I’ve been on Clomid exclusively for 3 years

So, wife did my injection last night! We did 75MG and will do the next injection Sunday. She’s a CRNA so it was no biggy for her and she may have even enjoyed sticking me.. lol Dr’s office wanted 100$ a month for HCG got her to send my script to empower and it’s going to cost 39$ a month! Score! Next time I need test refill I’m going to request I get it at the pharmacy. They sold me a Kit with needles and a vile that will last me 3 months for 200$. That’s pretty steep considering I can get the same vile and dosage for 40$ at cvs and my wife can get needles for next to nothing through work.. anyways I’m still pleased! Total med cost should only be 53$ a month without an AI.
An update, I lifted some weights last night after not having the energy to do it in a long time. After my first set I felt my muscles felt pumped up and warm.. not as strong as my teens but a noticeable change compared to before. It felt good! When I lifted before I would just feel deflated, tired and weak. I’ve also noticed my joints feel somewhat better. They are popping a lot less and I don’t feel that dull pain in them as much anymore. Nipple sensitivity is gone. I’m confused because a lot of people say it took months to notice differences but I am wondering if being on Clomid and switching my body has taken to it quicker? I dunno. I’m sure things will only get better as I have only pinned 75MG this week and will do the rest Sunday. I have gotten over a cold so I am feeling better in that regard but overall the way my body responded to the weights has gotten me excited!
TRT will certainly give the weight lifting a boost. That's bro-science about it taking awhile to hit your system and feel it. The injections have already boosted your T levels significantly. T is powerful and most people previously running low will feel a difference right away.
Hi Bcliff, I enjoyed your intro vid. Yes expect many changes as your body starts adjusting to your injections. Some will be good and some will suck like oily skin and acne.
You have the T honeymoon coming up soon warn your wife and stay out of the grocery stores and Malls, unless you like getting slapped from every girl that walks by because you couldn't stop drooling. HaHa. It will usually last from 1 -3 weeks then all of a sudden you will swear your TRT is no longer working.

Looking forward to reading about your progress.
So a quick update. I got the HCG in yesterday took my first dose and a few hours later my boys were sore.. like blue balls sore. Guess they got the message lol. Anyways I am happy to report that the 2-3 days after the injection I’m feeling great... mainly the day after and the second day. What’s odd is somewhere around day 3-4 I fall apart. Like literally forcing myself against my will to do anything... which is today.. and tomorrow is injection day again. Being my SBGH is high I am wondering if a higher dose might be needed? Thanks
So I think what happened yesterday might not have been test related.. because yesterday when I woke up I felt good. I ate lunch at 12:30 and about an hour later I hit the wall and a few hours later I was feeling fine again. I woke up feeling fine too. Maybe I ate something. Who knows I think that’s great news tho maybe dosing is fine.
So I think what happened yesterday might not have been test related.. because yesterday when I woke up I felt good. I ate lunch at 12:30 and about an hour later I hit the wall and a few hours later I was feeling fine again. I woke up feeling fine too. Maybe I ate something. Who knows I think that's great news tho maybe dosing is fine.

You will be having many good and bad days as all your harmones start balancing out.
Some will over shoot and mess with you. Just ride it out and if it persists think about a possible change.
Don't fall into the trap of waking up in the morning and asking yourself how do I feel? OH bad maybe I should change my protocol.
I’ve done 2 video updates since my first. I’m feeling pretty good with the exception a few hours of that one day. I think I may have overdone it on the carbs that day for lunch and I crashed. I try to eat more low carb higher protein and fat meals. Anyways, I’ll get my labs on Dec 14th and I’ll keep y’all posted if anything changes! Happy Thanksgiving!!
You will be having many good and bad days as all your harmones start balancing out.
Some will over shoot and mess with you. Just ride it out and if it persists think about a possible change.
Don't fall into the trap of waking up in the morning and asking yourself how do I feel? OH bad maybe I should change my protocol.

Hormones, not harmones! I've noticed that you continually type "harmones", so I know this was not just a typo!
Things seem to be going good! The HCG has stopped having such a strong effect on the boys.. Only problem I’m having is that I’m gaining weight.. like 11 pounds since I started.. I’ve been lifting weights pretty heavily.. I’m following a 3 day a week program from Bodybuilding.com.

I have one of those hand held devices that supposedly measure bodyfat and BMI after you enter in your stats. On 11/29 I was 237 and 27.1% bodyfat.. today on 12/3 I’m 242 but my bodyfat calculated at 25.9. I did it twice to see if there was any variation in results and there wasn’t. Clothes are still fitting good? Maybe water weight as I’m not on an ai? Eat habits have not changed at all.. and I was losing weight before TRT.
Things seem to be going good! The HCG has stopped having such a strong effect on the boys.. Only problem I’m having is that I’m gaining weight.. like 11 pounds since I started.. I’ve been lifting weights pretty heavily.. I’m following a 3 day a week program from Bodybuilding.com.

I have one of those hand held devices that supposedly measure bodyfat and BMI after you enter in your stats. On 11/29 I was 237 and 27.1% bodyfat.. today on 12/3 I’m 242 but my bodyfat calculated at 25.9. I did it twice to see if there was any variation in results and there wasn’t. Clothes are still fitting good? Maybe water weight as I’m not on an ai? Eat habits have not changed at all.. and I was losing weight before TRT.

Hi Bob, I'll bet you are looking forward to the 14th. Have you drew blood yet?

I would not trust those old BMI tables they are out dated and hell just flat wrong. For around 6 bucks on amazon you can get one of these.
The are far more accurate. I usually pinch the same fat next to my bellybutton I inject in.

Do you still like the 2 shots a week? It sounds like you are running out of gas a day or two before your next shot.
Keeping with the same weekly prescribed dose have you considered smaller more frequent shots?
Honestly I haven’t felt like I have ran out of gas for the last two injections. I thought to myself today that I didn’t “feel” like I HAD to have it today. I did still do it though. I have had a bit of fun in rotating injection sites.. I’ve done butt, leg and deltoids... I have been using a 25 gauge 5/8” for deltoid and 25 gauge 1.5” for everything else. 25 gauge is awesome I barely feel it.The 23 gauge still had a bite to it.

This is what I’ve been using to measure bodyfat. Omron Fat Loss Monitor https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FYZMYK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_Y-ojAbKKK9CR8
I used one in the academy and it did seem to track accurately as I became more fit. My wife mentioned I’m snoring again. I just don’t think it’s possible that I’ve made such changes in such a short period of time... but I have been lifting on a intensity that I haven’t done in years. It’s been nice to lift so hard that I’m thinking man.. I’m going to be in trouble the next two days.. and haven’t been so sore I couldn’t function. Today’s workout included hitting my legs with 48 reps of 135 so we will see how that goes the next few days but honestly I’m not worried as much now. I will look into getting some calipers to see if the hand held device is accurate.. I will have my next blood draw on the 11th.. but your right I can’t wait. I think a lot of my weight gain has been due to estrogen because my diet has not been terrible and I’m doing an 18/6 intermittent fasting schedule. I dropped 10 pounds in two weeks prior to TRT... and I’ve gained back 11 since starting trt changing nothing.
I had my appointment yesterday and my test came back >1500 and 92 estrodial. She cut me back to 1/2cc weekly and maintaining hCG dosing and has started me on anastrozole she wants me to take 2 - 1mg tabs for 2 weeks then one a week after... thoughts on this? Should I cut them in half and do it twice a week? But overall I have felt good libido has been good.. weight has increased still.. up 14 lbs at the highest I’ve been. She says at a 92 estrodial I am holding a ton of water.
I had my appointment yesterday and my test came back >1500 and 92 estrodial. She cut me back to 1/2cc weekly and maintaining hCG dosing and has started me on anastrozole she wants me to take 2 - 1mg tabs for 2 weeks then one a week after... thoughts on this? Should I cut them in half and do it twice a week? But overall I have felt good libido has been good.. weight has increased still.. up 14 lbs at the highest I've been. She says at a 92 estrodial I am holding a ton of water.

I'm no doctor but she sure is throwing big numbers around. My protocol is the same as your old one 150mg /wk. I take .125mg anastrozole EOD so .375mg per week. I have no high E2 side effects. I've been on this protocol for 2 weeks so no bloods but I know what high and low E2 feels like. I have had both.

IMO since you are already reducing your T cyp (the source of your high E2) to 100mg/wk I would not take more than .5mg /wk.
Ya I was tempted to not do the initial 2 mg wk over the next 2wks and just stick to 1 mg.. maybe cut them in half and take it on my injection days for simplicity. I think the major source of my conversion is I’m carrying a lot of belly fat. Oddly enough she said I don’t have to come back for 6 months.. I’ll probably buy a lab from discount labs or see if I can get her to call in a lab at my local lab Corp in about a month or two. She’s about an hour and half away.. price post insurance is cheaper too than discountlabs. Kinda odd that my dr office doesnt include free test in their lab requests.. just total.
Ya I was tempted to not do the initial 2 mg wk over the next 2wks and just stick to 1 mg.. maybe cut them in half and take it on my injection days for simplicity. I think the major source of my conversion is I'm carrying a lot of belly fat. Oddly enough she said I don't have to come back for 6 months.. I'll probably buy a lab from discount labs or see if I can get her to call in a lab at my local lab Corp in about a month or two. She's about an hour and half away.. price post insurance is cheaper too than discountlabs. Kinda odd that my dr office doesnt include free test in their lab requests.. just total.
My PCP always ordered a ton of not needed at this time blood tests and he would leave out the important ones. If you buy just what you need from DiscountedLabs it might be close to break even. With your E2 thru the roof I would be worried about prolactin, you know the man boob hormone. With me they like to go up together.

It take 40 days for T cyp to reach steady state. IMO no need to do bloods until then.

Here's something I copied from another post. You might find it useful.
99% of people on TRT don't realize that after 5 half lives of any medication, you will have double the amount in your system. Just multiply the half life of a medication by 5, and this will give you how long it will take to reach a "steady state" of a medication a.k.a double the amount of that medication in your system compared to your first dose. For example, half life of Arimidex is 2 days. So 5x2 equals 10. So on the 10th day of taking Arimidex regularly, you will of reached the steady state of the Arimidex in your system. Here is how long it will take to reach a steady state for common medications

Testosterone Cyp (Half life 8 days) - Steady state in 40 days
Arimidex (Half life 2 days) - Steady state in 10 days
HCG (Half life 2 days) - Steady state in 10 days.

Remember, 5 x half life of a medication = Steady state of that medication.
Here’s my thyroid results for some reason it did not come back with the regular labs.
TSH 2.79 range .450-4.5
Reverse T3 13.6 R 9.2-24.1
Free T4. .95. R .82-1.77
Psa .9

I’m at the low end of normals on t3 and t4 but good for TSH?
Quick update.. I’ve taken the 1mg 2x a week as prescribed for almost 2 weeks now and have to take my final 1mg dose tomorrow.. I haven’t felt any side effects of being low but I have felt better. Less bloat in stomach and face.. weight did not change at all.. at the start of TRT I was 231 and got up to 242 without an AI and still averaging 242 to 244. I have made some significant weight lifting improvements though.
Week 1 135 bench was a good 8 rep range
Week 4 205 6 rep range for 4 sets
Week 1 Front Squat 95
Week 4 FS 185 x5 for 5 sets
Back squats are slightly higher at 205
Week 1 Clean pull 135
Week 4 CP 205x6 for 4 sets

Just a few examples of my lifting progress. My body shape is changing.. wife has been commenting on my shoulders are forearms being bigger.. it’s nice to have the energy and the drive to lift. About 3 years ago I had worked out at a local Crossfit gym and got up to 275 bench.. I think I could get back there in maybe 2-3 months! I would love to know where I could have really gotten if I had been right hormonally.
I think I may have found the low point. Eyes are dry and my body overall feels more achy.. I feel like my muscles aren’t recovering as well and lidibo is down.. plus some tennis elbow is flaring up.. Before the last adjustment I was needing some action 3-5 times a week and now it’s been 4-6 days.. I’ve felt pretty human the last few days.. where as when I was pre anastrozole and higher test doseage I was feeling nearly super human.. I could workout and have nearly a zero recovery time.. just feeling pumped the following day. What do y’all think I should do?

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