Irregular libido and night sweats

Lately, there are times when my libido is supercharged and times when I could not raise an erection if I downed an entire bottle of PDE5is. I am also suffering from night sweats that occur between 2 and 4am, which tells me that it is probably hormonal. Nothing has changed except for the fact that stress levels at work are through the roof. Has anyone on TRT experienced night sweats? I am using a generic Axiron at the moment because my endo does not prescribe IM testosterone. I would go to another doctor, but she has done a great job of managing my type 2 diabetes while reducing my medication to a minimum. I was in a bad way when I was referred to her by my old GP, so I do not want to give her a reason to drop me as a patient.
Lately, there are times when my libido is supercharged and times when I could not raise an erection if I downed an entire bottle of PDE5is. I am also suffering from night sweats that occur between 2 and 4am, which tells me that it is probably hormonal. Nothing has changed except for the fact that stress levels at work are through the roof. Has anyone on TRT experienced night sweats? I am using a generic Axiron at the moment because my endo does not prescribe IM testosterone. I would go to another doctor, but she has done a great job of managing my type 2 diabetes while reducing my medication to a minimum. I was in a bad way when I was referred to her by my old GP, so I do not want to give her a reason to drop me as a patient.
Can you use two doctors, one for your testosterone and one for your diabetes.
I think that the only way that is going to work is if the doctor who handles testosterone problem is a urologist as part of sexual function medicine; otherwise, I am looking at switching endocrinologists. The problem is that testosterone production is part of the endocrine system. I actually have three endocrine disorders; namely, type 2 diabetes, hypogonadism, and hyperaldosteronism, which is a bear to treat, so she is balancing three different disorders.
Well, it is definitely TRT that is causing the night sweats. I am on generic Axiron, which is fairly conservative compared the TRT protocols used on this forum. I skipped a day and no night sweats. I am going to discontinue use because the benefits I felt at first have vanished, and now the side effects are not worth it. I am a low SHBG guy, so I do not need even a mid-range total T to have an in-range free T (my free T was in-range before I went back on TRT, but it was below mid-range). I have been on TRT this time for a little over a year. I was off TRT for a year after being on it for four years. I had much more testicular shrinkage by the time I went off it the first time. My testicles were very small that time. I would like come of it with a restart protocol, but I need a doctor who will help me because my endo will not prescribe any of the restart drugs. Last time I went off TRT, I did it cold turkey. That is not something I want to repeat.
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The night sweats are definitely not glucose. I have a glucometer on my nightstand that I use to test for lows and highs at nights. I have very well-controlled diabetes. The night sweats are definitely due to TRT. I do not have night sweats when I am not on TRT. I am talking about having to sleep on a towel to prevent soaking the bed level night sweats. I am suspecting elevated E2 during the day that drops at night, resulting in my body shedding the bloat via sweat. I am a low SHBG guy. A much smaller change in total testosterone than most guys experience on TRT can result in significant change in free testosterone and free E2. I bloat on 60mg of topical solution. My libido on TRT is now lower than it was before I started on TRT. I am not about to embark on a multi-drug cocktail to be able to use TRT. I already take enough other medication.
You're right, the E drops over night and you shed that water weight. When you'r emonitoring your E2 using the LC/MS/MS test I recommend for the low SHBG guy to monitor "Estradiol, Free", and you alluded to that there with Free E2. It can be an eye opener. So far I'm doing the best I ahve been with my E2 LC/MS/MS in the single digits but my Free E, even in the trough is about mid-range.
Hey, Kettlebells. Sometimes night sweats can be caused by acid reflux. Before I started TRT, my night sweats were so bad, that I had a small fan at the foot of my bed to keep me dry at night, else the sheets were soaked. But I can also get this condition with acid reflux. Just curious if you are having acid reflux during the night?
I do take Magnesium supplements at night since they make me relaxed and sleepy. I am not sure if my supplement is Magnesium Glycinate, so I will have to research that. Thanks for the suggestion!
Like Vince said, I would guestimate that your night sweats are a result of your E2 levels naturally dropping at night, and your body is shedding some of the excess water weight it is retaining. Elevated E2 can also cause testicles and penis to shrink/shrivel, as well as kill and sometimes spike libido. I would do what you have to to start monitoring this hormone, it's essential to the success of your treatment.
I decided that it is time to post an update. I attempted to go off of TRT, but could not do it. I had a particularly bad weekend this past weekend. After a several good and a couple of very good weekends where my libido was off of the charts, it was non-existent this weekend. I woke up in a puddle of sweat early Sunday morning at my girlfriend's house. I completely soaked the sheets and the mattress pad. I was brain fogged-out and had very little energy from Wednesday of last week until Sunday morning. I have only been dating my girlfriend for a few months (I met her a few days before I created this thread). This weekend was the first where things where really bad. My girlfriend was upset that I was so out of it and not interested in sex. She assumed that I was no longer interested. She is a non-practicing BSN nurse, so I had her watch Dr. Crisler's and Jay's video on low-SHBG and E2, which she found enlightening.

I need to find a more progressive local endocrinologist who will monitor E2 and prolactin in addition to SHBG and total/free testosterone. My girlfriend finally inquired as to what I was taking prescription and supplement-wise. I am currently on three blood pressure medications in addition to an non-sexual dysfunction producing beta blocker called Bystolic and a metformin-based combo. She is an executive within a major health system; therefore, she understands how challenging the American medical system has become due to insurance company influence and managed healthcare. She wants to wean me down to the pharmaceuticals that are absolutely necessary, which is a goal I have been attempting to accomplish since losing 70lbs and getting into shape. The problem is that she will be facing the same doctors who have been resistant to going against AMA protocols. More doctors have to adopt Dr. Crisler's approach to medicine in that every person is different. We are not protocols.
What you need is daily (8-12mg) injections using 29 gauge insulin syringes, my SHBG is low and never had a problem with estrogen on a daily protocol like I do on EOD. The majority of endo's are incompetent as they don't typically specialize in TRT.
I am not going to do daily injections. That defeats the purpose of using IM testosterone. What I need to know are the data points that are not part of my blood tests. Right now, I am just shooting in the dark. I do not feel horrible or experience night sweats every day, nor do I experience low libido every day. It is a periodic thing; however, when it occurs, the problem can last a week or more.
I am not going to do daily injections. That defeats the purpose of using IM testosterone. What I need to know are the data points that are not part of my blood tests. Right now, I am just shooting in the dark. I do not feel horrible or experience night sweats every day, nor do I experience low libido every day. It is a periodic thing; however, when it occurs, the problem can last a week or more.

You're also not going to post any labs either.

I see no reason for anyone to keep entertaining you here.
I do not have labs to post. My endo shares the info, but does not provide a copy of the results. I am working with a different paradigm than most people on this site. I see my endo primarily for type 2 diabetes; therefore, the bulk of my lab data points are for diabetes, not low-T. TRT came about when she noticed that I was hot flashing in her office. She does not prescribe IM testosterone and neither does my urologist to low-SHBG guys. I am sorry for bothering you.

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