High T amongst other things


New Member
Hi All,
I'm a 34 year old male who has been experiencing health issues for some time. I have a full body tremor along with what I thought were signs of low t including, fatigue, loss of libido, depression, and anxiety. The tremor led me to a neuro who ordered an mri. The mri revealed a cyst on my pituitary gland so I was sent to an endo to check my hormone levels (something I was planning on doing anyways). Thyroid checked out fine but it's get interesting with the sex hormones. The range the lab used as normal is 200 - 1200 and my T levels were at 1350. My doctor did not trust the result as the test was taken in the middle of the day so I repeated this test twice in the morning with results that were even higher. My endo basically has no explanation for this and states the high T is not what's causing me issues. Also, they're taking a wait and see approach on the cyst with follow up mris every 6 months. I've also been to see a functional doctor who ordered a hormone saliva test which again showed high T along with Estrone, Estradiol, and DHT. At this point I can't help but point the finger at my abnormal hormone levels and possibly this cyst but I'm basically hitting a brick wall when it comes to answers. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Let me know if I need to post the labs.
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Check your LH and demand you get genetically tested for this, which YOU DO HAVE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mild_androgen_insensitivity_syndrome

[h=2]iagnosis[/b] Main article: Diagnosis of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
MAIS is only diagnosed in normal phenotypic males, and is not typically investigated except in cases of male infertility.[SUP][18][/SUP] MAIS has a mild presentation that often goes unnoticed and untreated;[SUP][15][/SUP] even with semenological, clinical and laboratory data, it can be difficult to distinguish between men with and without MAIS, and thus a diagnosis of MAIS is not usually made without confirmation of an AR gene mutation.[SUP][5][/SUP] The androgen sensitivity index (ASI), defined as the product of luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T), is frequently raised in individuals with all forms of AIS, including MAIS, although many individuals with MAIS have an ASI in the normal range.[SUP][5][/SUP] Testosterone levels may be elevated despite normal levels of luteinizing hormone.[SUP][15][/SUP][SUP][20][/SUP][SUP][24][/SUP] Conversion of testosterone (T) to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) may be impaired, although to a lesser extent than is seen in 5α-reductase deficiency.[SUP][3][/SUP] A high ASI in a normal phenotypic male,[SUP][45][/SUP] especially when combined with azoospermia or oligospermia,[SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP] decreased secondary terminal hair,[SUP][26][/SUP] and/or impaired conversion of T to DHT,[SUP][3][/SUP] can be indicative of MAIS, and may warrant genetic testing.

Can you expand on why you think he may have this issue?


I would like to know:

1- Do you have gynecomastia

2- What your LH, FSH , estradiol (by ultrasensitive assay) and prolactin are

3- What did your doctor say about potential treatment/removal of that cyst

4- Do you have full maturation as a male?

By the way, do not waste your time with a doctor who uses saliva hormone tests (except for cortisol)
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High endogenous testosterone will increase Estrogen and DHT so that can be expected.

You can control Estrogen with an aromatase inhibitor easy enough.

As Winston mentioned, I too would like to see what your Prolactin levels are as this is a hormone produced by the Pituitary gland and if elevated can have negative side effects as well.
Thing is though Nelson, a lot of guys with the mild form of this condition look normal and fully virilised just like any other male which is why it goes unnoticed or untreated.

The treatment for this condition is high (supraphysiological) doses of testosterone; 250mg - 500mg weekly to over ride the insensitivity.

Can you expand on why you think he may have this issue?

Also............ because I ALSO have the issue and browse and seriously lurk on various forums looking out for guys who could be in a similar... very massively ever so similar almost indentical sititution as my self.

Because their are thousands of forum for you 'Low T' guys. Millions.

Can you expand on why you think he may have this issue?


I would like to know:

1- I you have gynecomastia

2- What your LH, FSH , estradiol (by ultrasensitive assay) and prolactin are

3- What did your doctor say about potential treatment/removal of that cyst

4- Do you have full maturation as a male?

By the way, do not waste your time with a doctor who uses saliva hormone tests (except for cortisol)

1) nope
2) LH - 2.1 mIU/mL - FSH - 2.39 mIU/ml. Have to get back to you on estradial and prolactin.
3) cyst has been determined not to be an issue.
4) yep
Also............ because I ALSO have the issue and browse and seriously lurk on various forums looking out for guys who could be in a similar... very massively ever so similar almost indentical sititution as my self.

Because their are thousands of forum for you 'Low T' guys. Millions.

And this treatment has helped you? What kind of a doctor tests for this?

I appreciate your input in this forum since I can tell you research info. But please moderate your posts. Your two posts above can give a lot of unnecessary anxiety to people.

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