Super Moderator
You obviously post but don't really read anything that you post including the literature. I just sent you a quote from Abraham Morgenthaler that I have actually tape recorded. It is from April of this year he has changed his stance or did you not catch that with my previous explanation. You should probably read and learn something from time to time instead of immediately thinking about what you wanna say without processing what you could have read. Morgentaler adamantly states now that the hematocrit of 54% on testosterone is not harmful even if going above it. It's only harmful because of what other physicians don't know about it. Those are exact quotes from him, so what do you not get that I'm telling you? You're posting an old lecture. Get with the times the updated times. And what is your definition of absurdly high levels? That's your opinion not based on any clinical observations are any actual treatment of men yourself. You have zero clinical experience. It's your opinion. And let me ask you this. Why does anybody have to have a trough? Do you even know why they test at trough? Doctors were taught to do that because they didn't want to see the levels at peak because it would scare them. Depending on the dose whether it be one or 200 mg of testosterone cypionate some mens levels will be anywhere from 2 to 4000.
And the father of testosterone. Well, I know him personally and I talked to him personally regarding the hematocrit issue this year. So get rid of the old information and come on in with the new.
So you don't understand what he's doing with that slide presentation do you? He understands and knows there's no harm with raising the hematocrit above 54% when men are on testosterone as he has stated publicly. I will be glad to send you the recording of him at the androgen society. The reason he makes these recommendations on the slides is to prevent other physicians from getting in trouble by their colleagues that don't know any better. So the point is he knows there's no harm but we all still use that 54% to protect ourselves from our colleagues. He pointed this out very specifically. It doesn't cause harm he said, but others don't know that and that could cause you harm if something happens to the patient because they're going to blame it on you even though we know it doesn't cause harm. Let that sink in a little bit madman because you're just not privy to the inside information.
Again who stated it is harmful?
Get Abe on here.
Better yet let's get Khera and Ramasamy on here!
Throw Mulhall in there too while you are at it.
Yes, I was there! (SMSNA Round Table Webinar)
Dr. Khera (41:47-43:02) and Dr. Mulhall (43:02-43:58)
HCT (34:04-49:36)
New Perspectives in the Diagnosis and Management of Hypogonadism
Only at Nelson's domain. Enjoyed this one. Dr. Khera and Dr. Mulhalll, are two giants in the field here!

post #4
Hematocrit (3:35-6:10) and Secondary Erythrocytosis/Polycythemia/Polycythemia Vera (6:11-7:37)
TRT myths further debunked - Part 4
Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy is a Harvard graduate, Ph.D., and the Director of Reproductive Urology as well as an Associate professor at the University of Miami in Florida. As a Urologist and Microsurgeon, Dr. Ramasamy specializes in the treatment of disorders of male infertility and sexual dysfunction...

HCT (32:10-44:58)
So you don't understand what he's doing with that slide presentation do you?
Sure do!
*The clinical significance of a hematocrit >54% is unknown
post #13
Low Testosterone in Men: Recommendations on the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring
ABSTRACT The relative proportional increase of the elderly population within many countries will become one of the most significant social transformations of the twenty-first century and, for the first time in history, persons aged 65 or above outnumbered children under five years of age...

Take-home points
*The clinical significance of a hematocrit >54% is unknown
*Although it is not yet clear what upper limit of hematocrit level is clinically desirable, dose adjustments may be necessary to keep hematocrit below 52–54%