High Testosterone but low libido!


So i've been struggling with low libido for quite some time. Did some bloodwork and everything is good level wise but my energy, motivation and libido levels are just not there. What other factors could govern these issues preventing me from getting proper sexual function?

E2: 31.4 pg/ml Range : 7.6-42.6
Test Total: 9.19 ng/ml Range: 1.75-7.81
Test Free: 0.15 ng/ml Range: 0.043-0.213
Bioavailable: 3.52 ng/ml Range: 1.12-5.50
SHBG: 58.10 nmol/l Range: 13.3-89.5
LH: 5.60 nmol/L Range: 1.24-8.62
Prolactin: 0.43 ng/ml Range: 2.64-13.13
DHT: 49 NG/DL Range: 30-85

Yes, SHBG is quite high but i have enough total test to compensate for the bound up test within SHBG. Prolactin is low but that should be beneficial. FSH, T4, T3 are all good as im taking Armour Thyroid as I have Hashimoto's. I can't put my finger on why i'm having these issues if anyone could provide input I would be very greatful. Any tips for lowering SHBG?
Your low prolactin is a problem and is why your libido is low. It's likely the testing you are using is the direct immunoassay which have been shown to be inaccurate. Your Free T is more than good, using the Tru-T calculator Free T is 29.61 ng/dL, this is great!

Low prolactin was also associated with higher BMI and blood sugar, lower levels of physical activity, and generally feeling unhealthier.

This isn't much that can lower SHBG except TRT, or rather excess androgens.

Prolactin and Libido: Too Much (or Too Little) Can Kill Your Libido
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Why does low prolactin= low libido? I thought low libido is associated with high prolactin. Because my prolactin is low my dopamine should be quite high as they are inverse.
How do you raise prolactin? I was taking Caber @ .25mg/twice a week to try to raise dopamine levels. I will cease the caber and see how it works.
Some bad things associated with low prolactin, but not necessarily low libido:
The reason that low prolactin can so negatively affect your sex life was shown in a 2009 study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine that divided over 2,500 men with sexual dysfunction into quartiles and found that the low prolactin men were: [4]

  • 74% more likely to have Metabolic Syndrome
  • 43% more likely to erectile dysfunction resulting from arterial disease and plaque
  • 38% more likely to have premature ejaculation
Low Prolactin

Consider measuring progesterone, as low levels are associated with reduced libido.
Just stop Caber for a few days and report back. How much was your prolactin before cabergoline?
You can also use HCG and/or a scrotal T cream to improve DHT and libido.
Thank you Nelson,

Prolactin was originally 5.1 on a range of 4.0-15. I took it to try to raise dopamine levels as I was under the assumption my sexual dysfunction was due to low dopamine (i had most all of the symptoms) but caber really didnt affect my dopamine at all but lowered prolactin quite a bit it appears.

Is scortal t-cream a prescribed or over the counter thing? I was also considering looking into HCG.
Thank you Nelson,

Prolactin was originally 5.1 on a range of 4.0-15. I took it to try to raise dopamine levels as I was under the assumption my sexual dysfunction was due to low dopamine (i had most all of the symptoms) but caber really didnt affect my dopamine at all but lowered prolactin quite a bit it appears.

Is scortal t-cream a prescribed or over the counter thing? I was also considering looking into HCG.

You definitely did not need to take caber. There are better and healthier ways to increase dopamine. The cabergoline data that shows increase libido is questionable unless you have very high prolactin.

increase dopamine excelmale.com site:www.excelmale.com - Google Search

You need a prescription for the scrotal cream and get it from a compounding pharmacy like Empower Pharmacy.

scrotal cream excelmale.com site:www.excelmale.com - Google Search

You could also look into this:

Erection peptide: Pt-141

HCG program through Defy:

Defy Medical Centers

Or you can go to any of these doctors who prescribe HCG (and scrotal creams):

How to Find a Good Doctor that Prescribes Testosterone, HCG and Anastrozole

You may also want to try low daily dose of Cialis since some men actually report better libido on it (beyond the obvious ED benefits).
Awesome thank you sir!

Yes, taking caber was a mistake probably but I was desperate to try to raise dopamine.

I have tried PT-141 and i got no response, and I've got no response from PDE5 inhibitors but I will try low daily dosing it. What dosage is normal for daily consumption? Why would libido go up by doing this? I am going to look into HCG for sure.
Add 500 IU hCG twice per week plus 5-10 mg tadalafil every night. Watch for side effects from the tadalafil like stuffy nose, backache, heartburn, and headaches. Most guys do OK but some have side effects.

I know this sounds a little off the wall but are you trying to have sex with the same person all the time or different ones?
FWIW - high testosterone has historically reduced my libido and erectile function substantially. I’m unclear exactly why, but I do know too much can have a negative effect on the sympathetic nervous system, increasing idle HR and putting you into mild “flight or fight” mode. Hormonal balance is key.
Add 500 IU hCG twice per week plus 5-10 mg tadalafil every night. Watch for side effects from the tadalafil like stuffy nose, backache, heartburn, and headaches. Most guys do OK but some have side effects.

I know this sounds a little off the wall but are you trying to have sex with the same person all the time or different ones?

Well I don't have a gf so ideally i would see different partners but with the way my penis is performing I haven't been anyone in quite some time which I'm sure cant' be helpful to my cause.

I'm fairly convinced its a neurotransmitter imbalance as my levels are ideal, i'm still young, i'm low bf% so i'm also going to be taking Forskolin, inositol and uridine to increase dopamine receptor density. I am still going to get checked also for the slight possibility of venous leakage.
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