High SHBG and low free T is a tough one. I’m a health freak, and I’m ALL about figuring out and treating the root causes to issues, instead of using meds as bandaids, but when I was 26-27, I had a SHBG right where ur is, a total T around where urs is, and a free T right around where urs is. I felt like crap. For a long time I tried every supplement that had the potential to lower SHBG, and increase free T, and spent A LOT of money doing so. Had no luck, unfortunately. I also tried Danazol, and it did lower my SHBG a bit, but it also lowered my total T, and didn’t do much to increase free T, and did nothing to improve how I felt. After trying everything I could, for months and months, I ended up going on HCG monotherapy. Ended up feeling better, but my nipples felt like they were on fire, and eventually had to stop it. Tried clomid, which raised my total and free T levels, but felt the worst I ever felt in my life on that stuff. And when I stopped, my levels went back to exactly where they were prior to taking the clomid. After that i did TRT, and everything has been much much better since. I just turned 38.
Hopefully u can figure out what the root cause of ur high SHBG is, and get it down, get ur free T up, and feel better. But if all else fails, don’t be afraid to give HRT a go. Going on it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. But I do think taking exogenous hormones, to resolve a hormone imbalance, should be a last resort. Js that if it does come down to that, for u, don’t be too bummed about it. There’s pros and cons to everything in life. Definitely a lot of pros to being able to control ur hormone levels exogenously