INDIA PHARMA HCG ~1/10 under dosed.

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I would like to know if there are any drugs that the ingredients are not made in China or India.
would imagine very few! but the point is very different standards/tracking etc... I imagine canada made pregnyl is from third world country lady pee.. lol imagine if ur dr offered to buy ur piss.... maybe most ladies are used to that though..

also i think cubans goal is to have them actually made in USA and not capsuled. at that point better off just having capsuled in china. or perhaps just a sales pitch and really the goal is to help lower drug prices for folks in USA.
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would imagine very few! but the point is very different standards/tracking etc... I imagine canada made pregnyl is from third world country lady pee.. lol imagine if ur dr offered to buy ur piss.... maybe most ladies are used to that though..

also i think cubans goal is to have them actually made in USA and not capsuled. at that point better off just having capsuled in china. or perhaps just a sales pitch and really the goal is to help lower drug prices for folks in USA.
in the usa all of it seems like
ok guys one more note, i massively ramped up my zyhcg dose last week since 'it is underdosed', a injected about half a bottle of zyhcg in 3 injections. if those results in the original posting hold true, that would be merely a 400IU dose. i noticed a huge increase in libido followed by pretty bad anxiety. I had a similar thing happen to me in the past with mega doses of HCG, and this was due to rising e2 and a dose of 0.25mg anastrazole completely resolved those issues within 24h. unfortunately i had no AI left, and i had to ride it out, and it took 3-4 days to resolve once I stopped injections. this whole experience makes me think that zyhcg is in fact NOT underdosed, at least the one I have. back in the day when you can get HCG from empower, I had similar experiences with too high dosing. i still will try eutrig since it is super cheap, but this whole thing throws even more question into the underdosing debacle
ok guys one more note, i massively ramped up my zyhcg dose last week since 'it is underdosed', a injected about half a bottle of zyhcg in 3 injections. if those results in the original posting hold true, that would be merely a 400IU dose. i noticed a huge increase in libido followed by pretty bad anxiety. I had a similar thing happen to me in the past with mega doses of HCG, and this was due to rising e2 and a dose of 0.25mg anastrazole completely resolved those issues within 24h. unfortunately i had no AI left, and i had to ride it out, and it took 3-4 days to resolve once I stopped injections. this whole experience makes me think that zyhcg is in fact NOT underdosed, at least the one I have. back in the day when you can get HCG from empower, I had similar experiences with too high dosing. i still will try eutrig since it is super cheap, but this whole thing throws even more question into the underdosing debacle
Thanks for posting your results. I've also had great success with zyhcg.
I also got same side effects as spacemonkey on 100iu of pharma grade (good for 60 day brand so prob overdosed) feelz is not science guys as much as you want it to be :)

get some pharma pregnyl and report back...
I also got same side effects as spacemonkey on 100iu of pharma grade (good for 60 day brand so prob overdosed) feelz is not science guys as much as you want it to be :)

get some pharma pregnyl and report back...
i might try some eutrig. fuck pregnyl $$$. again, back in the empower HCG days i got the same issues. no way in hell the entire hcg world is underdosed except pregnyl
i might try some eutrig. fuck pregnyl $$$. again, back in the empower HCG days i got the same issues. no way in hell the entire hcg world is underdosed except pregnyl
but you have to remember these india pharma brands for the most part arent even used in india and are for export only. does the label say wether or not its recombinant or pee based?

also remember 1 brand from india appears to be overdosed consistently.

also, i took actually under 100iu of pharma and was "too much" but great for libido orgasm volume etc. so just because you FEEL it doesnt mean alot..

im fairly certain jano tests for more than the isofrom we want of HCG aswell.
Ciao, sono un nuovo iscritto e devo farti i complimenti per la qualità del forum. Davvero ben fatto. Ti scrivo dall'Italia e devi perdonare il mio inglese. In Italia la TRT non è ben accolta dai dottori. In ogni caso ci sono un paio di andrologi famosi che danno ricette per le terapie. Tuttavia, fanno fatture con un costo piuttosto elevato. Attualmente seguo i consigli del forum e assumo Testosterone enantato (120 mg a settimana) e gonadotropina (2 x 500 UI a settimana). Li prenderò lì
dall'Estonia. Il testosterone ha un prezzo accettabile ma l'HCG non è economico. Vedo dal forum che lo compri in India. Ho provato a ottenere preventivi per 10 confezioni ma siamo più o meno oltre i 25 $ a scatola. Paghi anche tu così tanto? Hai un contatto o un link che puoi passarmi per acquistare a prezzi migliori? Grazie per il tuo aiuto. Alexander
Ciao, sono un nuovo iscritto e devo farti i complimenti per la qualità del forum. Davvero ben fatto. Ti scrivo dall'Italia e devi perdonare il mio inglese. In Italia la TRT non è ben accolta dai dottori. In ogni caso ci sono un paio di andrologi famosi che danno ricette per le terapie. Tuttavia, fanno fatture con un costo piuttosto elevato. Attualmente seguo i consigli del forum e assumo Testosterone enantato (120 mg a settimana) e gonadotropina (2 x 500 UI a settimana). Li prenderò lì
dall'Estonia. Il testosterone ha un prezzo accettabile ma l'HCG non è economico. Vedo dal forum che lo compri in India. Ho provato a ottenere preventivi per 10 confezioni ma siamo più o meno oltre i 25 $ a scatola. Paghi anche tu così tanto? Hai un contatto o un link che puoi passarmi per acquistare a prezzi migliori? Grazie per il tuo aiuto. Alexander
tutti frutti - is that the same language as this post?
Hi, I'm a new member and I have to compliment you on the quality of the forum. Really well done. I am writing to you from Italy and you must forgive my English. In Italy TRT is not well received by doctors. In any case there are a couple of famous andrologists who give recipes for therapies. however, they make invoices with a rather high cost. I currently follow the advice of the forum and take Testosterone enanthate (120 mg per week) and gonadotropin (2 x 500 IU per week). I'll get them there
from Estonia. Testosterone is reasonably priced but HCG is not cheap. I see from the forum that you buy it in India. I tried to get quotes for 10 boxes but we're more or less over $25 a box. Do you pay that much too? Do you have a contact or link that you can pass on to me to purchase at the best prices? Thanks for your help. Alexander
I bought a lot of Puretrig 5000 i.u from Reliable and I just don't feel it works. I started 250 every 3rd day, up it to 500 and couldn't tell any difference.

I bought some Pharmaqo 5000 from a different place and I could tell a huge difference. I only tried one bottle and it's quite expensive compared to Reliable.

All this just based on feeling, no testing of any kind.

I might get some ZYHCG and give it a try. Do you all source it from Reliable also?
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Hi, I'm a new member and I have to compliment you on the quality of the forum. Really well done. I am writing to you from Italy and you must forgive my English. In Italy TRT is not well received by doctors. In any case there are a couple of famous andrologists who give recipes for therapies. however, they make invoices with a rather high cost. I currently follow the advice of the forum and take Testosterone enanthate (120 mg per week) and gonadotropin (2 x 500 IU per week). I'll get them there
from Estonia. Testosterone is reasonably priced but HCG is not cheap. I see from the forum that you buy it in India. I tried to get quotes for 10 boxes but we're more or less over $25 a box. Do you pay that much too? Do you have a contact or link that you can pass on to me to purchase at the best prices? Thanks for your help. Alexander

What brands of hCG do they have in Estonia?
Can you buy it over the counter with no prescription?
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