Information about Proviron

Proviron is an old drug - since 1970s. By now it does not have a massive following to use it by itself instead of TRT or for any other purposes.

That's indicative enough it is just urban myths, placebos, and bro science internet hype.
At the higher doses (50mg onwards) I can literally go from low E2 symptoms to feeling horny/euphoric to high E2 symptoms... within the same day!

Proviron does not aromatize so it will never give you high E2, instead it binds to the aromatase enzyme and prevents testosterone from aromatizing so less E2 is produced and more of your own or exogenous testosterone is available to your system, it also gives you more free testosterone for a similar reason: proviron binds SHBG more strongly than testosterone, so there is more free testosterone left.
The usual doses of priviron are also less likely to lead to very low E2, since its antiestogenic action is not as strong as that of AIs.
Proviron is an old drug - since 1970s. By now it does not have a massive following to use it by itself instead of TRT or for any other purposes.
It is rapidly inactivated, so it is not as stable as testosterone is, so since TRT is designed for life, it makes no sense to use Proviron as a stand-alone TRT. But it certainly has some properties that make it interesting in some specific circumstances and indications. In Spain it is covered by the public health system to improve fertility and treat low testosterone symptoms (for example, ageing people), but not pretending been a TRT. Not every body needs or wants to be on testosterone for ever. If you want a boost, but you don't want to shut down your HPTA, then proviron might be the answer.
If you are on trt and you have libido and/or E2 problems, adding Proviron could help.
In my case I am on TRT but want to father again, then I am considering to add proviron to my current HCG protocol and no testosterone, so less likely to have E2 issues, and more likely to have improved libido (which ussually is very low for me on HCG).

That's indicative enough it is just urban myths, placebos, and bro science internet hype.
I don't agree. Many of us have spent whole life reading books and Scientific articles, and are educated to search for and learn from real science. No bro science here.
What about doing life correct and seeing a specialist?
No such thing as a cycle with trt, you are on it for life. Doctors and blood tests are how you feel good always.
Seeking knowledge and sharing knowledge is not objectionable, that's what this forum is for. I am in this field and I can tell you that it is unfortunate how many specialists (endocrinologist, urologist...) mishandle patients with low T.
Proviron without trt would be a terrible idea. I did it, as i'd read it isn't supressive etc. I was taking 25mg most work days, as well as the low dose clomid i'd been on for seversl years. After a few months of having taken proviron, my joints started to hurt and i literally couldn't crouch down as my knees locked. I got blood work, my test levels had dropped from around 600 ng/dl to the low 200's. I think the lowest result i got (i was testing every couple of months then) was 7 nmol/l, not sure what that is in ng/dl. Proviron made me feel great for a while, but it ended up being a huge mistake i haven't yet recovered from
Proviron without trt would be a terrible idea. I did it, as i'd read it isn't supressive etc. I was taking 25mg most work days, as well as the low dose clomid i'd been on for seversl years. After a few months of having taken proviron, my joints started to hurt and i literally couldn't crouch down as my knees locked. I got blood work, my test levels had dropped from around 600 ng/dl to the low 200's. I think the lowest result i got (i was testing every couple of months then) was 7 nmol/l, not sure what that is in ng/dl. Proviron made me feel great for a while, but it ended up being a huge mistake i haven't yet recovered from

I am sorry to hear that. I don't have personal experience with proviron, but most scientific articles I've read claim it is almost not supresive at recommended doses, even when used for many months. Is is true it is not recommended anywhere por permanent use.

I would like to hear more testimonials about proviron.

I just started taking it at 75 mg a day in combination with HCG (Stopped exogenous Testosterone), for fertility and libido Boost. It is too soon to say how it will work, but I feel realy good at starting...
Here attached more information

It sounds great when you read through that. Keep in mind though, that was Bayer's advice in 1979 - do they even make it any more? And why isn't it a commonly prescribed treatment now? I also felt great on it to start off with (ie, while my test levels were still ok). But within months, my LH was top of range, testosterone was tanked.
It sounds great when you read through that. Keep in mind though, that was Bayer's advice in 1979 - do they even make it any more? And why isn't it a commonly prescribed treatment now? I also felt great on it to start off with (ie, while my test levels were still ok). But within months, my LH was top of range, testosterone was tanked.
Yes, Bayer still makes proviron. I am in Spain and proviron from bayer is the one commercialized here. Also covered by public health system.

It sounds you had a testicular impairment. Would it really be due to proviron? How long did you use it? To which dose? Did you use AAS?
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Here they recommend:
"The use of mesterolone is with caution and short intermittent therapy is desirous for better semen quality and improved overall fertility."


Yes, Bayer still makes proviron. I am in Spain and proviron from bayer is the one commercialized here. Also covered by public health system.

It sounds you had a testicular impairment. Would it really be due to proviron? How long did you use it? To which dose? Did you use AAS?
Hi again. I was taking 25mg, monday to friday for probably 5 or 6 months before i started getting symptoms (dry joints). No steroids or trt, just low dose clomid therapy. I guess it could be coincidence, but at the time (end of 2017), i researched further into proviron and found a study that said proviron can cause problems at a testicular level. If i can find that study again i will post it here.
Just quickly, because i'm at work -

It would seem that if you're starting off with a high testosterone level, it's not so problematic. But it reduced total testosterone in all subjects
Well blood work came back...testosterone is through the roof according to my doc...29 nmol/l (the norm is 10-24 according to him)...but the concerning number is my cholesterol...he said it took a 40% jump since my last reading placing me in the "at risk for heart disease" category. I told him that I had started the Keto diet 4 days prior to my bloodwork, but I can't see how it would effect my blood work that quick, or could it? I have never had issues with my cholesterol. I'm 54, 5'9", 165lbs, 14% body fat, fit, active...I haven't had any testosterone since the first of February. I dabbled with low dose clomid but stopped nearly four weeks before my bloodwork...My Doc said that he thinks my test is still in the "bounce back" status after stopping but I'm not entirely sure. I don't feel like I have high testosterone. He only did a total testosterone test which sucks. I think I'll hold off on anything hormone related and focus on how to get my cholesterol levels back down health values....
Proviron does not aromatize so it will never give you high E2, instead it binds to the aromatase enzyme and prevents testosterone from aromatizing so less E2 is produced and more of your own or exogenous testosterone is available to your system
There is a misunderstanding - I agree that Proviron doesn't cause high E2.

But because it does lower E2, I'm forced to dose a higher base level of testosterone (otherwise I will get low E2 symptoms).

And because the proviron gets broken down so quickly, the higher base level of T then creates high E2 symptoms later in the day. I know - I'm super sensitive to E2 flux, that's why I asked for suggestions to reduce this sensitivity.
There is a misunderstanding - I agree that Proviron doesn't cause high E2.

But because it does lower E2, I'm forced to dose a higher base level of testosterone (otherwise I will get low E2 symptoms).

And because the proviron gets broken down so quickly, the higher base level of T then creates high E2 symptoms later in the day. I know - I'm super sensitive to E2 flux, that's why I asked for suggestions to reduce this sensitivity.
Primobolan is better for estrogen control than Proviron. The enanthate ester combined with milder androgenic effects compared to Proviron make it a go-to choice for me.
Primobolan is better for estrogen control than Proviron. The enanthate ester combined with milder androgenic effects compared to Proviron make it a go-to choice for me.
Great recommendation, thanks. Curious to know if you would consider masteron enanthate for the same purpose?
Great recommendation, thanks. Curious to know if you would consider masteron enanthate for the same purpose?
There are plenty of guys, primarily ex-competitors, that use masteron to compliment their testosterone therapy. Masteron, however, possesses stronger estrogen antagonistic effects than Primobolan does. You can always try one or the other to see which one you feel best on. Masteron makes me feel like I’ve crashed my estrogen, though. I personally prefer Primo if I’m going to use an anabolic to help with antagonizing estrogen.
Just quickly, because i'm at work -

It would seem that if you're starting off with a high testosterone level, it's not so problematic. But it reduced total testosterone in all subjects
Hi @seppuku .
I was having a look at the abstract of the article you posted here, and it is a study of clinical effects of 300-450 mg daily mesterolone, which is at a range considered as suppresive, that's why all the subjects had eventually lower testosterone levels. I can`t read the whole article but it does't speak about testicular damage from proviron.
I Don't say it is not true it could harm the testicles but I am just trying to find the reliable source of that infotmation. I am really interested to know the truth since I recently did a short trial (75 mg daily) and I felt good on it but stopped. I would be interested to use it longer time combined with HCG for fertility and help control high E2.
You were only taking 25mg a day, and for only about 6 months, based on what I've researched, I find it hard to believe it could be that bad for your testicles...

I would appreciate anybody supplying more information about this topic...

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