High sensitive estradiol


New Member
Not on trt, but have been doing some research for years because I am always tired, low libido etc..Docs never wanted to test estrogen for some reason.. So I found discounted labs and got the test done.
Normal 8.0 to 35.0.. My results was 78.9...Forwarded the results to my doc now and she says shes not familiar with sensitive estradial and referred me to an endo. But I have to wait 2 weeks for the appointment. I asked her to prescribe something until then, she said she doesn't know what to prescribe. i suggested arimidex. She said she doesn't feel comfortable doing that. WTF!! Why are docs so scared of estrogen???
Anyone have any suggestions?? I hate being this tired all the damn time.
Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post!
Welcome to Excelmale. Your question can be answered simply: they were almost certainly never taught a thing about managing estradiol in men. In fact, it's astonishing how little time is spent in either medical school or fellowship training on the topic of androgen replacement in men. Which means...be prepared for the endocrinologist who you consult to be uninformed as well. A common, a far too common, theme we see here again and again is how difficult it is for men to get capable medical care.

All that said, you presented with a sensitive estradiol just below 80? NoTRT? Anabolic steroids? Did you test anything else when you went to Discountedlabs.com?
No, I did not test anything else. Yes, my sensitive estradioil just below 80..normal is said to be 8.0- 35.0
I had already tested my testosterone with my doc which was 479 2 weeks before the discountlabs test. All the other tests were done as well with my normal doc..liver, kidney cholesteral and everything else that they test for were normal. No trt no steroids of any sort.
I really hope the endo does not say.. sorry.. can't help... but now that you said that, I will look harder for some arimidex elsewhere. Of course I will take direction in that regard as well.
No, I did not test anything else. Yes, my sensitive estradioil just below 80..normal is said to be 8.0- 35.0
I had already tested my testosterone with my doc which was 479 2 weeks before the discountlabs test. All the other tests were done as well with my normal doc..liver, kidney cholesteral and everything else that they test for were normal. No trt no steroids of any sort.
I really hope the endo does not say.. sorry.. can't help... but now that you said that, I will look harder for some arimidex elsewhere. Of course I will take direction in that regard as well.

Hello jcarrjo, welcome. Let me save you some time and grief. Your endo will say sorry unless he.she is very progressive. Get a copy of your latest yearly physical, and all recent blood tests and send it to Defy Medical. You don't have to be on TRT to become a patient and they will help you fix this.

The big question I have is how in the heck did you get your E2 so high. Are you severely overweight? Are you taking any supplements or prescriptions that increase E2? I will bet your prolactin is over the top as well. They probably didn't test that either. In me they went up together.

Best of luck my friend you need to get that E2 fixed or you could have man boob in your future.
No, I did not test anything else. Yes, my sensitive estradioil just below 80..normal is said to be 8.0- 35.0
I had already tested my testosterone with my doc which was 479 2 weeks before the discountlabs test. All the other tests were done as well with my normal doc..liver, kidney cholesteral and everything else that they test for were normal. No trt no steroids of any sort.
I really hope the endo does not say.. sorry.. can't help... but now that you said that, I will look harder for some arimidex elsewhere. Of course I will take direction in that regard as well.

AI mono-therapy is not advised though it sounds logical and makes sense to get your E2 down no one prescribes that or does it in that manner.
Hello jcarrjo, welcome. Let me save you some time and grief. Your endo will say sorry unless he.she is very progressive. Get a copy of your latest yearly physical, and all recent blood tests and send it to Defy Medical. You don't have to be on TRT to become a patient and they will help you fix this.

The big question I have is how in the heck did you get your E2 so high. Are you severely overweight? Are you taking any supplements or prescriptions that increase E2? I will bet your prolactin is over the top as well. They probably didn't test that either. In me they went up together.

Best of luck my friend you need to get that E2 fixed or you could have man boob in your future.

I don't take anything.. Besides insulin.. I'm type 1 diabetic.. Other than that.. I don't take anything else..no supplements either.. I am 5 4 and weigh 180... So not super super overweight... My BMI is 31.. So technically obese..
I didn't know to check the prolactin.. I'll test that next.. All the other labs that normal docs check for are fine.. Including cholesterol.. Liver.. Kidneys.. Thyroid.. All normal.. I will send my labs to Defy.. Thank you
can you help me figure this out? I tried going to your website on defymedical but they have to approve my profile or something. I'll post all my labs..If treating my 78.9 sensitive estradiol with arimidex is not the answer.. then what is???
I don't understand your reference to the Defy website - can you explain what you meant? Anastrozole may well be in your future, but the high level, given you are not on a TRT protocol, calls out for further investigation. Your prolactin has to be assessed - might you have a prolactinoma, a tumour that results in elevated levels? Further testing will be required. Where do your testosterone (total and free) sit?

A good doctor will work with you to manage your way through this entire picture. Not one lab value.
can you help me figure this out? I tried going to your website on defymedical but they have to approve my profile or something. I'll post all my labs..If treating my 78.9 sensitive estradiol with arimidex is not the answer.. then what is???

Did you go here and call for the free consultation?

Sure post up your latest blood tests. A lot of us do that to get suggestions from the other members.
Be sure to block out the personal info like name addy that kind of stuff.

If I was to guess what will happen in trying to get your E2 down they would first retest to make sure the lab did not make a mistake. It happens, IMO a lot.
Since you aren't taking anything that boosts E2 like HCG, DHEA then more than likely you would be put on a very light dose of an AI. Like .125mg once or twice a week.

Have you tested your Thyroid lvl?
Thyroid levels are fine.. I think I'm just going to wait for the endocrinologist on the 14th and see what he says.. I'm going to keep spending a good amount of time researching this so I can know what to ask the endocrinologist..
Thanks for your input..
Thyroid levels are fine.. I think I'm just going to wait for the endocrinologist on the 14th and see what he says.. I'm going to keep spending a good amount of time researching this so I can know what to ask the endocrinologist..
Thanks for your input..

Good or bad news I hope you will report back what your new doc says and best of luck on your journey.

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