Ipamorelin Help

I agree, Ipamorelin is really showing results. Maybe age has something to do with it, I'm 51, but the effects began with me sleeping and waking up very well rested and filled with energy. Not energy like when you take fat burners or anything like it, but just enough where I didn't have to struggle out of bed. I also felt it gave me more motivation and I'm already self motivated. That was about 2 months ago, but I also began at 100mcg 2 times a day the first week and went up every 7 days until now as of last week I'm doing 300 t.i.d. As of last week I began seeing more change in my weight loss and muscle gain. I see more shredding in my muscle tone and the scale showed 8 lbs. lost in 2 weeks with no change in my diet or exercise routine. I'm on a low fat, low carb, protein diet. I also blend vegetables or fruit and have those as my snacks in between meals mostly on heavy workout days. Make sure any fats or carbs taken are the good ones.

I was thinking of stopping but with the results I got, I'm finishing the cycle. Good Luck
Would you be willing to share your source for the Ipamorelin? I know you can get it from any of a couple dozen research chem sites, but one never knows if its legit. Thank you.
I'm only doing the ipamorelin 5 days per week. 1 injection (.2ml) in the morning. That's the protocol my doc prescribed. I don't know if another protocol would be better but even so I have noticed my workouts are much more intense and recovery time is very fast. I used to have soreness for a couple days afterward but now virtually none.

I am 62 and had slowly declining muscularity & stamina for the past 20 or 30 years. Working out became drudgery but I kept on trying. However since the ipamorelin I am gaining muscle size and have been able to bump up my workouts by about 20%. My wife notices the change, my t-shirts are feeling more snug in the chest and arms, and I can see noticeable changes in the mirror.

So far I have noticed no side effects.

My doc advises conservative use of this stuff but I'd be interested to know what kind of dosing and timing has been most effective for others.
Would you be willing to share your source for the Ipamorelin? I know you can get it from any of a couple dozen research chem sites, but one never knows if its legit. Thank you.

ERO mine comes from Hallandale Pharmacy, Hallandale, FL. My doc has a relationship with them. He sends the scrip directly to them & they ship to me. Their web site is under construction at http://hallandalerx.com so I don't know if you can order direct from them or will be able to in the future. Their phone number is 954-455-3822.

I get the 9mg vial and mix with 6ml bacteriostatic water. Rather than getting them separately the two come together in a box with mixing instructions.
GymRatNewbie65, when you said you're doing 300 t.i.d. did you mean three doses of 100 for a total of 300 per day or do you take three doses of 300 for a total of 900 per day? I'm fairly new to this so pardon my lack of expertise with the terminology.
Hi Leesto,
I'm new to this too so don't feel bad. I'm now at 300 3 times a day but to be clear its only on heavy days other days I do 200 at 3 times a day, 3 days a week I'm doing 300. Do you need a script to get the Ipam? Via online there is no script needed.
Hi Leesto,
I'm new to this too so don't feel bad. I'm now at 300 3 times a day but to be clear its only on heavy days other days I do 200 at 3 times a day, 3 days a week I'm doing 300. Do you need a script to get the Ipam? Via online there is no script needed.

Wow you're taking more than 3X what I'm taking yet I am feeling good results. I can only imagine what 3X the dose will do. :)

I am on a script but perhaps will convince the doc to try a higher / more frequent dose or maybe I will get additional ipam online. Where have you got yours from?

My doc says take it 5 days then take 2 off so you don't completely shut down your natural production of HGH. Maybe he is right maybe not. I'm not sure what (if any) research is supporting his recommendation or if it is just his personal opinion.
I found a great deal on ipamorelin online, but how long is it stable on the shelf? Do you have to keep it in the fridge?

Yes definitely keep it in the fridge once it is reconstituted. If it comes already mixed then get it in the fridge right away.
I take at bedtime only. I used to take prior to workouts but felt twice a day was causing some insulin resistance. Muscles were less full or pumped. 57 years old.

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