High Free T


New Member
It's been a while since I've posted but want to know if higher than normal free T can cause lack of morning wood and lowered erection quality? I do not do TRT and my current free is 22.3 ng/dl total 636 as of 8/25/16. In May free was 14.7ng/dl total 589. Also lower energy, some depression, and lower libido at times. I've never had sensitive Estradiol test done. Is HCG mono therapy an option in my case? The only other thing out of whack is triglycerides of 438, which is genetic, and I take 4 fish oil pills a day. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
You've been dealing with issues of this sort for at least eight months, when you first posted here at Excelmale. I would agree with Zooka15 - your levels don't indicate a need for TRT. What is indicated is a good doctor. What kind of relationship do you have with your current medical provider? Do you trust the care you're getting? Something is going on...you need help to get to the bottom of it.
Decreases triglycerides by 30%. Niacin is especially effective when taken with fish oil (at doses of 4000 mg a day, providing 1200 mg of EPA/DHA).
Thanks Vince, my trig levels have went up since my ins stopped paying for generic Lovaza. Levels were between 230-250 then. Also fasting blood sugars are 93-99. What dose of niacin is good to add to fish oil? Also on 2.5 mg Lisinopril for borderline hbp, any link to ed with that drug? I think I could also try to eat clean. I'm 47 '5 11 165 lbs so weight isn't an issue and I do spin class 2 times per week.
It's been a while since I've posted but want to know if higher than normal free T can cause lack of morning wood and lowered erection quality? I do not do TRT and my current free is 22.3 ng/dl total 636 as of 8/25/16. In May free was 14.7ng/dl total 589. Also lower energy, some depression, and lower libido at times. I've never had sensitive Estradiol test done. Is HCG mono therapy an option in my case? The only other thing out of whack is triglycerides of 438, which is genetic, and I take 4 fish oil pills a day. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

No I think you're much more likely to find an answer in whatever your E2 is sitting at. I'd pull TT/FT/E2 a couple weeks apart and get a picture of those three levels and then make a choice. You're stating classic Estrogen symptoms in my opinion.
Thanks Vince, my trig levels have went up since my ins stopped paying for generic Lovaza. Levels were between 230-250 then. Also fasting blood sugars are 93-99. What dose of niacin is good to add to fish oil? Also on 2.5 mg Lisinopril for borderline hbp, any link to ed with that drug? I think I could also try to eat clean. I'm 47 '5 11 165 lbs so weight isn't an issue and I do spin class 2 times per week.

I use 1500 mg of endur-acin, niacin will cause flushing. Some people cannot tolerate the flushing, so I would start with a low dose and work up to a higher one.

1 tsp 1000mg DHA/ 500mg EPA
Vince I bought Solgar 500 mg flush and worked quickly up to 1000mg. I kinda like the flush. Any concerns with raising fasting blood sugar or liver function with that amount? I also found out my insurance will pay for Vascepa, which is EPA based fish oil that is supposed to be better than Lovaza.
Vince I bought Solgar 500 mg flush and worked quickly up to 1000mg. I kinda like the flush. Any concerns with raising fasting blood sugar or liver function with that amount? I also found out my insurance will pay for Vascepa, which is EPA based fish oil that is supposed to be better than Lovaza.

Niacin can raise blood sugar around 4–5 mg/dl at the start. This usually dissipates over a few months and is rarely of any importance. However, rises in blood sugar may be greater if you've have borderline high blood sugar or diabetes.
People with a past history of liver disease, jaundice, peptic ulcer disease or gastritis should exercise caution in the use of niacin. Gout may flare when niacin is used;

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