How much stronger is super Trimix compared to regular?


They sent me super, and last time I had regular. My dose on regular is only 2-3 units. I was wondering if anyone has gone from regular to super how much less dose for the same results?
If by Super Tri-Mix you mean Quad-Mix, then yes I have tried it. Not impressed with either Tri-Mix or Quad-Mix, as for me any reasonable dose gives me maybe a 7 on a 1-10 scale of hardness at best. I'd rather have a 9 or a 10 that lats 30 minutes than a 7 that lasts 2 hours, but that is just me. Increasing the dose just makes my 7 last longer.
after reading this over, I guess it's not much help, sorry
I use Super Trimix. If you compare Empower's formulas for each, the Super is exactly 2x. I would simply use half of your normal dose.
I'm an 81 year old healthy, sexually active man. I was using tri-Mix for a year and at first it produced a good erection for 2-3 hours and I liked it. This gradually lessened while I increased the injection dose from 1 to 4 units. So I tried quad mix (super Tri-mix) 6 months ago and had initial excellent results until now I'm back up to 4 units and erections which are not as hard and last only a half hour or so.

I'm also on Testosterone creme replacement, daily for the past 2 years as my T- was way below normal (<228) and then it finally went to normal (500) but Hematocrit was above normal which my endocrinologist was anxious about (warned me it could lead to strokes) and he lowered my T daily by 25%.

Initial I also tried HCG, but my urologist ruled against continuing it. I have found testicals have diminished in size along with ejaculate which is almost nil now, and was thinking of going back on HCG but need another prescription. Anyone have positive results on this?

Other issues: Seems to have a short shelf-life even when frozen or in frig. The Quad mix is shipped from a FL compounding lab to NH and often looses its needed refrigerated lower temperatures in shipment. I cant find a local compounding pharmacy to get it from, where shipping would not an issue. Also it is very expensive and just losing one shipment from improper refrigeration has several times cost me over $150. The lab started shipping smaller quantities so as not to cost me as much since i do not use it more than weekly, but still this is not an effective way to deliver a med which must remain cold. Any suggestions or others who have experienced these issues? Thanks! Hal

Where do you get your Super Trimix? I'm in NH and the FL compounding lab where I was getting it could not seem to ship it without days of losing refrigeration and it was too costly and lost effectiveness during shipping. Thanks for advice! Hal

Where do you get your Super Trimix? I'm in NH and the FL compounding lab where I was getting it could not seem to ship it without days of losing refrigeration and it was too costly and lost effectiveness during shipping. Thanks for advice! Hal

Empower pharmacy is a good place. You can see their advertisement on the side bar. I'm not a Trimix expert but sounds like you should try the type you mix at home. I can't really tell if the HCG does anything or not. I've been on it ever starting TRT.

Where do you get your Super Trimix? I'm in NH and the FL compounding lab where I was getting it could not seem to ship it without days of losing refrigeration and it was too costly and lost effectiveness during shipping. Thanks for advice! Hal

Loooong story lol

Short version though...
  • Ordered from Newyoumd (same formula as Empower Super T)
  • Dispensed from a Wells Pharmacy. Shipped overnight with ice packs.
  • Months later, a recall came asa result of FDA. They expanded their Pharm's clean room without proper FDA approval. I was assured by a few that product was safe but to return or discard as per FDA mandate.
  • I kept it though and filed claim. Still using original vial
  • Part of the recall, Newyoumd & Wells had to replace my order.
  • Newyoumd had some agreement with Empower to fill recall replacements since Wells was going to be down for 8 weeks. They sent me regular Trimix from Empower.

The regular Trimix from Emp is lypholized & not mixed. So I continue to use my original Super Trimix which will last a loooong time. Then I can mix up the regular. I haven't really looked into the shelf life of the un-reconstituted Trimix but I'd like to think it's a long time being in sterile vials & lypholized.

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