I am considering stopping clomid and starting TRT and have a few questions


New Member
44 year old male 6'2" 250 lbs 30 bmi. I eat a strict Paleo diet and have lost 85 pounds in the last two years since starting it. I do not lift or exercise but work outside on my feet most of the time.

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Dr tested me for low t and it was 168. He told me to see a specialist and I eventual ended up with dr saya (started with crisler but he left). Was started on .25 clomid eod. Test went up to 480 e2 went up to 40.1 they stated me on anastrozole .15 compounded with dim 200mg 3 times a week. E2 came down to 30 test stayed around 480 for three months maybe four then dr saya told me to try .25 clomid ed and see if my t went up. I just had blood drawn after a few months of .25 ed and t went up to 520. Free dropped from 15 to 12 lh was 8 e2 was still 30. I felt better at .25 eod so Dr told me to go back to taking .25 eod.[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]I feel better than I did before clomid but I want to feel the absolute best I can. I am curious if having higher t levels would make me feel even better. The thing that scares me is if I stop clomid and start trt and dont like it and I go back to clomid whats my chances of getting back to where I am now and feel ok but not great. I know very little about how this all works. I know I can easily get higher t levels by starting a hcg, t, and anastrozole protocol but would like to know if its worth doing before I make the change

Would I feel better with higher t levels that trt will give me vs clomid?

Whats the chance of getting back to where I am now with clomid after stopping trt? I am a lot less anxious now that I am taking clomid. I used to suffer from anxiety regularly before clomid and love that it has decreased significantly.

What effect does trt have on anxiety? I have read some people say they had worse anxiety and others say it lowered their anxiety. It seems to me that since clomid helped with anxiety in my case that trt shouldnt change that? I dont know what made my anxiety better with clomid. Was it the rise it caused in my t or is it another effect of clomid? Regardless I like that it has helped me but really would like to feel better. Less tired more energy better sleep all the things I read about in others post about trt.

I would follow through with the Chomid protocol, if you're not happy with results. You should consider TRT, just remember it's a life time commitment.
I dont plan on quitting clomid unless I start TRT. Its not that I am not satisfied with my results from taking clomid. I am very happy with the results I just wish there were more. Since my testis are not going to make any more t on there own than what they are now being on clomid for 5 months it seems the highest I am going to get level wise is 500. I just wonder if being in the 500 area is as good as I can feel. Would I feel better with a t count around 1000 or twice what I can achieve on clomid?

I would try it just to see if the higher levels made me feel better then go back to clomid if they didnt. But I am afraid that stopping clomid and starting TRT and my boys shutting down completely because of it that they will not come back to the same levels that I am getting on clomid now or around 500. I have read that once shutting down your testes natural production with replacement then trying to restart later down the road can be difficult. As it is mine seem to be weak since they can only reach 500 on clomid. Is it worth taking the risk? Whats the chances that I would not be able to restart my natural production by taking clomid again if I decided to come off TRT? I just dont want to make a decision that could possibly ruin the gains I have already made if taking testosterone isnt right for me.
Dr Crisler left shortly after I started with Defy. Dr Saya took over my case. I have had one consultation with him since he upped my clomid dosage to see if I would do better at .25 ed. He told me then that 500 is still on the low side and that I would probably feel better with a higher t level. I did not respond to more clomid I only gained 40 points. Since I felt better on .25 eod he told me to go back to it and think about starting TRT. Thats where I am at now. Trying to weigh my options. I would love to feel better. I just dont know how much better I would feel if any on trt and if its worth even trying. Really I was hoping someone who had experienced the same type of low gains on clomid then started trt could tell me how they responded. Maybe I should just man up and give it a shot.
Dr Crisler left shortly after I started with Defy. Dr Saya took over my case. I have had one consultation with him since he upped my clomid dosage to see if I would do better at .25 ed. He told me then that 500 is still on the low side and that I would probably feel better with a higher t level. I did not respond to more clomid I only gained 40 points. Since I felt better on .25 eod he told me to go back to it and think about starting TRT. Thats where I am at now. Trying to weigh my options. I would love to feel better. I just dont know how much better I would feel if any on trt and if its worth even trying. Really I was hoping someone who had experienced the same type of low gains on clomid then started trt could tell me how they responded. Maybe I should just man up and give it a shot.

You wrote that you "don't know how much better I would feel on TRT" after a middling response to Clomid. Well, each and everyone of us responds to this hormonal adventure differently, and, yes, there are some of us here who don't find success on TRT - my friend ERO being an excellent example. It can, and probably will, take time to balance your protocol if you initiate direct testosterone replacement, but it made a world of difference in my life and the lives of scores of us here. If, as you wrote, you'd love to feel better, it's your best option.
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Before I started clomid I was anxious all the time. Since starting clomid my anxiety has all but disappeared. For that alone I would be happy with clomid for the rest of my life. I just never really had any of the other benifits I have read others treating low t experience like more energy, better libido, weight loss, better sleep, better mood. I would love to have those and keep the low anxiety also. What really scares me is I start TRT become anxious again quit TRT go back on clomid and never get the anxiety to go away the way it was before. I have read and been told that some people experience more anxiety while on TRT. I really dont want more than I had prior to clomid. It really sucked being anxious all the time. I never realized how bad it was until it went away.
Before I started clomid I was anxious all the time. Since starting clomid my anxiety has all but disappeared. For that alone I would be happy with clomid for the rest of my life. I just never really had any of the other benifits I have read others treating low t experience like more energy, better libido, weight loss, better sleep, better mood. I would love to have those and keep the low anxiety also. What really scares me is I start TRT become anxious again quit TRT go back on clomid and never get the anxiety to go away the way it was before. I have read and been told that some people experience more anxiety while on TRT. I really dont want more than I had prior to clomid. It really sucked being anxious all the time. I never realized how bad it was until it went away.

Some people do report increased anxiety on TRT, and many report that those symptoms abate. In my own case, a sense of unremitting depression disappeared, sleep was restored, energy rebounded, and my sex life returned. Would that be the case of you started a TRT protocol? I would hope so, but certainly can't say so with absolute certainty. Most of our members - though again, not all - see positive returns from their investment in direct androgen replacement. If you're comfortable with your present situation on Clomid, maintain it. The one person who could help you sort out these issues with more skill than anyone is Dr. Saya; he's written that there is very little he's not seen. Put it on the table in conversation with him, and then make a decision that you can live with.
Before I started clomid I was anxious all the time. Since starting clomid my anxiety has all but disappeared. For that alone I would be happy with clomid for the rest of my life. I just never really had any of the other benifits I have read others treating low t experience like more energy, better libido, weight loss, better sleep, better mood. I would love to have those and keep the low anxiety also. What really scares me is I start TRT become anxious again quit TRT go back on clomid and never get the anxiety to go away the way it was before. I have read and been told that some people experience more anxiety while on TRT. I really dont want more than I had prior to clomid. It really sucked being anxious all the time. I never realized how bad it was until it went away.

There is indeed no way to foretell one's response for sure. Only way to know is to try, but I certainly understand your dilemma.
Well I guess I will heed your advice and call and see about trying TRT. Hopefully I will have a positive result that I can report back in a few months. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Thanks Dr Saya I am very happy with your company so far. I will be calling to see how I need to progress
Well I guess I will heed your advice and call and see about trying TRT. Hopefully I will have a positive result that I can report back in a few months. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Thanks Dr Saya I am very happy with your company so far. I will be calling to see how I need to progress

We will give you the best chance at success with a TRT protocol if that's the route you choose, but as Coastwatcher noted, there WILL be an adjustment and titration process involved so patience is key.

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