High SHBG and Free T


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My last three labs going back nine months all show my SHBG and free testosterone levels as high. The latest results showed 105.6 nmol/L SHBG and free testosterone of 45.9 pg/mL. I understand both being high is unusual. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone know what can possibly cause this?
BTW I have been on HRT for about 5 years and my experience with it has been very good.
Testosterone is a high 1308 but they are comfortable with it since I am not experiencing any negative side effects. Estradiol 29.2.
I get a very large effect from a realtively small dose.
Injections subcutaneouly Testosterone 0.30ml twice weekly, HCG 350iu SQ twice weekly, Anastrozole 0.25mg cap twice weekly.
They have me taking boron to try to lower the SHBG, but I don't think it's doing much.
Your TT of 1308 explains how you can have high SHBG and high Free T, you a guy like you has to run a very high TT in order to overcome the SHBG and get Free T to come up. This is not unusual, rather typical actually.
My last three labs going back nine months all show my SHBG and free testosterone levels as high. The latest results showed 105.6 nmol/L SHBG and free testosterone of 45.9 pg/mL. I understand both being high is unusual. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone know what can possibly cause this?
BTW I have been on HRT for about 5 years and my experience with it has been very good.

That’s honestly the highest SHBG I think I’ve ever seen. What’s the range on that? And what is your E2 at, with the range if you have it. Also what’s the range on your free T? Glad you’re feeling really good on your protocol. It seems kind of rare on here that guys feel really well when using HCG and an ai. It gives me hope, since I am on both, and still have a decent amount of brain fog that I can’t kick.

Fyi, I’m also a high SHBG guy that requires a high total to reach a good free T. My last total was 1613 (250-1100), and my free T was 230 (46-224). I inject EOD, so my total and free probably don’t fluctuate too too much from these numbers at peak, or at trough.
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The number as what they are.
As said above, you're going to have a higher than most Total T with that SHBG.
With no side effects and you're feeling good?
I wouldn't touch a thing.

Ya if I felt great, and my numbers were through the roof, or on the low side, I wouldn't care one bit. Feeling and performing your best is what it's all about. If it ain't broke, absolutely don't fix it.
All of the test results I have listed have been from LabCorp. They give the following ranges:
Testosterone 264-916 (mine 1308)
Free Test 6.6-18.1 (mine
Estradiol 8.0-35.0 (mine 29.2)
SHBG 19.3-76.4 (again mine 105.6)

They must be measuring free T on a different scale than Gman86.
All of the test results I have listed have been from LabCorp. They give the following ranges:
Testosterone 264-916 (mine 1308)
Free Test 6.6-18.1 (mine
Estradiol 8.0-35.0 (mine 29.2)
SHBG 19.3-76.4 (again mine 105.6)

They must be measuring free T on a different scale than Gman86.

Yes, they definitely do. I use Quest. But something's definitely not right. I guess anything is possible, but I would put money down that either your free T level isn't right, or your SHBG level isn't right. There is just NO way that you can have a SHBG that high, and still have a free T of 45.9. That's twice the top end of the free test range, and then 27% on top of that! I've never seen anyone's free test that high. The highest I've seen is I think Vince Carter's free testosterone. But his SHBG is less than half yours.

Vince Carter's labs
Testosterone serum 1117 ng/dL (264 - 916)
Free T 30.3 pg/mL (6.6 - 18.)
Estradiol, Sensitive 29.5 (8.0 - 35.0)
SHBG 48.8 (19.3 - 76.4)

I would definitely get your labs done again. These last labs you got just can't be right. You have the highest free T I think I've ever seen, and you have the highest SHBG I think I've ever seen. There is just no way for this to occur in the same exact person. I trust those labs like I trust my dog alone with a piece of juicy prime rib.
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I am going to get new tests. Six months ago I got tests with results very similar to the numbers I listed above with the exception of SHBG which was 78.1 - slightly above range but far more reasonable than the 105.6 on this last test. Maybe the new results will make more sense.
I am going to get new tests. Six months ago I got tests with results very similar to the numbers I listed above with the exception of SHBG which was 78.1 - slightly above range but far more reasonable than the 105.6 on this last test. Maybe the new results will make more sense.

Wow so you’ve had other test results similar? Ya like you said, 78.1 is much better than 105.6, but still way higher than I would think it would be for someone with such a high free T. But hey, everyone really is so different sometimes. Anything is possible.
My SHBG was as high as 131 nmol/L before I started TRT! Even now it was at 69 on my last blood work, at trough (on a single 125mg injection each week).....
What were your free Testosterone levels at SHBG 131 and at SHBG 69?

At 131 my testosterone was pretty much non existent. Calculated free test was 6pmol/L! As I said that was before starting TRT.

Since being on TRT my last two SHBG readings have been 66 and 69 nmol/L - total T 37 and 35 nmol/L, free T 590 and 517 nmol/L respectively. I don’t think these numbers are fully dialed in yet either. I’m thinking of going slightly more frequent than my current 125mg/E7D protocol.
I already got results of new tests. A little more reasonable than last time but still high SHBG and High Free T.
Free Testosterone 36.1 scale 6.6-18.1 pg/mL
Sex Horm Binding Glob 95.8 scale 19.3-76.4 nmol/L

I see that Labcorp cuts off exact reporting of total T at 1500.

I am on a fairly low dose regimen. These results are with .30ml testosterone and .35ml HCG subcutaneously twice a week.

Maybe my age, (I am 64) has something to do with it.

As I said I feel great and experience no side effects. There is probably nothing to fix unless, does anyone know of any potential problems with high SHBG other than possible low free Test?


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