear. Above 50% the curve steepness increases. This means every point has a larger detrimental effect on your blood. This is serious my man!

The cause and effect is utterly obvious. Your cycle and 200mg/week are the cause of your high hemoglobin/hematocrit. It may also be compounded by sleep apnea or hypoxia.

Your posts reflect you are vacillating about phlebotomy, blaming others etc. I sense a lot of denial and procrastination about how serious this is.

If it was me I'd drop that dose of T pronto, even discontinue until this problem is solved, and see a hematologist ASAP who will order you therapeutic phlebotomies until you are at 52-54 or below, and then more phlebotomies as needed if it rises again until the causes are under control.

You want to donate to save others' lives, How about saving YOUR OWN LIFE! Why do you think they will not accept your blood with high hemoglobin. As has been stated, Hemoglobin and hematocrit are directly correlated markers of blood viscosity. Your bloods viscosity is not safe to transfuse to others... it is also not safe for you.

As you get more phlebotomies, also monitor your ferritin. Ferritin and iron are a more complex topic. Ferritin shows how much iron you have stored in tissues. This is different than serum iron which is what is available in circulating blood. They are largely independent figures. Depleted Ferritin from too many phlebotomies is bad.
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Dancing around the issue IMO with HCT at 61 and 59=DANGER. That is really high. The longer you procrastinate, the more likely an unwanted event.

The viscosity curve is not linear. Above 50% the curve steepness increases. This means every point has a larger detrimental effect on your blood. This is serious my man!

The cause and effect is utterly obvious. Your cycle and 200mg/week are the cause of your high hemoglobin/hematocrit. It may also be compounded by sleep apnea or hypoxia.

Your posts reflect you are vacillating about phlebotomy, blaming others etc. I sense a lot of denial and procrastination about how serious this is.

If it was me I'd drop that dose of T pronto, even discontinue until this problem is solved, and see a hematologist ASAP who will order you therapeutic phlebotomies until you are at 52-54 or below, and then more phlebotomies as needed if it rises again until the causes are under control.

You want to donate to save others' lives, How about saving YOUR OWN LIFE! Why do you think they will not accept your blood with high hemoglobin. As has been stated, Hemoglobin and hematocrit are directly correlated markers of blood viscosity. Your bloods viscosity is not safe to transfuse to others... it is also not safe for you.

As you get more phlebotomies, also monitor your ferritin. Ferritin and iron are a more complex topic. Ferritin shows how much iron you have stored in tissues. This is different than serum iron which is what is available in circulating blood. They are largely independent figures. Depleted Ferritin from too many phlebotomies is bad.
Most excellent! Thank you Blackhawk.

In absence of additional info (plasma proteins, plasma viscosity, etc) we must assume his blood viscosity extremely high.
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In My Opinion:

Dancing around the issue with HCT at 61 and 59=DANGER. That is really high. The longer you procrastinate, the more likely an unwanted event.

It is likely if the figure dropped in a short time, that you were dehydrated... so that also means you need to work on continual hydration, not just for when you have a blood test.

But 59 is still TOO HIGH!

The viscosity curve is not linear. Above 50% the curve steepness increases. This means every point has a larger detrimental effect on your blood. This is serious my man!

The cause and effect is utterly obvious. Your cycle and 200mg/week are the cause of your high hemoglobin/hematocrit. It may also be compounded by sleep apnea or hypoxia.

Your posts reflect you are vacillating about phlebotomy, blaming others etc. I sense a lot of denial and procrastination about how serious this is.

If it was me I'd drop that dose of T pronto, even discontinue until this problem is solved, and see a hematologist ASAP who will order you therapeutic phlebotomies until you are at 52-54 or below, and then more phlebotomies as needed if it rises again until the causes are under control.

You want to donate to save others' lives, How about saving YOUR OWN LIFE! Why do you think they will not accept your blood with high hemoglobin. As has been stated, Hemoglobin and hematocrit are directly correlated markers of blood viscosity. Your bloods viscosity is not safe to transfuse to others... it is also not safe for you.

As you get more phlebotomies, also monitor your ferritin. Ferritin and iron are a more complex topic. Ferritin shows how much iron you have stored in tissues. This is different than serum iron which is what is available in circulating blood. They are largely independent figures. Depleted Ferritin from too many phlebotomies is bad.

procrastinating ? are you serious ? ive been to 2 doctors in 2 weeks ?
none of which would prescribe me a blood let or venesection
they wanted to get to the 'root' of the problem first!!! you think this wouldnt piss anyone off ?
MY doctor does do them but is away on leave until this week
i havent been procrastinating one bit or avoiding blood letting so your a strait out idiot saying that, you have no idea what ive been doing

and i also have a sleep test coming up,, i cant just walk to get a cpap , im waiting on call for sleep study machine to come in and i have to learn how to configure it and wear it for the night

also as stated my white, red, mcv, mch, mchc, rdw, wcc, platelets and every thing else is all in range

i want to know where i blamed anyone ? yes i blamed doctors for not prescribing me venesection but isnt that what your saying im avoiding ? so again i think your an idiot for saying those things

and according to the donation bank im only 2 points off being able to donate?
they said 188 max, im 190
i might possibly be in range today for all i know considering how much both hemo and hemotocrit came down with 12 days ??????

so you tell me what i should do then ??? do you think i dont want this fixed or something ???????????

i still cant figure your little cheap shots saying im procrastinating and blaming others when i seen to have dropped points on my last test, and also asking people online like here and going to multiple doctors ? ?? i literally messaged bodybuilding gurus etc dave palumbo even told me the numbers are fine, and points to dehydration too and i should be taking the cbc tests midday when im hydrated etc

that part where you saying im blaming others and procrastinating really pisses me off because im stressing hardcore over this and some people are saying im fine and to relax a bit and numbers dropping is a great sign, but when people are saying im procrastination and laying the blame are complete morons and not helpful at all

and are you sure your getting the conversions right? because im .4 of a point on HCT to be within range ??? one doc even said im just a bit of range and that will fall within range because im back on telmisartan
the range is 0.40-0.55 and im 0.59
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