High T, Low E2



I am currently injecting 50mg of Test E E3.5D. No AI.

Whilst my T levels are looking great, the same cannot be said about my E2. I am experiencing pretty much every low E2 symptom under the sun.

Would injecting 100mg once a week help boost these levels?

Thanks for listening.

Im getting my bloods done on Friday.

I just seem to have so many of the low E2 symptoms which is hard to deal with.

So tired of fighting this.

As a bit of a background, doc had me on Reandron and I moved to Test E (primoteston) about 4 weeks ago. Unfortunately I was unaware that Reandron stays in your system for a long time and those two together caused my T levels to skyrocket
You are best off going by labs. My e2 took a few months to come up where it needed to be when I first started. A larger dose was the answer.
You just need to be patient. In our world of TRT, 4 weeks is a relatively short period of time. I believe the half life of Reandron (Undecanoate) is about 30 days so you should be getting most of that out of your system by now. The problem of adding Test E to the mix right like you did put an extremely large amount of testosterone into your system and probably made your estradiol spike up through the roof. You probably have high E2 verse low E2. Many of the symptoms are the same. As you testosterone levels come down as the half life of Reandron wears off the estradiol will come down too.

Your labs will tell us a lot. Did you have SHBG and the Estradiol Sensitive test run? Knowing both are critical to trying to help you.
Yes can you post levels along with your ranges, I'll show you my labs.

My protocol is 16 mg of testosterone cypionate daily, 500 iu of HCG twice a week, 25 mg of DHEA and no AI.

testosterone serum 1117 ng/dL range 264 - 916
Free T 30.3 pg/mL range 6.6 - 18.1
DHEA - Sulfate 347.3 range 48.9 - 344.2
Estradiol, Sensitive 29.5 range 8.0 - 35.0
SHBG 48.8 range 19.3 - 76.4
HCT 47.9 range 37.5 - 51.0

E2 Sensitive - 88pmol/l Range - <190
TT - 21.6 nmol/L Range 10-35
FT - 479nmol/L Range 225-725
SHBG - 32nmol/L Range 10-50

In all honesty these are the best numbers Ive had in sometime but feel that my body and mind would feel better at a higher E2 and FT.

Been on this protocol (50mg Test E E3.5D/No AI) for about 4 weeks.

Im a big guy, 6ft4 and weigh about 110kg. So would I need higher numbers because of this?

Thanks again

E2 Sensitive - 88pmol/l Range - <190
TT - 21.6 nmol/L Range 10-35
FT - 479nmol/L Range 225-725
SHBG - 32nmol/L Range 10-50

In all honesty these are the best numbers Ive had in sometime but feel that my body and mind would feel better at a higher E2 and FT.

Been on this protocol (50mg Test E E3.5D/No AI) for about 4 weeks.

Im a big guy, 6ft4 and weigh about 110kg. So would I need higher numbers because of this?

Thanks again
It looks like you are right in the middle of each of the ranges. You have only been on this protocol for 4 weeks and it takes a good six weeks for one to reach a steady state where the numbers reflect the dose you are taking. They will probably continue to go up over the next couple of weeks. Being a larger frame really doesn't come into play from my understanding. I would give the current protocol a couple more weeks to reach steady state. If within your budget, run the test again, I'd run just the hormonal panel, and see if the numbers improve. If they do or do not, it is more about how you feel. You definitively have room to move up into the higher normal portion of the T ranges which some men need to feel better. This will move your E2 up some but should still be in a good range. If I bumped the dose I would do it slowly, say move up to 60 mg E3.5D. Based on your SHBG, twice weekly injections, E3.5D, should be a good protocol. Smaller adjustments will prove better for you in the long run. Larger adjustments can have you jumping over your "sweetspot".

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