Is it normal to feel this on clomid?


New Member
Hi everyone.

I'm currently trying to do a testosterone restart as my free test is below normal range.
I'm only 27 so want to try get my natural production back up before thinking about TRT.
I'm a previous a anabolic steroid user
( only ever testosterone 500mg pw)
Been off cycle for over 7 months now but my test is still low.

Test is 13.9 nmol/l
Free test 0.289
LH is 3.99
FSH is 3.5
SHBG is 31.5
17 beta OESTRADIOL 57 pmol/ml

TSH 1.64
Free thyroxine 15 pmol/ml

Took 25mg each day for the first 4 days but then decided to drop it to 12.5mg per day.

I currently feel like I'm run down, it's a feeling similar to when you crash your E2 with too much of an AI but not quite as extreme of a feeling.
Achy bones/joints would be a similar description.

Just wondering if this is a normal side effect?
Most guys don't feel well on Clomid and some are forced to quit, try 25mg EOD or try 12.5mg EOD. Every day dosing might be too much for you. Successful restarts are rare so have realistic expectations, in other words don't get your hopes up too high.
Most guys don't feel well on Clomid and some are forced to quit, try 25mg EOD or try 12.5mg EOD. Every day dosing might be too much for you. Successful restarts are rare so have realistic expectations, in other words don't get your hopes up too high.

Thanks I'll try dropping it down.
I know, on pct I've watched my test levels hit the higher range of normal but then drop down to the low end once it's finished more than once so it's possible my HPTA is damaged.

I'm just thinking about fertility and TRT, makes me think if freezing sperm and jumping on TRT may be the way forward lol
Thanks I'll try dropping it down.
I know, on pct I've watched my test levels hit the higher range of normal but then drop down to the low end once it's finished more than once so it's possible my HPTA is damaged.

I'm just thinking about fertility and TRT, makes me think if freezing sperm and jumping on TRT may be the way forward lol

Its not hopeless you are only 27 and sure since you have used steroids shut down is a given and compounds used (testosterone/aas), dose, length of cycle will play a role in how long it may take to recover.

Longer cycles 12 weeks +, compounds such as trenbolone or deca can make recovery more difficult.

Most will implement a pct post cycle which can speed up the recovery process but it still takes time and if hcg was used during cycle to mimic LH which stimulates the leydig cells to produce ITT (intra-testiscular) testosterone and prevent the leydig cells from becoming dormant than recovery may be much easier.

Also understand that younger men have a better chance of recovery of the hpga than older men so do everything in your power to avoid trt until you are certain that you understand the impact testosterone/aas use or abuse can have on hpga dysfunction as there is a chance for recovery.
You may need to take a different approach with use of ancillaries and allow more time as recovery of the hpga can be difficult and worse case scenario your testosterone levels may never recover to healthy levels and you will end up on trt for the rest of your life.
Its not hopeless you are only 27 and sure since you have used steroids shut down is a given and compounds used (testosterone/aas), dose, length of cycle will play a role in how long it may take to recover.

Longer cycles 12 weeks +, compounds such as trenbolone or deca can make recovery more difficult.

Most will implement a pct post cycle which can speed up the recovery process but it still takes time and if hcg was used during cycle to mimic LH which stimulates the leydig cells to produce ITT (intra-testiscular) testosterone and prevent the leydig cells from becoming dormant than recovery may be much easier.

Also understand that younger men have a better chance of recovery of the hpga than older men so do everything in your power to avoid trt until you are certain that you understand the impact testosterone/aas use or abuse can have on hpga dysfunction as there is a chance for recovery.

Thank you for your reply and the links.

My cycle was 500mg test E for around 12 weeks but then I dropped to a TRT dose of 100mg pw for another 4 months or so ( long story but wasnt in a position to do a pct yet).
HCG was used on and off during this time, I used Dr scallys pct protocol for pct but slightly adjusted.
HCG eod for 2 weeks then clomid and aromasin for 5 weeks.

My numbers recovered to normal levels but once the clomid was out my system I dropped back into the low range.
This was December 2017. So we are about 5/6 months since PCT.
Bloods taken last week are low still, I feel generally ok but lack motivation and I have low libido so it is having an effect.

I will continue the clomid for another 5 weeks as a second PCT to try and recover.
Is there anything else you would recommend taking due to my length of time shut down?
Maybe Aromasin too?

I take zinc and many other supplements but will as boron in too.

Edit - I forgot to add, this wasn't my first steroid cycle I have cycled for the past few years and I'm aware cycling at a young age does increase the risk of a damaged HPTA, so it's something I have to keep in mind, it is quite possible TRT will be needed but I will try everything I can before that road.

I strongly second the notion of going to a lower clomid dose. When I was on clomid monotherapy I could never use over 12.5mg every other day, but that worked fairly well for me. Something I found was that if I overshot experimenting with higher dosages, I couldn't just cut back and expect to get to good place. I needed to do a several week washout and then start again with 12.5 EOD. Clomid is a very tricky compound and most in the AAS world use what for me would be astronomical dosages.

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