HIV+, Test Enth, Deca - Combatting Muscle Wasting


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Hi guys,

Im 29 yr old male 5'7" height from the Philippines and HIV+ for 8 months now currently taking Tenofovir-Lamivudine-Efavirenz as my hiv med. From 130 lbs i lost 10 lbs since i started taking the hiv meds. I feel healthy i dont have any other health issues i go to the gym every other day but i find it hard to gain weight.

Theres no much option for roids or testo here in my country. 3 years ago when i first tried roids which is deca and testo enanthe my weight was 120 lbs, after using roids (6 months) I became 130 lbs and retained it until i had the hiv.

My question is should i start taking the deca and test enanthe again together with my hiv meds? Thank you 😊

You may want to download my first book here

You should not start any nandrolone or testosterone enanthate before you read about these side effects. Although not listed, taking androgens at a young age can affect your testosterone production in the long term (we do not have data on what portion of men recover their hormone axis fully after stopping androgens).

Testosterone and Anabolic Steroid Side Effect Table

How to Gain Weight if You Have HIV Related Unintentional Weight Loss
You were taking steroids and discontinued them. Did you do anything to find out what your blood levels showed? Did your axis recover, or are you doing this without a doctor's assistance?

You may want to download my first book

You should not start any nandrolone or testosterone enanthate before you read about these side effects. Although not listed, taking androgens at a young age can affect your testosterone production in the long term (we do not have data on what portion of men recover their hormone axis fully after stopping androgens).

Hello Nelson,

Wow thank u for the link for your book im really interested to read about it but cant find copy here in my country ive looking all over for it. Your story inspired me to fight and become positive in life. Im a fan Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
You were taking steroids and discontinued them. Did you do anything to find out what your blood levels showed? Did your axis recover, or are you doing this without a doctor's assistance?

After my PCT my t levels were back to normal im roid free for almost 2 years now
here in the Philippines people are using roids for body building so i tried it before
Hi sanberardino. The ARV regimen you are on is older. It Is effective. You may be able to avoid side effects with newer generation drugs. Tenofovir can cause damage to mitochondria in the kidney tubules after prolonged use . Do not take NSAIS on this regimen. Gynocomasty Is a possible side effect of this ARV protocol. If you stay on this regimen take alpha lipid acid , acetyl l carntine NALT, and lovaza. Lovaza is to lower triglycerides. Nelson's advice is spot on. Some sero positive men develop HIV related hypogonadism. Supplements get confusing. Certain ones are proven to counteract the metabolic changes you may experience from the virus or the meds. Your doc should be testing for these changes, 25D hydroxy for example. With the knowledge available these days you can avoid most of side effects of the virus and the drugs including hypogonadism. Reserve AAS for your later years if and when you need them.
Hi sanberardino. The ARV regimen you are on is older. It Is effective. You may be able to avoid side effects with newer generation drugs. Tenofovir can cause damage to mitochondria in the kidney tubules after prolonged use . Do not take NSAIS on this regimen. Gynocomasty Is a possible side effect of this ARV protocol. If you stay on this regimen take alpha lipid acid , acetyl l carntine NALT, and lovaza. Lovaza is to lower triglycerides. Nelson's advice is spot on. Some sero positive men develop HIV related hypogonadism. Supplements get confusing. Certain ones are proven to counteract the metabolic changes you may experience from the virus or the meds. Your doc should be testing for these changes, 25D hydroxy for example. With the knowledge available these days you can avoid most of side effects of the virus and the drugs including hypogonadism. Reserve AAS for your later years if and when you need them.


hi re-ride thank u for the response the hiv meds were given for free by the government wish i have access to the newer meds tho. I googled everything u said and will remember it by heart i really appreciate it. I will take these additional vitamins everyday. Thank u so much. Is it ok to take whey protein?

His combo is the most popular worldwide and at least it does not have AZT, so I would not worry too much.

Sanbernandino, you may want to take vitamin D (5000 IU per day) to avoid bone density loss caused by tenofovir (Viread). Whey is OK but many people especially Asians are allergic to lactose and whey.

Whey Protein Supplementation in HIV

By the way, my book link above is for a free download. No need to buy it.
Metabolic chages associated with the virus and or the drugs or ate still not well understood. You might well require 50k units D3 in the correct form not 5k units. Serum testing is essential. It may take you some time to sort out what supplements you need and how much. Find a reliable source of nearly pure powders rather that wasting your money on commercially packaged supplements. Many on here are happy to help. The T-L-EF regimen is highly effective. Many of the side effects will be transient. You can do very well on this so long as you don't miss ANY doses. D
The free test offered by your health care may not be adequate for maintaining optimum health. You may wish to budget for extra tests if you can afford to do that.
Metabolic chages associated with the virus and or the drugs or ate still not well understood. You might well require 50k units D3 in the correct form not 5k units. Serum testing is essential. It may take you some time to sort out what supplements you need and how much. Find a reliable source of nearly pure powders rather that wasting your money on commercially packaged supplements. Many on here are happy to help. The T-L-EF regimen is highly effective. Many of the side effects will be transient. You can do very well on this so long as you don't miss ANY doses. D
The free test offered by your health care may not be adequate for maintaining optimum health. You may wish to budget for extra tests if you can afford to do that.

Awesome you guys are the best thank you for the information
Just need to work my ass off so i can buy these vitamins and supplements
i will not use AAS for the mean time will follow your advice hopefully i gain back my weight
thank you so much will keep u guys posted ��

Btw am i not gonna overdose from d3 ?
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Sanbernardino, If you source the correct supplements they won't cost that much. For example I was buying ALC in capsules. Then I sourced a kilo bag of high grade powder from MyProtein for next to nothing. It's hygroscopic so I gave most of it away. Investigate buying clubs and reputable online suppliers who provide assays on their products.
As mentioned earlier in your thread Vit D metabolism has been demonstrated to be altered in some persons living with HIV. Yes you can take too much. You can not guess. You need to serum test. If you are low then you need to supplement and follow up with more testing. There is no way to predict how much you should supplement or what form you will respond to. Most commercial D vitamin is synthetic D2 ergocalciferol mixed with soybean oil. Even expensive brands of D3 cholcalciferol are mixed with oil. The only thing that worked for me was Biotech D3 pure crystalline capsules.

CATIE is an excellent resource for helping you sort out what you may want to supplement, why and how much to take.

Information is constantly advancing. is a resource that helps supplement users identify the validity of claims made for specific supplements.
Sanbernardino, If you source the correct supplements they won't cost that much. For example I was buying ALC in capsules. Then I sourced a kilo bag of high grade powder from MyProtein for next to nothing. It's hygroscopic so I gave most of it away. Investigate buying clubs and reputable online suppliers who provide assays on their products.

As mentioned earlier in your thread Vit D metabolism has been demonstrated to be altered in some persons living with HIV. Yes you can take too much. You can not guess. You need to serum test. If you are low then you need to supplement and follow up with more testing. There is no way to predict how much you should supplement or what form you will respond to. Most commercial D vitamin is synthetic D2 ergocalciferol mixed with soybean oil. Even expensive brands of D3 cholcalciferol are mixed with oil. The only thing that worked for me was Biotech D3 pure crystalline capsules.

CATIE is an excellent resource for helping you sort out what you may want to supplement, why and how much to take.

Information is constantly advancing. is a resource that helps supplement users identify the validity of claims made for specific supplements.

So these are the supplements im planning to buy. I dont know if L-carnitine is the same with Acetyl L-carnitine tho. Unfortunately cant find Lovaza but i found Omega 3

Should i go for these? Thanks

EDIT: i cant attached the photos here so i upload it on my "Supplements " album instead
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Lovaza requires an Rx here in the states. It is refined from fish oil to extract ethyl esters of omega fatty acids primarily EPA and DHA and is prescribed to reduce triglycerides. You will be getting regular fasting labs for lipids. If they go up then you may be prescribed the Lovaza or a generic equivalent. I'm the last person on here to ask about non assayed retail fish oil :=) Acetyl or n acetyl firms of supplements are generally better absobed and may pass the blood brain barrier. Jason, Nelson and others have posted their HIV support specific supplement suggestions. Why not start with Alpa lipoic acid, ALC, NAC, magnesium, ( read the Mg thread )and a good multi vitamin which are all low cost? Post your 25 D hydroxy labs when they come in. Read Nelson's suggestions on healthy recipes. Unprocessed quality fresh food should get first place in your budget as long as you go out once a week have a good time and eat whatever you want :)

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