Cartooniest Tex Avery captured it best. haha
I've heard the story when you first start taking T you get a double dose. What your balls are making and what you inject.
An for a brief week or so we are back to our drooling horny 20's. see cartoon above, haha
I experienced this and for about 5day I did not have ED or a libido issue I could not look at my wife without drooling
and wanting to jump her bones ......then it was gone.
That feeling never comes back no matter how much T you inject. So that begs the question what really happens?
That HIPA-whatever shutting down is a load of bull IMO. My balls were producing 173 ng/dL that ain't crap.
IMO we don't know what is happening during the TRT honeymoon and we sure as hell can't seem to figure out how get it back.

Cartooniest Tex Avery captured it best. haha
I've heard the story when you first start taking T you get a double dose. What your balls are making and what you inject.
An for a brief week or so we are back to our drooling horny 20's. see cartoon above, haha
I experienced this and for about 5day I did not have ED or a libido issue I could not look at my wife without drooling
and wanting to jump her bones ......then it was gone.
That feeling never comes back no matter how much T you inject. So that begs the question what really happens?
That HIPA-whatever shutting down is a load of bull IMO. My balls were producing 173 ng/dL that ain't crap.
IMO we don't know what is happening during the TRT honeymoon and we sure as hell can't seem to figure out how get it back.
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