High LH, Low T but doctor wants to try Mono HCG


HI Folks,
I am really pissed with my doctor. I have high LH levels--11(1.3-9.6) and low T --11 (7.6-31.4). These are canadian numbers. Anyways, now doctor wants know whether he can increase my testosterone by HCG alone. I am paying this guy 1600/year just for prescription/blood work and for testosterone/hcg, I have to pay extra but still this guy is not giving my prescription and on top of that manipulated all the blood work to show that i have low B12 and thyroid and asked me to take his supplements.
I am just paying this AH, just so that i can get prescription and start my trt along with HCG bcas in canada its next to impossible to get TRT if your within normal range.
Anybody from canada know any doctor who can prescribe TRT. I know other grey market source where i can get it but just afraid where to get all my blood work monitoring and things like that. Is there any way i can get my blood work privately in canada. If i can get my own blood results without doctor prescrition, then i can buy test from other source itself and i dont have to deal with these idiots.
Your doctor is just covering his own rear end by trying other methods before shutting down your HPTA for life. It's not normal for an good knowledgeable doctor to go down this path, I mean if supraphysiological LH levels aren't going to get the job done, nothing will.

This doctor probably doesn't have a lot of experience so it's probably better to tap out now instead of several hundred/thousand dollars later.

Dr. Lawrence D. Komer Burlington, Ontario
I have vericocele. Planning to get it repair. Although i dont have any hope it will resolve issues like test or sperm.
Yes, I have primary hypogonadism.
Sure, I will check Dr.Lawrence and tell him whole story. I dont want to spend another 1000 bucks.
Also, my current doctor wants to try HCG of 1250 mg per week for 4 weeks and see if it makes any changes and if it doesnt increase my test, then he is planning to put me on TRT. So, i said ok bcas atleast after that i can be on TRT.
i have a varicocele and spermicocele (not sure about spelling) mine is on the right side which i heard is not nearly as common. i think it may be tied to an inguinal hernia mesh patch in my right upper pubic region affecting blood vesicle function to the right one.

also there are doctors that practice telemedicine in the states that are much more cost effective and wouldnt do something as silly as offering to do hcg for primary hypogonadism. idk if you have access to another doctor but putting off making you start to feel better is not a good look
Hi Aj_batal,
Thanks so much for the reply.
I had inguinal harnia on the left side and i got it repaired in 2014. Now, when i did ultrasound i came to know that i have Vericocele. I am not sure what all i have. They found out this much till now. How did u know that u had spermicocele?
So, do u think repairing vericocele will restore fertility?
What is ur story? I want to know ur testosterone level, sperm count, what r u doing to increase ur count, where did u get ur trt n other stuff. Ur reply is greatly appreciated.
I assume that i had varicocele from feeling the enlarged blood vessels that lead to the culprit teste. that paired with bloodwork showing the high lh and low total t.

i assume that it is a spermicocele as it is a harder lump in the middle of the veins that i believe marks the sperm pathway with an obstruction. i did not confirm the spermicocele.

the numbers work out well for vericocele surgury post op results but there is a chance of recurrance with them. i have heard of progesterone improving vericocele and also getting rid of anterior pelvic tilt. when the psoas muscles are tight and deviated from prolonged sitting and poor hormones to maintain their rigidity then it supposedly can affect the blood flow to the pelvic floor. i noticed improvements from working on this muscle groups flexibility and tonality.

i opted not to get the surgury as i have had children already. with what i believe to be only one functioning testicle. if you want to have children you may try to go either route. i personally would try everything possible to avoid a knife to the nut but supposedly it is an easy safe procedure. but why vericocele in the first place? nobody knows. ray peat forum has some anecdotes that gave me hope and opened my mind to what was possibly going on. its not hard science though that is for sure.

attached are my bloods
Interesting that you have high LH but low FSH. ( I have high LH and FSH). No wonder why ur sperm count is good(bcas u have kids so i assumed). In my case, since both are high, i got low T n Low sperm count.
So basically progestrone is like testosterone itself. Deficiency of progestrone will cause all the symtoms of low t. Dint knew about it. Ya i heard kegel works better but i want to fix the root cause first, in my case, repairing vericocele and if it doesnt work, then TRT. I think TRT should fix most of the issue.
Do u think i should do anything apart from stuff mentioned above to treat my ED, low sperm count, high body fat, high cholestrol, sleep disorder.
Also, why is that u have high tryglycerides? Any idea?
Interesting that you have high LH but low FSH. ( I have high LH and FSH). No wonder why ur sperm count is good(bcas u have kids so i assumed). In my case, since both are high, i got low T n Low sperm count.
So basically progestrone is like testosterone itself. Deficiency of progestrone will cause all the systoms of low t. Dint knew about it. Ya i heard kegel works better but i want to fix the root cause first, in my case, repairing vericocele and if it doesnt work, then TRT. I think TRT should fix most of the issue.
Do u think i should do anything apart from stuff mentioned above to treat my ED, low sperm count, low body mass, high cholestrol.
Also, why is that u have high tryglycerides? Any idea?

yes no one has been able to comment on why the fsh is low. and im not sure that low fsh equals better sperm count either. i think the opposite is true. i have no body hair. what about you? also if you have anxiety i would believe that its something to do with thyroid and pregnenolone/progesterone. pregnenolone and progesterone activate the gaba receptor as well as many androgen metabolites.

i like to get into a nice lunge position and work both sides (hip flexors and quads)

not sure why my triglycerides are high. ive been told its 100 percent diet from a few members. it may be but i also feel that my primary hypogonadism may cause some abnormalities with fatty acid metabolism and or an underlying liver issue. not sure entirely. however if it does not resolve itsself with my protocol in the coming months i will start to really have no choice but to reevaluate what im doing nutritionally. i feel im not far off where i need to be but the bloods do show high triglycerides so i have not choice but to remain open minded.

theres not much you can do because the issue is a physical problem with your nut so your likely only operating on 50-70 percent of what you would be naturally. plus one has to wonder if the testosterone is metabolizing properly into all of the subsequent androgen metabolites (dht and many more) because most of these enzymatic processes happen in close proximity to the gonads and prostate.

fix the issue naturally or with surgury or begin to plan a hormone replacement protocol that involves keeping in mind thyroid funtion, pregnenolone, progesterone, dhea, adrenals, cortisol. You may not need all of these things but as you get going you need to have an idea of how they all work together. most ppl just focus on test. which i think is important, but not the end all. most trt patients feel good at first and then fizzle a bit and i believe its these other items i mentioned.
Yes i used to have lot of anxiety. Like 10 out of 10 but it gradually came down. I can say its 4 or 5 now.
My throid free t4 is fine. I havent checked T3. How can i check these (pregnenolone, progesterone, dhea, adrenals, cortisol)? Is it by blood work?
Ya i heard about that after couple of months of TRT they feel not so good. Ya i planning to keep track of all the blood work mentioned by nelson when one undergoes TRT.
Regarding ur tryglycerides, i think its because of low T. I have very high LDL and tryglycerides also. Thats y it caught my mind.
I do have all the symtoms u mentioned like antirior pelvic tilt, low body hair( but no problem with beard) but i am very thin with big belly.
Do u have ED problem? If Yes, do u take daily cialis? Or which pill works best for you? For me even viagra dont work, so planning to take daily cialis. Are u on TRT?
Yes i used to have lot of anxiety. Like 10 out of 10 but it gradually came down. I can say its 4 or 5 now.
My throid free t4 is fine. I havent checked T3. How can i check these (pregnenolone, progesterone, dhea, adrenals, cortisol)? Is it by blood work?
Ya i heard about that after couple of months of TRT they feel not so good. Ya i planning to keep track of all the blood work mentioned by nelson when one undergoes TRT.
Regarding ur tryglycerides, i think its because of low T. I have very high LDL and tryglycerides also. Thats y it caught my mind.
I do have all the symtoms u mentioned like antirior pelvic tilt, low body hair( but no problem with beard) but i am very thin with big belly.
Do u have ED problem? If Yes, do u take daily cialis? Or which pill works best for you? For me even viagra dont work, so planning to take daily cialis. Are u on TRT?

so you would want to get a thyroid panel and 24 hour cortisol test as well as the other tests. however since we know lots of this will change when you get issue fixed i would nt spend the money or effort on those items just yet. your issue can be causing abnormalities with other feedback loops that make up your hpttaa (hypothalmic pituitary testitcular thyroid adrenal axis) they are very much interconnected from my views on metabolism.

i would wait on all of that since you will see your health from the position of having primary hypogonadism. correcting this is likely to be a big game changer so i would not spend the money until you have a good testosterone protocol in place or have fixed varicocelle. then you can tinker.

i am 4 weeks in to 56 mg test cyp eod. felt great. now feel ok but low energy. low cortisol i believe. thyroid wont even work to get the steroid production without cortisol. (pregnenolone, pregesterone, dhea). not to mention direct effects cortisol has on central nervous system.

yes, ed is slightly complicated in a different way as you can read in my signature. some guys with average hormones or even low hormones have no issues with libido/erections/sexual swag. its dopamine. dopaminergic activity can really be thrown off with the high stimuli society we are in. (look up your brain on porn in google.)

we really need to know your shgb levels and prolactin levels (these are standard for developing test protocol anyways and often times the culprit is high prolactin for a bodytype as you describe when i hear libido issues)

i believe my body is not their or my mind to have sex but im getting closer. im focusing on healthy minded things like getting ahead and having an organised life.. the bare fundamentals.

frequent chronic masturbation or ultra high levels of sexual stimuli found in porn can damage the brains dopaminergic activity similarly to amphetamine use (lookup DAWS dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrom) just think 10000000 hot girls doing anything without having to work to see them naked. dont even have to move your hips for crying out loud... its obvious that this does something to the reward center of the brain. regardless of healthy hormones. its fucked me up quite a bit im confident. prolactin works opposite of dopamine typically.

low drive currently but when on caffeine (releases cortisol-remember from the trt my cortisol is low) i feel that zest come back. also i think exercise will help raise cortisol and libido will come back. im also considering a new test protocols all together at some point.
i havent been exercising because my body literally couldnt keep up with the stress while only one nut is working.

if i am in a sexual situation at the moment (if it falls in my lap) i fuck with either viagra 100mg or 20mg cialis the day before if i have time to prepare.
Aj Batal New Member, nice to meet you, i feel you guys are the best group

here is a little more of where im at if you click the link.

after getting on trt ive also cared less about sex. prior to trt i was obsessed about sex but yet still didnt have the brain to make it happen. now i care more about my business, my shit in order, my duties all caught up. which is nice since i wasnt making sex happen anyways. now im proud of myself. finally. sex will come and alot more im sure once im functioning like the champ that i believe that i am.

also i feel those with high prolactin have lower dopamine function and this causes them to constantly seek it. when dopamine works the world comes to you. just an anecdote.
Thanks so much for your time. You have tremendous amount of experience and knowledge. Hope u fix all your issues. I actually thought once i am on TRT, HCG and workout, all my problems will be solved. To be honest, Only ED n Sperm count bothers me as of now. But i know, with Low T i can only survive for another 10 yrs max. I am already 37.

Coming to your advice, Yes my first priority now is to get TRT. I am in canada and i have been trying since one year to get into TRT but doctors are not prescribing. So i am thinking to get it from black market. Ya once i have optimal levels, then ill check complete tyroid panel n other hormones.

Yes i am addicted to porn. But i had ED long before i was addicted to porn. I mean, i never remember having normal erection.

Yes SBHG and Prolactin seems to be high. Its hard to convince doctor to get these items tested. Need to find where i can get all these blood tested.

i should stop porn. Does camgirl also count as porn? I mean, ita like real girl right? Anyways,
I read about daws withdrawl, its more like caffeine withdrawl. I get horny when i drink more than 1 cup of tea. I am thinking to quit tea also. Whenever i quit tea and start again i get super horny n do weird things like hookers n stripers.

I think optimal level of testosterone makes you normal human who doesnt crave for sex all the time and people think its side effects but thats how we are supposed to behave i guess. Also, since estrogen is the one which makes guys horny, lowering estrogen and increasing test will decrease the craving for sex and let man to think in calm manner.

Finally, here are the list of things i am doing.
TRT, HCG, workout, stop porn n tea(bcas caffeine is a drug)
If ED doesnt resolve then complete throid n other hormone test(prolactin n dooamine n sbhg). They say it will take 3 to 4 months to see signs in the erection quality. Do u find any difference after one month of TRT?
I think optimal level of testosterone makes you normal human who doesnt crave for sex all the time and people think its side effects but thats how we are supposed to behave i guess. Also, since estrogen is the one which makes guys horny, lowering estrogen and increasing test will decrease the craving for sex and let man to think in calm manner.

Finally, here are the list of things i am doing.
TRT, HCG, workout, stop porn n tea(bcas caffeine is a drug)
If ED doesnt resolve then complete throid n other hormone test(prolactin n dooamine n sbhg). They say it will take 3 to 4 months to see signs in the erection quality. Do u find any difference after one month of TRT?

Keep in mind, you're still a man, and still an individual. An "optimal" level of testosterone isn't necessarily going to "fix" your sex drive as it is right now. Most likely it'd increase on TRT, so that's a poor expectation to have.

Also, trying HCG for a month might not be a bad idea, especially if your regular doc will then put you on regular TRT. In the long run, a month is nothing. You may or may not find a difference after a month of TRT- many do, some don't.
Hi Slicktop,
Thanks for replying. He is not regular doctor. He is private to whom i paid 1600 just for cbeck up/blood. He is trying to put me on HCG for 3 months. So i am thinking to quit this guy n go to someone else or self medicate.
Also, i have low T but have high libido. I am guessing its bcas of estrogen but anyways i am that much concerned about it as much as overall health.
Hi Slicktop,
Thanks for replying. He is not regular doctor. He is private to whom i paid 1600 just for cbeck up/blood. He is trying to put me on HCG for 3 months. So i am thinking to quit this guy n go to someone else or self medicate.
Also, i have low T but have high libido. I am guessing its bcas of estrogen but anyways i am that much concerned about it as much as overall health.
Where I got confused was from your post which said: "Also, my current doctor wants to try HCG of 1250 mg per week for 4 weeks and see if it makes any changes and if it doesnt increase my test, then he is planning to put me on TRT. "

Regarding low T, high libido... I wouldn't assume anything. I was very low (below 200 in a range of something like 250-827) before I started TRT but always had a high libido. My libido hasn't dropped whatsoever and I'm maintaining a total t level around 1050 in a range of 264-916.
Ya intially he told that he will try HCG for a month and if it doesnt make any changes then he will try TRT and now he is telling that he will try HCG for 3 months.

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