How do my new really high/low labs look?


I'm taking T and Nandralone (for muscle wasting) and a bunch of other stuff under the direction of Defy. After first few months on T and N, I had labs done again in late Nov. Defy didn't contact me after they came back, so I assumed that everything was okay and I should just stay the course. But then it occurred to me that I'm the one who is supposed to set up a post-labs consult. I hadn't even really bothered to look at the labs but now I see some of them are high and some low and suddenly I'm a little concerned. Sent Defy an email about it today. Meanwhile, I thought I'd see what you guys have to say.

Test Result Flag Reference
DHEA-SULFATE | 507 | H | 24-244 mcg/dL
| DHEA-S values fall with advancing age. For reference,
| the reference intervals for 31-40 year old patients
| are: Female 23-266 mcg/dL and Male 106-464 mcg/dL.
| Test Performed by Quest, Chantilly,
| Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute,
| 14225 Newbrook Drive, Chantilly, VA 20151
| Patrick W Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Director of Laboratories
| (703) 802-6900, CLIA 49D0221801
IGF | | |
IGF-I | 155 | | 41-279 ng/mL
Z-SCORE, (MALE) | 0.5 | | -2.0 - +2.0 SD
| This test was developed and its analytical
| performance characteristics have been determined
| by Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute San Juan
| Capistrano. It has not been cleared or approved by
| FDA. This assay has been validated pursuant to the
| CLIA regulations and is used for clinical
| purposes.
| Test performed by:
| Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute
| 33608 Ortega Hwy
| San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
| Phone: 800-553-5445
| Director: Jon M. Nakamoto, M.D.
| Test Reported by Quest, Chantilly,
| Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute,
| 14225 Newbrook Drive, Chantilly, VA 20151
| Patrick W Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Director of Laboratories
| (703) 802-6900, CLIA 49D0221801
| Test performed by:
| Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute
| 33608 Ortega Hwy
| San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
| Phone: 800-553-5445
| Director: Jon M. Nakamoto, M.D.
PROGESTERONE | 1.2 | | <1.4 ng/mL
| Test Performed by Quest, Chantilly,
| Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute,


RUN DATE: 11/30/16

Test Result Flag Reference
| 14225 Newbrook Drive, Chantilly, VA 20151
| Patrick W Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Director of Laboratories
| (703) 802-6900, CLIA 49D0221801
TESTF+T | | |
TESTOSTERONE | 1226 | H | 250-1100 ng/dL
| Men with clinically significant hypogonadal
| symptoms and testosterone values repeatedly in
| the range of the 200-300 ng/dL or less, may
| benefit from testosterone treatment after
| adequate risk and benefits counseling.
| For more information on this test, go to
| TotalTestosteroneLCMSMS
FREE TESTOS. | 283.2 | H | 35.0-155.0 pg/mL
| Test Performed by Quest, Chantilly,
| Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute,
| 14225 Newbrook Drive, Chantilly, VA 20151
| Patrick W Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Director of Laboratories
| (703) 802-6900, CLIA 49D0221801

all the other labs came in looking normal but for these two:

LYMPHOCYTE | 19.8 | L | 25.0-45.0 %
GLUCOSE | 114 | H | 74-106 mg/dL

Thanks for any thoughts you might have!
Can you post the full results, preferably in a picture or screenshot?

What's your protocol?

When did you have these labs taken relative to injection?

How do you feel?

Defy is great, although I've had better responses with them by calling them, although emailing isn't bad. You'll get the most helpful input if you post the full results and answer the questions I asked. I'm really curious about this and a great discussion from many members is likely to happen.
here are the full results:

Test Result Flag Reference
DHEA-SULFATE | 507 | H | 24-244 mcg/dL
| DHEA-S values fall with advancing age. For reference,
| the reference intervals for 31-40 year old patients
| are: Female 23-266 mcg/dL and Male 106-464 mcg/dL.
| Test Performed by Quest, Chantilly,
| Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute,
| 14225 Newbrook Drive, Chantilly, VA 20151
| Patrick W Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Director of Laboratories
| (703) 802-6900, CLIA 49D0221801
IGF | | |
IGF-I | 155 | | 41-279 ng/mL
Z-SCORE, (MALE) | 0.5 | | -2.0 - +2.0 SD
| This test was developed and its analytical
| performance characteristics have been determined
| by Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute San Juan
| Capistrano. It has not been cleared or approved by
| FDA. This assay has been validated pursuant to the
| CLIA regulations and is used for clinical
| purposes.
| Test performed by:
| Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute
| 33608 Ortega Hwy
| San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
| Phone: 800-553-5445
| Director: Jon M. Nakamoto, M.D.
| Test Reported by Quest, Chantilly,
| Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute,
| 14225 Newbrook Drive, Chantilly, VA 20151
| Patrick W Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Director of Laboratories
| (703) 802-6900, CLIA 49D0221801
| Test performed by:
| Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute
| 33608 Ortega Hwy
| San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
| Phone: 800-553-5445
| Director: Jon M. Nakamoto, M.D.
PROGESTERONE | 1.2 | | <1.4 ng/mL
| Test Performed by Quest, Chantilly,
| Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute,


RUN DATE: 11/30/16 South County Hosp LAB **LIVE** PAGE 2
RUN TIME: 0834 Specimen Inquiry

Test Result Flag Reference
| 14225 Newbrook Drive, Chantilly, VA 20151
| Patrick W Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Director of Laboratories
| (703) 802-6900, CLIA 49D0221801
TESTF+T | | |
TESTOSTERONE | 1226 | H | 250-1100 ng/dL
| Men with clinically significant hypogonadal
| symptoms and testosterone values repeatedly in
| the range of the 200-300 ng/dL or less, may
| benefit from testosterone treatment after
| adequate risk and benefits counseling.
| For more information on this test, go to
| TotalTestosteroneLCMSMS
FREE TESTOS. | 283.2 | H | 35.0-155.0 pg/mL
| Test Performed by Quest, Chantilly,
| Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute,
| 14225 Newbrook Drive, Chantilly, VA 20151
| Patrick W Mason, M.D., Ph.D., Director of Laboratories
| (703) 802-6900, CLIA 49D0221801
Test Result Flag Reference
COMP | | |
GLUCOSE | 114 | H | 74-106 mg/dL
BUN | 24 | | 8-26 mg/dL
CREA W eGFR | | |
CREATININE | 1.17 | | 0.6-1.2 mg/dL
eGFR AFRIC AMER | > 60 | | > 60
| GFR value is reported as mL/min/1.73 square meters
eGFR NON-AFR AM | > 60 | | > 60
| GFR value is reported as mL/min/1.73 square meters
LYTES | | |
SODIUM | 139 | | 136-144 mmol/L
POTASSIUM | 4.1 | | 3.6-5.1 mmol/L
CHLORIDE | 105 | | 101-111 mmol/L
CARBON DIOXIDE | 27 | | 22-32 mmol/L
CALCIUM | 9.1 | | 8.5-10.1 mg/dL
LPD | | |
CHOLESTEROL | 176 | | <200 mg/dL
TRIGLYCERIDES | 58 | | <150 mg/dL
HDL CHOLESTEROL | 58 | | >39 mg/dL
LDL CHOLESTEROL | 106 | | <130 mg/dL
AST/SGOT | 36 | | 15-41 U/L
ALT/SGPT | 25 | | 17-63 U/L
ALK PHOSPHATASE | 52 | | 32-105 U/L
TOTAL PROTEIN | 7.0 | | 6.5-8.1 gm/dL
ALBUMIN | 4.2 | | 3.5-5.0 gm/dL
A/G RATIO | 1.5 | | 1.1-2.2
BILIRUBIN,TOTAL | 0.5 | | 0.3-1.2 mg/dL
TSH | 2.00 | | 0.34-5.60 mcIU/mL
Test Result Flag Reference
CBC AUTO | | |
WBC | 7.9 | | 4.1-10.8 K/mm3
RBC | 5.21 | | 4.7-5.9 M/mm3
HGB | 16.0 | | 13.5-17.5 g/dL
HCT | 49.2 | | 42.0-52.0 %
MCV | 94.5 | | 80.0-99.0 fL
MCH | 30.7 | | 27.0-34.0 pg
MCHC | 32.5 | | 32.0-36.0 g/dL
RDW | 14.0 | | 11.5-14.5 %
PLT | 345 | | 130-400 K/mm3
MPV | 9.4 | | 7.4-10.4 fl
NEUTROPHIL | 70.8 | | 45.0-72.0 %
LYMPHOCYTE | 19.8 | L | 25.0-45.0 %
MONOCYTE | 6.9 | | 2.0-12.0 %
EOSINOPHIL | 1.8 | | 0.0-8.0 %
BASOPHIL | 0.7 | | 0.0-2.0 %
NEUTROPHIL # | 5.6 | | 2.1-7.8 K/mm3
LYMPHOCYTE # | 1.6 | | 1.2-4.5 K/mm3
MONOCYTE # | 0.5 | | 0.1-1.2 K/mm3
EOSINOPHIL # | 0.1 | | 0.0-0.6 K/mm3
BASOPHIL # | 0.1 | | 0.0-0.2 K/mm3
I get all kinds of my own use supplemental labs and I always get a call from them (Defy) when the results are in trying to sched me for a consult.

I don't see a problem in your labs other than your high Glucose. You should always be fasted for labs in particular a CBC and/or CMP. If you ate that morning it could explain why the Glucose was high.
What's your protocol?
Testosterone: 60mg or .3ml twice weekly
Friday PM, Monday AM
60mg or .3ml twice weekly
Friday PM, Monday AM
300IU or 1/2ml twice weekly
Friday PM, Monday AM
.25mg twice weekly
same day at Test
1 capsule daily

When did you have these labs taken relative to injection? // I can't remember now.

How do you feel? // Pretty darn good. I don't know if the Nandralone has done much good for my muscles but otherwise I'm as upbeat and happy as I can remember ever being. If there is a problem, it's that the T has upped my libido from about zero to the point where I'm out looking for love. And I'm not good with love. In fact, I'm terrible. So, there's that.
I have a muscle-wasting disease called chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. it has killed most of the nerve structure in my legs and feet and, as a result, most of my muscle mass is gone and kaput. I think the N has helped in that regard or at least kept things from getting worse. And I was in kind of a downward spiral when I started it.
Because of the nerve damage, I have lots of tremors and my feet have become deformed due to the contraction of nerves and loss of muscle. I can no longer run, ride a bike, dance, hike or walk on uneven surfaces. It's a shitty disease.
What's your protocol?
Testosterone: 60mg or .3ml twice weekly
Friday PM, Monday AM
60mg or .3ml twice weekly
Friday PM, Monday AM
300IU or 1/2ml twice weekly
Friday PM, Monday AM
.25mg twice weekly
same day at Test
1 capsule daily

When did you have these labs taken relative to injection? // I can't remember now.

How do you feel? // Pretty darn good. I don't know if the Nandralone has done much good for my muscles but otherwise I'm as upbeat and happy as I can remember ever being. If there is a problem, it's that the T has upped my libido from about zero to the point where I'm out looking for love. And I'm not good with love. In fact, I'm terrible. So, there's that.

Fri PM and Mon AM...reason you're doing that? Not E3.5D for your Cyp
I get all kinds of my own use supplemental labs and I always get a call from them (Defy) when the results are in trying to sched me for a consult.

I don't see a problem in your labs other than your high Glucose. You should always be fasted for labs in particular a CBC and/or CMP. If you ate that morning it could explain why the Glucose was high.

Now I wonder why I didn't hear from Defy. Maybe I just fell through the cracks, it happens, no biggie, as long as nothing is freakishly wrong with the labs, which i gather isn't the case. thanks for setting my mind at ease a little.
What's your protocol?
Testosterone: 60mg or .3ml twice weekly
Friday PM, Monday AM
60mg or .3ml twice weekly
Friday PM, Monday AM
300IU or 1/2ml twice weekly
Friday PM, Monday AM
.25mg twice weekly
same day at Test
1 capsule daily

When did you have these labs taken relative to injection? // I can't remember now.

How do you feel? // Pretty darn good. I don't know if the Nandralone has done much good for my muscles but otherwise I'm as upbeat and happy as I can remember ever being. If there is a problem, it's that the T has upped my libido from about zero to the point where I'm out looking for love. And I'm not good with love. In fact, I'm terrible. So, there's that.

No E2 testing? Either the lab messed up or you left it off by mistake. Defy always orders that.

If you look at the lab test it'll tell you what day you had the blood drawn.

Nothing really sticks out, although total test is a bit high if that's a trough level, pretty sure it's not though.

Otherwise, assuming you were not fasting for this lab, nothing looks bad IMO. Give defy a call and schedule a follow up. You can even ask for a PA to call you back about specific concerns. Melissa is great.

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