How fast does hematocrit decrease?


So...My hematocrite's a little high (54) and I need it to go down a bit. Granted, it's high because I've increased my dosage to help with a tendon tear (full tear) and I've also been a bit dehydrated lately. For show, I need to decrease it a bit for my next blood test in order for my doctor's blood presure to drop again ;) For the record - it's normally between 38 and 42 and has been so for years. I think as long as it's stable I should be fine.

But the question, then, is how quickly I should see a change. I was thinking about delaying my shot a few days (doing 166mg test undecanoate every 7 days, but was thinking about delaying my shot until after the blood test, so 11 days since last shot. Undecanoate has a half life of 9 days). Should this be enough?
The only way decrease HCT is to donate blood, cutting back your dose or anything else isn't going to lower HCT. If I'm understanding what you wrote. You can donate 1 pint of whole blood should appx lower your HCT by 3 points, and THEN cut back your dose to help manage it.
Hematocrit absolutely will drop on its own. Did it many times and have never donated. Granted it will take a couple weeks but you’ll have to decrease the dose and stay hydrated.
Hematocrit absolutely will drop on its own. Did it many times and have never donated. Granted it will take a couple weeks but you'll have to decrease the dose and stay hydrated.

The only way decrease HCT is to donate blood, cutting back your dose or anything else isn't going to lower HCT. If I'm understanding what you wrote. You can donate 1 pint of whole blood should appx lower your HCT by 3 points, and THEN cut back your dose to help manage it.

Donating is out of the question. Phlebotomies are illegal up here and even though my blood type's in demand they group me with users of narcotics. I'm "a user of needles" to them.

As for the hematorcrit, I only need it for this one blood test and I'm going to drop an injection. The question was if that should do the trick (along with hydration) to take it down just a little.
In the past, dropping my dose 20% and staying hydrated has dropped mine 2-4% in a couples weeks or so. The highest mines been is 52%. Everyone will react differently of coarse.
In the past, dropping my dose 20% and staying hydrated has dropped mine 2-4% in a couples weeks or so. The highest mines been is 52%. Everyone will react differently of coarse.

Thanks. I'll stick to my plan and see what happens, then. Didn't seem to bother the doc too much, but I'd rather be within the range than not for blood work :)
I’m sure their are some that drop more slowly than others but mine comes down fairly quick. I personally don’t like even being at 50% much less 54. That level is getting a little dangerous.
I'm sure their are some that drop more slowly than others but mine comes down fairly quick. I personally don't like even being at 50% much less 54. That level is getting a little dangerous.

Agreed. I was just on iron supplementation from my doc a month back, which I also think might have pushed it up. The range is 40-50 and I'm comfortable at 38-42. Or at least as comfortable as one can be.

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