If someone has both e2 and testosterone right at the lower limit of range, i don't know if it would be a good strategy, seems like all the participants had a decent e2 number to begin with. I have always had a low e2 in the natural state, hesitant to try anastrozole mono, but i guess trying with 0.25mg would not be too disastrous, i also have estradiol valerate handy in case of emergencyAI monotherapy has been proposed as a way to increase endogenous testosterone, and there's at least one study on anastrozole claiming success. However, the long-term effects are uncertain.

One interesting point on this study:
"PSA levels did increase significantly in group 2 vs. the placebo group (1.7 ± 1.0 to 2.2 ± 1.5 ng/ml, P = 0.031 group 2 vs. controls). PSA did not increase significantly in group 1 vs. the placebo group (1.6 ± 0.8 to 1.7 ± 0.8 ng/ml, P = NS group 1 vs. placebo). Two patients (both in group 2) had increases in PSA levels from below to above 4 ng/ml during the 12-wk study. Both patients underwent prostate biopsy. In one case, adenocarcinoma was diagnosed and the patient began external beam radiation. In the other case, the biopsy was negative and the subject has since been followed up without incident."