You have no clue where your SHBG sits let alone never had your FT tested using an accurate assay (Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration).
Unfortunately, as you stated in a previous thread you do not have access to such.
No point in shooting off at the mouth when you have no idea where your FT level truly sat!
Even then a FT 5-10 ng/dL would be considered low.
FT 16-31 ng/dL (top end) is healthy!
Most men will do well with FT in the 20-30 ng/dL range and some may choose to run slightly higher or even absurdly high levels.
Highly doubtful trough FT 50-60 ng/dL would be needed to experience relief/improvement of low-t symptoms let alone feel great overall.
Most claiming to need such levels most likely have underlying issue thyroid/adrenals.
Many men pre-trt have FT 5-10ng/dL.
Most of these men in their f**king PRIME (late teens/the early 20s) when they felt their best were never even hitting an FT on the upper end 30 ng/dL and that is at peak.
Now you have idiots with the more T is better mentality (spewed by the bro forums) thinking that they need to be jacking up their trough FT levels 50-60 ng/dL to feel good let alone achieve that so-called fairytale.....OPTIMAL!
Top it off that many of these same individuals preaching the so-called optimization were jacked up on T from the get-go.
Just like your sidekick (that manchild) who claims/preaches, it is all about balance yet is running his T levels well beyond where they sat in his prime (late teens/the early 20s).
This is the same guy:
8 years in and still clinging on numerous nutsacks!
Jacked up on T from the get-go.
Numerous protocols years in and he is still searching for that so-called fairytale.....LMFAO.
Hops on trt and drives his trough TT/FT level through the roof.....high SHBG bruh.....need to be hitting 2000 ng/dL with FT 60-70 ng/dL bruh!
Jumps all over scrotal as if it's the next best thing.
Then it's nandrolone as the end all be all.
Now he does a complete 360 back on high dose T 210 mg/week only to eventually try lowering it 175 mg/week while throwing in ND 100 mg/week, low dose GH and it gets even better-added oxandrolone to boot driving his previously highish SHBG (the 40s) down into the ground 11 nmol/L.....go figure.
Yet still using/relying upon inaccurate assays.
This clown that still clings on Nichols nutsack and is always preaching the so-called FT 30-60 ng/dL is optimal yet has never even tested his FT using the most accurate assays gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration (next best) and has no clue where his FT level truly sits.
This is the assay Nichols uses.
Labcorp test details for Testosterone, Free, Equilibrium Ultrafiltration With Total Testosterone, LC/MS-MS
For years he was running trough TT 1600-1800ng/dL (EOD injections) with highish SHBG claiming he needed such to achieve a healthy FT.
Such levels even with highish/high SHBG would have one FT level through the roof easily hitting 50-60 ng/dL.
Now he is still running a TT well beyond 1500 ng/dL yet drove his SHBG even lower 11 nmol/L which would easily have his trough FT 60-70 ng/dL range.
Again he would have no clue as he is out to lunch when it comes to testing labs using accurate assays.
Joe fucking health.
It's all about balance he preaches.
Never-ending merry-go-round.
Like I said too many get caught up on the more T is better mentality jacking up levels from the get-go only to run into numerous issues constantly struggling.
Never had even tried let alone gave a lower-dose protocol a fighting chance.
Then you can throw in all those blast n cruisers you know the ones that claim running absurdly high TT/FT levels is needed to feel good on trt.
F**king shit show.
Of course, symptom relief is what truly matters but regardless lab work is critical as not only do we need to see where said protocol (dose T/injection frequency) has TT, FT, estradiol let alone other hormones but more importantly other blood markers as not only are we trying to achieve healthy hormones but at the same time prevent/minimize any potential side-effects.
We are in this for the long term.
If you are one that truly feels great overall running high/absurdly high levels and blood markers are healthy let alone you are not struggling with sides then do what is best for you.
People need to get their shit str8 when it comes to preaching it's all about balance let alone being optimized.
Many doctors in the know would tell you that most men will do well with FT 20-30 ng/ dL.
Needing to hit this magical 50-60 ng/dL is bullshit.
There is such a thing as too high FT!