I am saddened to inform everyone of Lee Myer's accidental death

Nelson Vergel

Founder, ExcelMale.com
I am very sad to inform everyone that our friend Lee Myer (his real name was Curt Moyer) died in a car accident after picking up his boy at school on Tuesday. His boy is recovering from several fractures.

He was the founder of PeakTestosterone.com and author of Natural vs. Testosterone Therapy. He was a man that helped thousands without seeking any reward in return. Most did not even know he used an assumed name for his extensive and prolific work on his site and books.

Here is his orbituary

Curt and I were good friends and collaborated with each other weekly. He was a kind and generous man. He leaves behind his wonderful wife, kids and all of us who loved and respected him for what he was and for his generosity helping thousands live a better life.

We are all in shock and will inform you soon of any pertinent information. I would like to collect thoughts from all of you to present to his family when we honor his life in a memorial service (yet to be announced)

This is a sad and shocking day for all of us. His legacy will live on as we all have been touched by his kindness and true altruism.

Here is an interview I recently did with him:

Interview with Lee Myer, Author of "Natural vs Testosterone Therapy"

If you were benefitted by his work, please reply to this post. I am collecting people's testimonials for his kids to see what their father did for the world.

If you would like to help his family with expenses, please donate using this link. Thank you

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Shocking indeed. I don’t believe it =(. Natural vs. Testosterone Therapy was one of the first few books I read on the subject and still one of my favorites. I frequented Lee’s site often for the excellent content, wide variety of subject matter and great podcasts. Thank you very much Lee for your efforts and contributions in the area of men’s health. Nelson, if you could, please extend the sincerest of condolences to his family, he will be greatly missed, and I am sure I don’t speak alone in saying that his extensive work is not only appreciated, but will not be forgotten as well.
For some years ago before my TRT journey began and found his site. I didn´t have a clue about many things back then. I was worried about some health issue and I wrote him an email about my concerns. I was not expecting any answer what so ever but wrong I was. I received a fantastic answer back. Where he explained the matter and even directed me with some of his suggestions. I never got to know him in person but he must have been a great man with great altruism. I sadden by this tragic bad news. Rest in peace Lee!
I was fortunate enough to be introduced to Lee through his forum, Peak Testosterone.
We are also a site sponsor for Peak T as well and Lee was very gracious in allowing me to engage in dialogue with guys who were interested and/or who had questions regarding our services as a patient liason.
Recently he interviewed several of us (some moderators as well) who frequent the site about our experiences with TRT and what it took to reach/live a fully optimized life.
He was constantly trying to provide guys with the information they needed to not only undergo a successful TRT program but life in general as well.
His forum was run and monitored professionally as he always kept the content relevant and on point.
He and his team of moderators do a great job.
I unfortunately never was able to meet him in person, but the times we talked definitely left an impression on me.
He was passionate about this particular area of health as many of us are and he earnestly wanted as many of us out there to have access to both quality care and information with respect to all things TRT.
I am extremely grateful for having been able to work with him over the last 2 years and thankful for all that he has done for so many men including myself.
Thank you Lee!
I am deeply saddened and truly shocked at this terrible news. I exchanged many PMs and posts with Peak over the earlier years of his site (I always called him Peak so I'll do that here) and was a moderator (Festus) for one of the topic areas of his site back in the days when there were different thread categories. There are very few people who try to maximize their health and minimize aging, while also publicly and candidly recording their successes and challenges so that others can benefit, and Peak was one of those generous few.

While Peak and I agreed on many things and also disagreed on some things as those who followed our posts would be aware, I learned a lot from him and the community he created. For example, he was the first source I found that discussed varicoceles which is something I turned out to have, and for that and many other things I will always be deeply grateful.

In thinking about his legacy, I truly think he, (and Nelson, and others like them) are true pioneers in what is an emerging paradigm of crowd-sourced healthcare that is evolving in real-time in front of us. Many of the major trends that are benefiting health as I write this share several characteristics:

- They are guided by discussion forums of un-paid contributors who share experiences and knowledge to help each other improve
- These communities combine a variety of backgrounds and points-of-view, including doctors, researchers, and people with wide arrays of experience, cultures and expertise to create a greater-than-the-sum-of-the-parts benefit
- The best of these communities have leaders who provide a degree of vision and crowd-control without which the community would disintegrate or not live up to its potential
- They embrace personalized health characteristics
- They give people the knowledge to view their own health (especially mental health) as something they can help to control, not just something that happens to them (something many of us commented on on Peak's site in the context of Robin Williams' death)
- They are almost completely unsupported by mainstream research or health authorities and are in most cases aggressively opposed by mainstream “thinking”

The community Peak created, especially as it relates to hormonal therapies is a great example of what these communities can achieve. I believe in 10 or 20 years what emerges (such as crowdsourced research) from these types of communities will become the center of the best healthcare models and substantially replace the current chronic-care mainstream as more and more people abandon reactive symptom-suppression healthcare for the type of enlightened-patient thinking Peak championed. As Carl Lanore has been saying, the future of human evolutionary success is likely to be determined by access to the best information, (something I have absolutely found to be true as one can be the richest, smartest person in the world but someone who is armed with better information will be better off) and Peak strove to be a pioneer in that.

I admired Peak's boundless enthusiasm for new information (the first post I ever did on his site was about epigenetics which he immediately became fascinated with) and when we disagreed, the back-and-forth we had challenged my thinking,and made me refine my own views and manner of communicating them in ways that have since helped other people I have come in contact with. So his engagement with the health community will live on in ways he probably would not have expected. I also appreciated that his own views continued to constantly evolve as he learned new information, something many mainstream health celebrities seem to actively avoid.

I thought his best work was his analysis of TRT-related research where he applied excellent critical thinking and helped discredit a lot of the negativity coming from poorly done and/or negatively-biased TRT-related research. Ensuring that access to TRT and similar therapies not only remain available but improve and expand is something we can all thank Peak for his tireless pursuit of. This sad event is yet another reminder to say “thank you” while people are alive to hear it.

I am especially sad for Peak's family and friends. Hopefully over time they can find some degree of comfort and purpose in knowing that he helped far more people than most people ever do, and carry forward a part of that in some way. I wish comfort and peace for his family, friends, and the entire Peak T community.
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Back in 2010 I wrote this email to Lee its starts from the bottom an up. As I read my email I feel like I didn´t know anything lol. Why on earth would a person from US answer an email like mine send from a stupid swede living in Porugal. But he did answer me back. Some years later I started my TRT journey and learned a lot from his site and shortly after I became a member of EM and rest is history. I think his answers to my naiv emails shows what a person he must have been.
The conversation starts off at the end of the this page.

I am going to research some of the items you wrote below when I get a chance - very interesting. One comment: it sounds like you're steadily making improvements to your diet and lifestyle. Keep it up. Try to keep the progress going. It rarely happens overnight for any of us.

Also, when I read the word Portugal, it made me run and pour a glass of tawny port in your honor. Just love it...

Again, thx for the encouragement. Please let me know how things are going if you get a chance.

Spread the word about the site if you think of it!


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Some questions
From: "Tommy Wallberg" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, December 22, 2010 4:20 am
To: <[email protected]>


Thank you very much for your answer and suggestions. It certainly deserves an answer (though late).

I will look into the Ornish Diet though it looks a bit rigid to me. I am allergic to most of the raw vegs like carrots and potatos etc.. unless firstly ****ed. Fresh vegs like lettuce and tomatoes etc.. no problem. Allergic as well to fish and nuts, all this has made me a meat eater. But I am sure that following the Ornish Diet could be arrange in one way or another though with more planning. But one has to work sometimes!

I am Swedish but live in Portugal and as you probably know down in the south of Europe there is a very different way of drinking. Here you/one drink wine everyday (thought with moderation) which I tend to forget. My doc told that me that my high levels of trigs ( if left untreated up 500+) has to do with alcohol, even if only a moderate intake. As I understood him, my bad working enzymes? will go and burn off the alcohol first and leave the fat behind. So I know how to keep the levels down including less carbs. My cholesterol are normally with Crestor 5-10mg around 220 and if left without treatment up to 300+. 5 years back I used to exercise, running almost every day and even then, a lot more fit than today my cholesterol was still high. My doc told that my pancreas/liver? is a factory of producing cholesterol. In general docs here are very sceptical to alternative medicine/herbs and tend to me more of pill pushers.

As you suggested I will definitely check my testosterone levels.

Thank you very much again. I will continue read your articles on your website.

Best regards,


----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
To: Tommy Wallberg
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2010 10:42 PM
Subject: RE: Some questions

Hello. Thanks for the encouragement!

First of all, let me say that it is very important to work with your doc. Many herbs slow down and/or speed up absorption in the liver, so it is very important you clear anything with your doc first. Even pomegranate juice can alter absorption!

Of course, there's a million things I could write, but here's a couple of important points:

1. I definitely recommend against Testojack. It contains ZMA which is an excitotoxin. That is the last thing that you need in your late 40's (or any time of life). Save your neurons and hypothalamus.
2. You can buy the constituent ingredients from Amazon for a very reasonable price if you want to try it out. Tribulis and Tongkat Ali have debatable results from the studies, but of course you can try. No one really knows if these are safe to take for decades.
3. Get your testosterone checked (if you haven't already) and make sure you do not have low testosterone. Low testosterone is associated with diabetes, heart disease and other major issues. It can also lead to low libido.
4. My most important point: some people are very sensitive to saturated fat. You can dramatically lower your cholesterol by simply cutting saturated fat out of your diet. (You may even be able to get off the statins.) You want to get your cholesterol below 150 and you should be able to do this easily by going on a Low Fat Diet. I highly recommend that you consider an Ornish Diet. Read his books, talk to your doc and decide for yourself. An Ornish Diet could potentially lower testosterone slightly but you will more than make for it with the increased nitric oxide, decreased blood pressure and dramatically improved lipid profile.
5. Triglycerides, as you may know, are strongly correlated with carbs. Get rid of all unrefined carbs.
6. Maca helps with libido and has been eaten as a food for centures - it should be safe for most people. HGW and Pycnogenol have excellent safety and side effect profiles, but no one has studied decades of use. L-Arginine has many cautions - please see my pages on this - and if you are going to take it should imo only be taken in low doses, say less than 1.5 grams/day.

Let me know what you think...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Some questions
From: "Tommy Wallberg" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, December 05, 2010 10:16 am
To: <[email protected]>


Thank you for a very interesting web site you have. It covers a lot of info which I have been looking for lately. Good Job!

My name is Tommy (swedish) and I am getting close to 50. I have had high levels of Cholesterol + triggs since my mid 30 (genetically) and been on all kinds of drugs ( Crestor- Zocors etc.) since then.

For some year I noticed a lot weaker libido and erections which made me start searching for alternative to Viagra etc..

I just bought some pills from NOW FOODS Testojack100 which has a mix of ingredients that seem OK to me. Do you have any comment reg them?

According to one of your article you recommend Pycnogenol together with L-arginine - my question is the following: What do you think of taking Testojack together with these two?

Any cycles like 5 out of 7 days to consider or?

Since there are so many herbs out there, like Horny Goat Weed, Maca etc.. it is very difficult to chose something that is both effective and healthy.

I would be happy if you could give me any suggestions.

Many thx

Tommy Wallberg

I never met him but I got significant benefits from the information at Peak Testosterone. He did a great service to many men through the information he shared freely. Sorry to hear about his passing.
Wow. A devastating loss. So sad to hear

I found peak testosterone prior to excelmale and received what I'd consider an excellent preliminary education in trt. I also had direct contact with Lee and found him a helpful caring and gracious person. Seriously a dedicated sharing and all around decent good guy.

Though I didn't know him closely I'll personally miss him and know what a huge loss this is for everyone.

RIP Lee and condolences to your family.
Curt (Lee/PeakT) was a patient of mine and, more importantly, a friend and an ally in men's health and wellness. I'm still in shock of his sudden loss and will grieve the loss of a very altruistic friend for a long time. RIP my friend. Your legacy will live on through all of the lives you've touched.
Nelson and I are working with Peak's wife to arrange a GoFundMe campaign to offer some support to his family during this tragic time.

It should be linked to PeakTestosterone within the week (hopefully). Those looking to offer a tangible expression of gratitude will then have an avenue to do so. He was and always will be a cherished member of the men's health brotherhood.
Here is a video made for his celebration of life ceremony this past week.

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If you would like to help his wife and 3 kids, please donate here:

GoFundme Campaign

Thank you.

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