I have to dose fairly high but with sub-q and EOD it seems to work well even with damn low SHBG I have to dose some with E control med but it's Avery workable protocol
Thanks Dr. John !!
What is the dose that you consider to be high? I tried 50mg every three days SQ, but that gave me insane prostate issues. Like actual semen coming out before a piss. So, instead of battling high E2 sides, I was battling high FT sides!
I thought injecting test every other day and poking almost 2,000 holes in your body over a 10 year period was a lot until I talked with a dude who was injecting insulin 4 times a day. Many guys seem to like the sub Q, I'm just not a fan. I prefer IM.
Injecting insulin is VERY different than injecting an oil. You aren't supposed to inject fat into fat, and that's why SQ for oil based medicine is "new territory." It can cause tissue necrosis. It's also why you get hard welts.