High anxiety on testosterone - Please help


New Member
Hi All,

Please see my a full description of what I have been through thus far below. I don't know what else to do or where to turn. I recently started to see what is now my 4th endo. His protocol was to stop test injections and run Arimidex as a standalone. 1 mg a day. I am not well mentally. I was on 200 mg of test cyp every 10 days for about 3 months. I took my last full dose about 4 weeks ago due to having a severe panic attack after injecting. I blamed it on the test although My estradiol was 30 with a max range of 40. Since then I have injected 150 mg over the course of the month. Worthless. I tried cold turkey and now I am really messed up. I thought my natural test would bounce back. Last lab after cessation was 200 TT 50 FT. I have been to the hospital 2 times in the last two days with dizziness and panic attacks. I have also been put on Seroquel for insomnia, anxiety and obsessive thoughts. I never knew how much of a role test played in my WELL being. I am working from home and putting my wife and kid though a tough time. I cry every other day. I need to know I am not going crazy and my hormones are causing this. I begged my doc to prescribe test cyp and to begin a taper while the arimidex builds up. He did and I just injected 100 mg and I am hoping I will feel better.

1) Is this a good protocol? Sudden stop of injections and running Arimidex?

2) Does anyone have a suggestion as to what a good protocol would be?

Myjourney thus far
[35 yearold male5/10 190 pounds

>> 2011 30y.o.– Started to experience severe anxiety, insomnia and slight depression
Had blood work ran: total test came back at 87. StartedTestim Gel and Test lvls reached 500 after a few months .Anxiety was a little better and so was sleep but not what I expected. Gained a ton of bad weight. Felt fat and out of shape. Fatty breast tissue started with abdomen fat.

2013 – Started a workout regimen and stopped taking Testim. Lost weight and anxiety and insomnia nearly gone. I had no side effects from going off the gel. No crash ect.

2016 –Had trouble sleeping again and after three years working out and I was frustrated at not making the gains I should have been in the gym. I guess I would have to say the real reason I started was for the edge in the gym. I was tired of watching people work out for a year and being twice the size I was. Predicated on the fact that I knew about the LOW T…… I had it tested again. January- Total test was 305 ng/dl free test:54 pg/ml.

Saw an endo and I started Test Cyp at 200 mg every two weeks. Felt great at first then started feeling horrible at the end of the two week cycle and blamed it on the crash. I would inject again and then feel better until the end of the two weeks. Had blood pulled again after two months on that regimen>> total test 340 ng/dl free test 108.8 pg/ml. That blood was pulled at the end of the two week cycle to see how low my test was getting. It seems like the only thing that shot up was the free test. End ofApril – GOT A NEW DOC and Started injecting 200 mg every ten days. Now I am experiencing severe anxiety attacks. Mostly after I go to the gym but an overall anxious feeling and CANNOT sleep.
Hadblood pulled again last week. >>> total test- 742 free test- 181 ESTRADIOL WAS 40 (This was three days after my injection. It seems the higher my test gets,especially the free test…the worse I feel.

I am lost and need help. I am predisposed to anxiety and I have come to no other conclusion but that the testosterone has jacked me up and thus increased my anxiety. I don’t understand. All the research I have done, trt was supposed to do the exact opposite of what is happening. I wish I never started this. I usedto go the gym and feel great, on top of the world. Now I feel like I am going to pass out from the anxiety and heart palpitations. Maybe my comfort zone is when I have testosterone in the 300S? It seems like the higher my test gets theworse I feel. Is it the Estradiol? Is it the Test? Do I need an AI. I bought zinc and grape seed extract to help WITH the test to estro conversion. Nothing helps. I will not inject test cyp again…EVER. Now I am concerned that I will go through a crash. It’s like either way I am screwed. Why am I reacting so much differently to test cyp rather than theTestim? Please help!!
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I agree with Vince. You need professional and expertly trained guidance and you will get that at Defy Medical. Testosterone is an important hormone but it is one of many hormones that have to be in synch to have all the health and mental benefits of HRT. Your advice so far is very poor or else you would feel better.
You have posted here a number of times. It's clear that you feel physically miserable, and emotionally vulnerable. The medical care you have received is substandard; the protocols that have been put in place not only fail, but are contributing to your misery. As has been pointed out many times in the past, you must find a good doctor, a doctor who specializes in androgen therapy. You might find someone locally, but you can certainly find this sort of care at Defy Medical. I have no relationship with them, I am not a patient, but I do respect them a great deal. Call them. It's worth the money.
Hi All,
Please see my a full description of what I have been through thus far below. I don't know what else to do or where to turn. I recently started to see what is now my 4th endo.


Reading your post was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Your protocols are all over the place, and are either outdated, or make no sense. Excuse me...1mg of Adex per day??? You have got to be kidding me. If you haven't already crashed your E2, you will very soon if you keep taking that dosage. Personally, I would stop the Adex immediately. Your E2 wasn't high to begin with, if that was a sensitive E2 test. Bottom line: you need help from medical professionals that know what they are doing.

I agree with Vince...call Defy Medical NOW, and get the help that you so desperately need.
Chris, what about posting the area you live in. Hopefully someone will know a good TRT in your area. Sounds like you may have other things going on, besides testosterone.
Of course you want nice even levels of testosterone, to achieve this I inject very 3 1/2 days.
Hi All,

Please see my a full description of what I have been through thus far below. I don't know what else to do or where to turn. I recently started to see what is now my 4th endo. His protocol was to stop test injections and run Arimidex as a standalone. 1 mg a day. I am not well mentally. I was on 200 mg of test cyp every 10 days for about 3 months. I took my last full dose about 4 weeks ago due to having a severe panic attack after injecting. I blamed it on the test although My estradiol was 30 with a max range of 40. Since then I have injected 150 mg over the course of the month. Worthless. I tried cold turkey and now I am really messed up. I thought my natural test would bounce back. Last lab after cessation was 200 TT 50 FT. I have been to the hospital 2 times in the last two days with dizziness and panic attacks. I have also been put on Seroquel for insomnia, anxiety and obsessive thoughts. I never knew how much of a role test played in my WELL being. I am working from home and putting my wife and kid though a tough time. I cry every other day. I need to know I am not going crazy and my hormones are causing this. I begged my doc to prescribe test cyp and to begin a taper while the arimidex builds up. He did and I just injected 100 mg and I am hoping I will feel better.

1) Is this a good protocol? Sudden stop of injections and running Arimidex?

2) Does anyone have a suggestion as to what a good protocol would be?

Oh man, I feel so bad for you. Using anastrozole alone is ill advised. Lowering your estradiol can make you more emotional if your testosterone is low.

It seems that not only the regimen you are on but some other other issues related to your anxiety are screwing you up along with poor medical care.

Where do you live?

Many of us on ExcelMale are on twice weekly small injections of testosterone cypionate (50- 75 mg per injection) with HCG (300-500 IU per injection) combined (or not) in the same syringe. Some are taking .25- 0.5 mg per week of anastrozole. Some have good testosterone and upstream hormones (pregnenolone, progesterone, DHEA) with this regimen and some others need extra supplementation of some of those upstream hormones. These upstream hormones have a lot of effects on mood and anxiety, and TRT can shut them down if used alone (HCG and/or oral or transdermal hormones can help restore those upstream hormones). This can make some anxiety prone men more anxious when they get on testosterone as a monotherapy.

Only blood testing can determine who needs what.

Balancing your testosterone, pregnenolone, progesterone and thyroid can be accomplished.

It seems to be that you were feeling better off TRT but felt frustrated by your lack of progress at the gym. You just got on the wrong regimen for the purpose of improving your body composition!

We are here to help!

P.S.: Here is some info on pregnenolone:
Everyone here feels for you man but things will not get better unless you seek a GOOD EXPERANCED HRT DOCTOR you need someone who knows what the F@#! they are doing.
When he said one milligram of Arimidex a day I almost fell over. From everything I read on here that is a mega dose. I am going to do 100mg a week with .5 Arimidex twice a week for now.
Unless someone knows hormones well, a person in your shape should just call defy.
Hormones call definitely cause aniexty and or make a pre existing existence worse.
That arimidex at 1 mg a day would make anyone feel horrible.
Without getting a full set of labs your guessing,,,
But most take .25-.50 adex (if at all) once to twice a week.
Im pretty sure defy will get you feeling better than you are fairly quickly.
I wouldn't stop the arimidex cold turkey, taper it down to something like above.
When he said one milligram of Arimidex a day I almost fell over. From everything I read on here that is a mega dose. I am going to do 100mg a week with .5 Arimidex twice a week for now.
the fact you have better common sense than your doctor should be a red flag.
IMHO 50mg 2x a week is better than 100mg 1 time and .25 twice a week seems more reasonable
it seems to me like the people who are more sensitive do better on lower more frequent dosing schedules.
You'll be fine man, I've suffered from debilitating panic attacks and I have overcame them without any medications. You just need to get dialed in with knowledgeable doctors in the field with Defy Medical like others have mentioned. The body will bounce back, there is no doom and gloom and you will get better, I have been in your shoes and I am a walking testament that you can overcome this quite easily actually. I think you would do well on a frequent low dose Testosterone regimen w/HCG . Eventually, you may be able to come off the Seroquel as well working with your doc.
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Chris - Seems you've asked this same question before. You have some great advice from the guys on both threads. I second most everything I've read. Contact the correct help, and by now you should know who that is, and get yourself better. I wish you the best.

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