100mg of T and 500iu of HCG every 3 1/2 days, now I'm inject 20mg of T daily and 500iu of HCG every 3 1/2 days. It can take (I believe) 18 months for your hemoglobin to stabilize. Hopefully it will for you.
I will tell you why I am hung up on this. First, when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease 5 years ago, my Testosterone tanked, lipids levels changed for the worse and I started getting anxiety...along with diagnosed allergies I receive shots for and it has almost cured me. My anxiety stems from my Thyroid disease and I am about to go to a psychologist for this. TRT is has made me feel better to the equivalent of allergy immunotherapy. I am not an anxious person, per say. I am ticked off because as soon as I switch to bi-weekly injections at 83% of the dose I was taking (previous 120mg once per week - NOW 50mg bi weekly), my levels have skyrocketed..which is good buy bad at the same time. This AM I injected 42mg and will see if this helps. If it doesnt, I am going back to 120mg per week.
I would be on a beta blocker right now, but it contraindicates my allergy immunotherapy...other words it could kill me. So, I am going to ask for an ARB and I see that many people here have discussed losartan. I need something to take the edge off and I am not going to take an SSRI and I am not quitting TRT.
What is really strange is after taking everyone's advice here of bi weekly injections my test on trough has improved, but my hemoglobin has jumped. I am only on .5cc per week (100mg). On 120mg once weekly my hemoglobin was stable. Kind of ridiculous.
tjlab, I can feel your pain. I was using 200 mg every 2 weeks for 3 years and HCT was at 55-56. I went to 40 mg twice a week, so a lower dose but more frequent. I felt fine but HCt went to 62.1!! Obviously not conducive for living long! I came off everything cold turkey and did monthly donations and got hct down to 52, and I have another donation due next week. Since I have been off T for 2 months, my t and LH has come backup, so my dr and I are trying climbed to supplement my existing. Maybe it works maybe it won't but since I was already on a restart now was the time to try.
If it fails we will go back to injections and donations and work out a protocol
In the mean time I have seen 2 hematologists and both were fine with HCT under 56 for TRT patients if all other blood values were good. I am not a dr, but just sharing my adventures.
I am not sure for me doing twice weekly if i can donate fast enough to keep hct below 56.
I totally understand! From my experience, you should try 100mg every week non subq. It worked for me and all my levels came back to normal. I wanted my trough higher, so I went to 120mg. It was working great also, but after being on this website for several months, it seems that most here inject twice weekly and have had better results. I am not one of them and it doesn't sound like you are either. You should really try the above protocol and if that doesn't work, then you need to look at sleep apnea. Have you been check for that?
How is your hashi's being treated now? You don't show what your FT3 or FT4 labs are.
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