I have low T and need a good doctor


New Member
Just beginning to learn about low t and therapies available. Had total t tested as part of an annual physical based on a questionnaire which determined the tests ordered at the lab. Was puzzled since I wasn't asked about libido, etc. why they wanted to test for low t. I read about the symptoms and a light bulb went off. I am experiencing low energy: always need coffee in the afternoon, obese, insulin resistant, have developed man boobs, gain weight easily, find it difficult to build muscle, have memory problems, forgetfulness, low motivation, and on antidepressants. Total t at 295. Waiting on the results for free t to come back. Seems my doctor isn't willing to test lf, fsh, or estradiol. Doesn't do HCG. I want to find a specialist to differentiate primary/secondary and get to the root of the problem. Glad to be here.
Les, welcome to EM! Glad you joined!

Yes, IMO you should be working with someone who will cover all the bases. I suspect your diagnosis would probably lean towards secondary hypo, but that's all speculation. If your gonadotropin profile if off the charts either way, then your physician might want to run some additional exams. Your E2 also needs managed based on what you described. Adding exogenous testosterone will convert downstream, and if you're prone to sides now it will only get worse.

Your free test % 'might' be a little low, as SHBG tends to be elevated when obesity is a factor. Get the labs and post them up, let's discuss some thoughts. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if your thyroid is not up to par. Hopefully you are getting some additional labs?
I did have other labs drawn: TSH, T3, T4, B12, CBC, CMP, Lipids, and PSA. My liver enzymes were borderline. Having additional testing. I suspect fatty liver based on what I've read. Everything else tested was in range, including thyroid. Would a urologist be my best bet for a more thorough workup and treatment plan? Thanks, I'll update when more is known.
Welcome to the Forum. This is a great place to gain knowledge and it is full of great people that want to help. I am blown away by the quality of men on this forum. Nelson is extremely knowledgeable as well as compassionate person always ready to help.
Good luck and learn all you can, because as I found out not all physicians understand proper TRT.
If I can help let me know.

Welcome to our community.

Let me know if you need a doctor. You can send me a private message.

Please post your lab work on the lab work forum folder.

We are here to make the road easier on men who are starting their health journey or those tired of searching for answers.

Dunemedic, thanks for your kind words.
New member - updated

My free t level is 38 (ref 47-244). Going to see someone else who will test LH, FSH, and estradiol. I will post full results in separate thread when known.

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