Ipamorelin and CJC-1295 (no dac) Plan

Johnny Swole

New Member
Hi everybody. Love these forums. I wanted to get some opinions on the best way to run this stuff. I have read a bunch of previous posts and gained some knowledge, but I also wanted to start my own to get some new opinions and ask some specific questions.....I'm so grateful for anybody that can share some personal experiences or knowledge on how to go about this.....

I placed my order and should be good to go for next week.

Ipamorelin 10mg
CJC 1295 (no dac) 10mg

I have used MK-677 on and off for the last 5 years with success, but I have heard even better things about this stack so I wanted to give it a shot. I am on TRT with 175mg Test Prop injected at 25mg each morning subQ. I'm also running 20mg of Cardarine per day for the last 7 or so days to help with cardio. My current goal is to lose some belly fat while I recover from some shoulder inflammation/tendinitis. I'll be doing some bodyweight stuff and some DB and BB stuff testing the shoulder and hopefully in the coming weeks get back to the real weights. I'm currently eating under maintenance and running daily. I had some MK-677 left which I have been running for the last 7 days and wanted to hop on the Ipamorelin/CJC-1296 (no dac) next week when the MK-677 runs out. Figured it was an easy kick starter to the upcoming cycle.


1. I see MANY different dosing protocols with this stuff and I'm willing to do the 3 injections a day if that will give me much greater results than twice or even once at night. How much of a benefit do you guys think it is to get the extra GH pulses each day?

2. Would you guys recommend 100mcg of each compound 1-3 times per day?

3. Is it smart to draw both compounds into the same syringe each time I inject?

4. I use 1CC syringes and I'm concerned that the reconstituted compounds will be so small that it will be harder to accurately dose the 100mcg. How much BAC water can be used to add some volume to the compound so I'm not counting tiny tic marks in the syringe?

5. If I inject 3-4 times per day in the abdomen between my TRT and the GH cycle how much discomfort will I have. I know the Test Prop is known for discomfort, so I'm not sure what to expect. I'm thinking of switching to Test Cyp for my TRT as I hear it's easier to pin.

6. Should I expect a much better result with this stuff over the MK-677?

Sorry this post is so long and I asked so many questions, but I want this run to be perfect. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!!!!
No replies for the OP. Is anyone using cjc-1295 + ipamorelin?

Nope, no replies. I’m 17 days in now. So early to tell. I’d have a better idea if I was back in the gym and lifting properly. But that being said, I’m definitely trimming my midsection on my deficit macros and getting solid pumps with the limited lifting I’ve been doing. Getting cardio in every day, nothing too crazy. I feel like it’s helping me recomp nicely. Sleep is great. Thinking about bumping my calories up a bit because I’m progressing well on the fat loss. I fed great. Vascularity is back. Looking forward to a few weeks from now when the compounds really get going
I’m taking a Tesamorelin 1mg / Ipamorelin 500mcg for 7 weeks. Not the same thing, but it’s used to accomplish the same goal. I have not noticed much yet, but this is a long game.
i inject 2x daily, 5x weekly. i use a Blend in the morning and Ipamorelin before bed. 100mcg. occasionally i will introduce a 3rd injection after a workout or before a run but always with attention to whether i have a nonfeed window so i get a pulse.

the injection will NOT create a pulse if there is insulin active. you must create a "window" before and after an injection otherwise you blunt or prevent a pulse. FFAs and BCAAs can also interfere.

i reconstitute such that i only pull 5 ticks on a 0.3cc/ml insulin syringes. no problem ever. it should be so easy.

i will prolly stick with Blend only into the future.

i find success with the Blend and Ipa to lean out but it is very subtle and you have to pull you diet in tight. i stay away from higher GI foods and attempt to keep my BG levels low and even. i rarely ever drink alcohol. i have one sloppy/cheat day on the weekend and i don't inject the weekends.

i like injecting ahead of a 5k run. i find this very effective.

i am into wellness. 60s. weightlifter/runner. HRT. no health issues.

no experience with 677.
i am just a few weeks into my program. i am now more consistent with a second daily injection after the gym or running. i am definitely leaning out but it is subtle. and i am seeing more definition in the mirror as a direct result of my efforts at the gym. my diet is good but not as compliant as i want it to be. i intend to implement intermittent fasting several days a week and i know that will enhance my lean out. my sleep is also better and at a moment when the economy is creating a lot of problems and stress for my business.

capitanbud30 - are you injecting in a window/moment whereby your circulating insulin is "quiet"? this is the only environment whereby you will get a GH pulse/release.
i am just a few weeks into my program. i am now more consistent with a second daily injection after the gym or running. i am definitely leaning out but it is subtle. and i am seeing more definition in the mirror as a direct result of my efforts at the gym. my diet is good but not as compliant as i want it to be. i intend to implement intermittent fasting several days a week and i know that will enhance my lean out. my sleep is also better and at a moment when the economy is creating a lot of problems and stress for my business.

capitanbud30 - are you injecting in a window/moment whereby your circulating insulin is "quiet"? this is the only environment whereby you will get a GH pulse/release.
I inject first thing in the morning, then right before bed time. Both on an empty stomach. When I first started I lost about 12 pounds but never continued to lose more. Muscle definition has improved, but that's hitting it hard in my gym with adequate rest. I consume 5g of creatine, 5g of beta alinine pre-workout then 30g isolate, 5g glutamine and 5g amino acids post. I've stayed away from white starches and only eat fish, chicken, and brown rice with occasional veggies. It's made a difference more than injections. AND of course my weekend beer doesn't help any...
Does anyone experience this also: I inject cjc-ipamorelin at bedtime. It makes me feel slightly flushed but more pronounced is it really gets my heart pounding for a few minutes within about one minute of injecting. Wondering if it is the compound itself or some additive in the mix.
a few years ago, i dropped about 20 pounds using intermittent fasting (16/8) and a 5k walk in the fasted window with an injection upon waking and then prior to the walk. i did this 3x week for 8 weeks. easy and effective. i plan to run this again Sept/Oct timeframe except with a 5k run instead. i could likely get a third injection in during the fasted window but i am busy and often miss it.
Does anyone experience this also: I inject cjc-ipamorelin at bedtime. It makes me feel slightly flushed but more pronounced is it really gets my heart pounding for a few minutes within about one minute of injecting. Wondering if it is the compound itself or some additive in the mix.
I did experience the flush feeling and elevated heart rate, but it was rare.
Where did you get yours??
Does anyone experience this also: I inject cjc-ipamorelin at bedtime. It makes me feel slightly flushed but more pronounced is it really gets my heart pounding for a few minutes within about one minute of injecting. Wondering if it is the compound itself or some additive in the mix.

The flushing is normal and extremely common. I also get the flushing. The pounding heartbeat I’m not sure. Don’t experience that personally

As far as I know it’s the compound itself that causes the flushing. I kind of like it because I know it’s legit. Very common side effect tho if u look it up.
The flushing is normal and extremely common. I also get the flushing. The pounding heartbeat I’m not sure. Don’t experience that personally

As far as I know it’s the compound itself that causes the flushing. I kind of like it because I know it’s legit. Very common side effect tho if u look it up.
Where did you get your compound??
Does anyone experience this also: I inject cjc-ipamorelin at bedtime. It makes me feel slightly flushed but more pronounced is it really gets my heart pounding for a few minutes within about one minute of injecting. Wondering if it is the compound itself or some additive in the mix.
Where did you get your compound?

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