I'm a jackass Please Help!


New Member
So great to find you guys all the information has been really helpful so far! Wish I had known about this website couple months ago. My Dr. has been trying to get me to go on testosterone replacement for three years now! I have tested below 400 numerous times and she explain to me how much better would make me feel. I was worried about having to use needles I Just ignored her. I went back to her about a month and a half ago and she started me on hundred and 150 mg of Cyp a week to be tested in four weeks. I know that's a large dose to start someone on but I'm 6'4" inches tall into the 295 pounds about 20% body fat! (played football in the SEC) seemed right to me. So I had to genius plan of going in for my blood test after having eaten junk food for a few days, having very little sleep, and watch the first season of Glee (jk) so my testosterone levels would come in really low! It came back at 295. So I essentially convinced her to give me about 200 mg every four days. After reading all the information on here I Understand how stupid that is. So needless to say my estrogen got all out of whack. Gained a ton of water weight the first few weeks higher blood pressure and headaches and then last week nipple sensitivity! Which scares me. So I cut my doses back to 80 mg every three days and started taking 1 mg. of anastrozole a day and have been for the last 5 days as I have read on here that you do until the symptoms died down. But I'm still having nipple sensitivity. A lot of the water weight seems to have gone and blood pressure is back to normal. So I'm not sure exactly what to do I know this is a strong drug and I don't want to cause myself more harm. I know You have to be careful on specific advice on here but any thoughts would be very helpful. Also I have set up an appointment with Dr. Saya in a few weeks. I'm really thankful I found this website.
So great to find you guys all the information has been really helpful so far! Wish I had known about this website couple months ago. My Dr. has been trying to get me to go on testosterone replacement for three years now! I have tested below 400 numerous times and she explain to me how much better would make me feel. I was worried about having to use needles I Just ignored her. I went back to her about a month and a half ago and she started me on hundred and 150 mg of Cyp a week to be tested in four weeks. I know that's a large dose to start someone on but I'm 6'4" inches tall into the 295 pounds about 20% body fat! (played football in the SEC) seemed right to me. So I had to genius plan of going in for my blood test after having eaten junk food for a few days, having very little sleep, and watch the first season of Glee (jk) so my testosterone levels would come in really low! It came back at 295. So I essentially convinced her to give me about 200 mg every four days. After reading all the information on here I Understand how stupid that is. So needless to say my estrogen got all out of whack. Gained a ton of water weight the first few weeks higher blood pressure and headaches and then last week nipple sensitivity! Which scares me. So I cut my doses back to 80 mg every three days and started taking 1 mg. of anastrozole a day and have been for the last 5 days as I have read on here that you do until the symptoms died down. But I'm still having nipple sensitivity. A lot of the water weight seems to have gone and blood pressure is back to normal. So I'm not sure exactly what to do I know this is a strong drug and I don't want to cause myself more harm. I know You have to be careful on specific advice on here but any thoughts would be very helpful. Also I have set up an appointment with Dr. Saya in a few weeks. I'm really thankful I found this website.

Welcome to Excelmale - we're glad you've joined us. You're right, you showed no sense, but you've not done any lasting damage. First of all, stop taking one milligram of Anastrozole every day - that's a dose appropriate for a woman dealing with/recovering from breast cancer. It is quite likely that you have suppressed your estradiol to an absurd level. One takes an AI on the basis of symptoms and lab values, not on symptoms alone. When do you plan to speak with Dr. Saya? When will you draw your labs for Defy?

You will be fine, you're in good hands with Dr. Saya.
I am in the process of filling out the paperwork right now and hope to have an appointment within a couple weeks. I know he is busy. I understand about the symptoms and blood work. So you think I'll be okay just waiting until I can get my bloodwork and see him? Sounds like it could be a few weeks. I started taking that medicine the day I first felt sensitivity in my nipples. Really worried about getting bitch tits. Hopefully I lowered my does enough so I should be okay until that happens. Thanks so much for your help.
It is relatively easy to have sensitive nipples but quite a bit harder to get actual gyno so you should be fine. If you still feel nipple issues between now and your visit with Dr. Saya, a safe starting dose is 0.25 mg of Anaztrozole twice a week.
Hey man - at least your here and you will learn and start to get things dialed in.

80mg twice/week is a more reasonable starting place.

1mg of anastrozole DAILY is NOT. You don't want to crash your estrogen levels - because those symptoms are just as bad as high estrogen. No gyno risk, but no libido, joint pain, etc, can be pretty bad as well.

It's hard to know just how much you need without current lab tests and some trending to see how you aromatize, etc.

If it were me - I'd cut the 1mg tablet into quarters and take 0.25mg 2-4 times per week. Most people here will say to start with 0.25mg once or twice a week. But I'm living proof that some people need more than that. My dosage is 1.2mg/week.

Note to others reading along - I've been on very consistent dosage of 0.3mg anastrozole three times per week. So 0.9mg/week and my e2 Sensitive test came in at 50.3 pg/mL (range of 8.0 - 35.0 pg/mL on LabCorp). Was having swollen feet, sore nipples, etc. So we just bumped up my dosage to 0.4mg x 3 per week.
Thanks thats a lot of help! I actually read this on this site and thats what I was trying to follow. ·" anastrozole - Inhibits estrogen production. Available by prescription. 1 mg/day until sensitivity stops, then ½ mg per day." and since the symptoms continued I kept taking. This was from an article that Nelson had posted on side effects. I'm supposed to get my blood work done with my original doctor next week And they had told me with Dr. Saya that I could use those labs to begin working with them. I went into this foolishly and have no idea that you just couldn't take testosterone without experiencing side effects should've studied on it more. So I guess I can try .25 a few times a week to get me to my blood test and then go from there. I appreciate any thoughts on the matter.
I am in the process of filling out the paperwork right now and hope to have an appointment within a couple weeks. I know he is busy. I understand about the symptoms and blood work. So you think I'll be okay just waiting until I can get my bloodwork and see him? Sounds like it could be a few weeks. I started taking that medicine the day I first felt sensitivity in my nipples. Really worried about getting bitch tits. Hopefully I lowered my does enough so I should be okay until that happens. Thanks so much for your help.

Gynecomastia doesn't appear in a matter of days. While you've knocked your system silly with a weekly dose of 400mg, you are unlikely to be developing breasts. In addition to the new labs you have drawn for your Defy consultation, be sure that you older, original lab resukts teach Dr. Saya as well.
Thanks thats a lot of help! I actually read this on this site and thats what I was trying to follow. ·" anastrozole - Inhibits estrogen production. Available by prescription. 1 mg/day until sensitivity stops, then ½ mg per day." and since the symptoms continued I kept taking. This was from an article that Nelson had posted on side effects. I'm supposed to get my blood work done with my original doctor next week And they had told me with Dr. Saya that I could use those labs to begin working with them. I went into this foolishly and have no idea that you just couldn't take testosterone without experiencing side effects should've studied on it more. So I guess I can try .25 a few times a week to get me to my blood test and then go from there. I appreciate any thoughts on the matter.

The advice you quoted here was hardly cutting-edge therapy. Anastrozole is prescribed with care and precision, when it is prescribed (it is, by no means, a part of everyone's protocol).
I am very similiar to you in body make up. 6-2 295 and muscular. Doctor prescribed 200mg split 2x a week. I noticed increased oilyness and acne flare ups. I'm 52 and never had acne issues in my life before TRT. My TT numbers ran in the 900's. I felt great but the acne was killing me.
I lowered my dose to 160mg, so 80 mg (.40 cc) 2x a week.
Acne subsided, I still feel great and TT runs in the 700's. I no longer deal with certain side effects and no longer need to donate blood regularity to manage high hematocrit, and I only need to take .25mg adex twice a week on injection days to manage e2.

You CANNOT manage your hormones the way you are currently. Stick to a simple protocal and take it slow. Adex is a powerful drug and can cause you All sorts of problems if not taken correctly. Buy a pill splitter and start with .25mg once or twice a week if needed
Didn't play at A&M!I played at one of the real SEC schools! jk:) Im going from 40 yrs of experience of no drug/medicine ever working on me like a normal size person! I was never around any steroids of any kind so I just assumed you can just take them and didn't know you had to worry about side effects. I should've researched it more. Glad I found you guys.
It's ok, your are in good hands here too. I don't post much here because I am too active on other forums. This one seems well handled by the mods. I only come over when I need some expert advice LOL
I agree, a person size has nothing to do with the amount of testosterone to inject. You only can know by labs and how you feel.
By statistics it must have a correlation, doesn't it?
A body with 200 pounds needs more substance in average than a body with 100 pounds. I would be surprised if it wouldn't be like that.
By statistics it must have a correlation, doesn't it?
A body with 200 pounds needs more substance in average than a body with 100 pounds. I would be surprised if it wouldn't be like that.

You would think so. But that's a mistake a lot of people make. They think they need to inject more testosterone because of their size.

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