how to come off trt after 1 month


New Member
i am 30....I want to come off trt. I been on for 1 month. How would I come off. I currently am on test cyp 100mg x 2 times per week. Anastrozle .5 x 2 times per weeks. And 250iu hcg x 2 times a week.

I have sensitive in my chest and feel like crap. my e2 is 45 taken a three days after hcg injection, and two days after an test injection. My total test was 1500. My free test was 50......anyways we adjusted my dosage to test cyp 80mg x 2 times per week..... and .5 anastrozle 3 times a week. Keeping hcg where it is at......

Anyways....having the crazy sensitive chest feeling made me reconsider contining trt. How would I have to come off.....I talked to my trt clinic and I feel like they are only concerned with keeping me on.....vs helping me come off if I want to....

Thank you all for your expertise.....
i am 30....I want to come off trt. I been on for 1 month. How would I come off. I currently am on test cyp 100mg x 2 times per week. Anastrozle .5 x 2 times per weeks. And 250iu hcg x 2 times a week.

I have sensitive in my chest and feel like crap. my e2 is 45 taken a three days after hcg injection, and two days after an test injection. My total test was 1500. My free test was 50......anyways we adjusted my dosage to test cyp 80mg x 2 times per week..... and .5 anastrozle 3 times a week. Keeping hcg where it is at......

Anyways....having the crazy sensitive chest feeling made me reconsider contining trt. How would I have to come off.....I talked to my trt clinic and I feel like they are only concerned with keeping me on.....vs helping me come off if I want to....

Thank you all for your expertise.....

Stop, jsut stop it all, nothing is going to happen to you besides a return to how you were. You're Dr if that's the treatment he's directing for you in incompetent in TRT.
I feel sympathy for your situation. You're on a ridiculous protocol. Too much testosterone, too much anastrozole - even with the adjustments you discussed you're certainly not going to feel good. At this point you have two choices: find a good doctor, not all of them are working in T-mills such as the one you fell into, and get a solid protocol in place...or simply walk away. After one month you should regain the levels you posted prior to being treated by a charlatan. If you post your pre-TRT test results we'd be happy to point you in some possible directions.
Terrible protocol, it's no wonder you're suffering. Sure your doctor can legally prescribe testosterone expect doctor doesn't know what the hell he's doing!

OP just needs a better protocol, 40-50mg twice weekly, HCG 250iu twice weekly taken together with T-Cyp, .125-.25mg AI taken at time of injections. A protocol that aggressive is going to have bigger consequences if side effects are experienced, less aggressive protocol will be more manageable.
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After one month you should regain the levels you posted prior to being treated by a charlatan.

Do you think he would recover to baseline in one month because he has only been on for one month? How long would you think it would take someone who has been on for 6 months to return to baseline, or someone who has been on 1 year?
Do you think he would recover to baseline in one month because he has only been on for one month? How long would you think it would take someone who has been on for 6 months to return to baseline, or someone who has been on 1 year?

Yes, it's reasonable after only a month to expect levels to return without the need for intervention. As to those on TRT for six months, or 12, it's an open question. What was the baseline level before TRT began? Age when therapy started? Comorbidities? The longer one remains on TRT increases the need for a "re-start" protocol if one wishes to get off the train.
What should I do for the sensitive you think that will resolve on its own or is there anything that I need to do for that?

I am definitely going to walk away......thank you guys for the information.
also just to add...this is most certainly the protocol that the doctor started me....

Well, you were certainly ill-served by your doctor. He sent you down a road to hormone hell; what he did was never going to work. When you discuss "chest," do you mean nipple sensitivity? All should be well. Discontinue all elements of your protocol and in six to eight weeks things should have resolved. It's not at all uncommon for men on TRT, even first-rate protocols, to have some nipple discomfort. I'm sorry you wound up where you did. When done right, TRT is a life-changer. All the best.
yes only on the right chest, nipple/ chest sensitiviy, itchiness, burning.....definitely not the best feeling.

Thank you for your help!
Thank you Vince....I plan to discontinue use immediately and hope everything goes back to normal and dont develop any gynecomastie.....I am just really disappointed....I wish I had a better outcome than this....I still have a five week supply of stuff that I cant even use now. Five week supply at the old dose....under a more conservative protcol it would last 10 weeks! HA craziness. Anyways I plan to eat healthy and drink plenty of fluids and continue to lift weights and hopefully my body retursn to pre trt numbers....Thank you for your help.
Quick question everyone.....if I wanted to continue TRT but at these lowered more proven dosages such as "40-50mg twice weekly, HCG 250iu twice weekly taken together with T-Cyp, .125-.25mg AI taken at time of injections. A protocol that aggressive is going to have bigger consequences if side effects are experienced, less aggressive protocol will be more manageable."

Should I wait a couple weeks and let my levels drop from my previous trt protocol...or what would be the preferred recommendation.
Quick question everyone.....if I wanted to continue TRT but at these lowered more proven dosages such as "40-50mg twice weekly, HCG 250iu twice weekly taken together with T-Cyp, .125-.25mg AI taken at time of injections. A protocol that aggressive is going to have bigger consequences if side effects are experienced, less aggressive protocol will be more manageable."

Should I wait a couple weeks and let my levels drop from my previous trt protocol...or what would be the preferred recommendation.

I would just start your new protocol on your next injection day at the lower dosage, reduce AI along with it. If you weren't on HCG I would say drop the AI altogether.
does hcg spike e2 that much? I want to run hcg because I want to have more kids in the future.....250 iu of hcg x 2 times a week is enough to give me benefits of keeping the leydig cells awaken, correct?
does hcg spike e2 that much? I want to run hcg because I want to have more kids in the future.....250 iu of hcg x 2 times a week is enough to give me benefits of keeping the leydig cells awaken, correct?

HCG can, though it does not necessarily, spike estradiol. I would simply adopt a prudent protocol, one that in the initial stages did NOT include the use of an AI, give it the requisite six weeks, and test all levels. HCG should remain a part of your TRT journey - particularly if you want to maintain fertility.
I planned with clearance of my trt doctor of course - to restart my trt jounry with the below protocol.....would you say that the below is a solid start?

40-50mg twice weekly, HCG 250iu twice weekly taken together with T-Cyp, .125-.25mg AI taken at time of injections. A protocol that aggressive is going to have bigger consequences if side effects are experienced, less aggressive protocol will be more manageable."

I just want to take a moment to thank everyone for their personal knowledge and expertise in this matter. I just want to be firing on all cylinders and have optimal health. I started trt because of low libdo and always tired. TRT even with the high starting dosage solved both those issues....

I planned with clearance of my trt doctor of course - to restart my trt jounry with the below protocol.....would you say that the below is a solid start?

40-50mg twice weekly, HCG 250iu twice weekly taken together with T-Cyp, .125-.25mg AI taken at time of injections. A protocol that aggressive is going to have bigger consequences if side effects are experienced, less aggressive protocol will be more manageable."

I just want to take a moment to thank everyone for their personal knowledge and expertise in this matter. I just want to be firing on all cylinders and have optimal health. I started trt because of low libdo and always tired. TRT even with the high starting dosage solved both those issues....

I would start with 50mg of testosterone every every 3.5 days, a good, solid, starting dose; many men achieve success with it. The HCG dose is reasonable, no question. The AI...why????? Estradiol is a necessary hormone for men's health. It has multiple roles to play: sexual performance, cognitive functioning, skeletal health, they all depend on healthy e2 levels. So many men come to TRT terrified and wish to squeeze every last drop of estradiol from their system (a big mistake). Anastrozole is a good drug, but it should only be a part of a protocol when symptoms and lab work call for it. It's easy to add an AI if necessary...but there's no reason to think you'll need one. Give it six weeks.
According to some studies and reports, 250IU’s 2x per week is a minimum dose. However, for fertility, you may have to add other things and use higher dosages. HCG does increase intratesticular T production and does increase your E2 some. I use 400IU of HCG 2x per week to maintain testicular function and size, but I have a vasectomy and I don’t care about fertility. Also, I don’t use an AI on 160mg of Test per week and my E2 runs in the 40’s, but I don’t have any side effects whatsoever. I always believe that if you don’t have to use an AI, don’t use it. Only if you have side effects. No matter what the numbers show. From everything that I have been reading, different people have different reactions to TRT. Some feel great with lower E2 and some with higher levels, like me. I have highish SHBG, however. If you want to continue TRT, continue with a lower dose like 50mg E3.5D and the 250IU E3.5D without AI and see how you do. Give it time though. It takes about 6 weeks for T levels to reach steady state. Check E2 sensitive and SHBG also. To keep fertility, found a good doctor that can give you a good protocol for that.
i am 30....I want to come off trt. I been on for 1 month. How would I come off. I currently am on test cyp 100mg x 2 times per week. Anastrozle .5 x 2 times per weeks. And 250iu hcg x 2 times a week.

I have sensitive in my chest and feel like crap. my e2 is 45 taken a three days after hcg injection, and two days after an test injection. My total test was 1500. My free test was 50......anyways we adjusted my dosage to test cyp 80mg x 2 times per week..... and .5 anastrozle 3 times a week. Keeping hcg where it is at......

Anyways....having the crazy sensitive chest feeling made me reconsider contining trt. How would I have to come off.....I talked to my trt clinic and I feel like they are only concerned with keeping me on.....vs helping me come off if I want to....

Thank you all for your expertise.....

What do you mean by "sensitive chest feeling"?
Do you mean that your nipples are sensitive or are you having chest pain?

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