I was unnecessarily placed on TRT for 2 years - 200mg. I came off cold turkey under no supervision, and don’t really remember too much about the side effects, timeline, etc. I stayed off for 3 years, and again went back on. I was logging about 15-20 hours of endurance training a week, so I was a slight bit low on my free T. I don’t recall exactly what my free was, but my total was around 550. I am confident the low level was a product of training workload, but I don’t know for certain because I didn’t have bloodwork after my cold restart. This time around I’ve been one for around 3 years, I have battled estrogen non-stop the entire time. I am 100% over it. I partnered up with Defy a couple weeks ago to try a restart. I was told to cease injections, prescribed 30iu HCG daily for 14 days, stop HCG, and take .25 clomid for 6 weeks. Today is day 14 since my last injection, and day 10 of HCG. I still have a pretty good libido, ok energy, a little depressed, foggy, and soft erections. I have really noticed much of an increase in testicle size, but the volume of my load has increased. I am hopeful someone can help with a couple questions:
what should I expect for a timeline of symptom resolution, and 100% restart?
when will I know if it’s been successful?
how long until there’s a noticeable increase in testicle size?
what’s the likelihood of a successful restart?
I was unnecessarily placed on TRT for 2 years - 200mg. I came off cold turkey under no supervision, and don’t really remember too much about the side effects, timeline, etc. I stayed off for 3 years, and again went back on. I was logging about 15-20 hours of endurance training a week, so I was a slight bit low on my free T. I don’t recall exactly what my free was, but my total was around 550. I am confident the low level was a product of training workload, but I don’t know for certain because I didn’t have bloodwork after my cold restart. This time around I’ve been one for around 3 years, I have battled estrogen non-stop the entire time. I am 100% over it. I partnered up with Defy a couple weeks ago to try a restart. I was told to cease injections, prescribed 30iu HCG daily for 14 days, stop HCG, and take .25 clomid for 6 weeks. Today is day 14 since my last injection, and day 10 of HCG. I still have a pretty good libido, ok energy, a little depressed, foggy, and soft erections. I have really noticed much of an increase in testicle size, but the volume of my load has increased. I am hopeful someone can help with a couple questions:
what should I expect for a timeline of symptom resolution, and 100% restart?
when will I know if it’s been successful?
how long until there’s a noticeable increase in testicle size?
what’s the likelihood of a successful restart?