How long to cycle testo with hcg

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New Member
hi nelson! Im a big fan! Thanks for the wonderful videos!
Can you tell me how long should i be on testo and hcg?
What are the proper dosing?
Im currently using testo 1.0 ml
And 500 ius
2x per week.
It feels good!
I just dont know when to stop.
Should i also use nolvadex and clomid for pct if there even is one.
Thanks and more power! Ken
You don't cycle testosterone or HCG, TRT is for life. Why would you want to stop TRT? Do you wish to return to feeling like crap?
Im in no trt protocol, I honestly just need to look and feel better. Sex drive has been low before, and im skinny fat too. 39 years of age and i know that my testo is low. I was just wondering if i shoildncontinue with the use of testo and hcg
Inwas just wondering if i should cycle testo according to my trainer or should i continue woth the use of testo for life. I wouldnt mind doing either
If your testosterone is low and you cycle TRT and come off at a later date, you testosterone will become low again and you will feel terrible. The idea is to maintain good youthful testosterone levels for life whether naturally or on TRT.

Option 1. naturally low testosterone for life
Option 2. TRT and youthful testosterone levels for life

Option 1 has health consequences, heart disease, CVD, alzheimer's and dementia. Option 2 prevents these diseases.
This is a therapeutic community where men men, and an increasing number of women, meet to discuss, learn, and support each other as they deal with medical challenges, primarily hormonal issues. As a long standing policy, we don't offer advice to those who are looking to use testosterone in a non-therapeutic manner.

It's your body and there are other sites that can guide you as you pursue these goals. It is in your long term interest to educate yourself about androgen use
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