first of all thanks for the accept on this great website / Forum.
I m 47 years old and have been on HRT treatment for 7 years now with a very good Belgian Endocrinologe. I have been on gels till 1.5 month ago and recently switched to Nebido.
gels in Belgium are maxed at 2,5mg so I had to put on too much and my endo found Nebido more suitable.
my endo prscribed me 1 injection 4ml in each buttcheak every 8 weeks (so 8ml per 8 weeks). She told me that 4ml is too little and t will drop before too low before the 8 weeks are passed. This is based on her experience with other patients.
I am doing blood work every 2 weeks now because measuring is knowing
Week 2
test: 1461
free test: 31.04
oestradiol: 34
blood pressure: 125/65 approximately
week 4
test: 1013
free test: 18,56
oestradiol: 31
Blood pressure: stable
I will keep up with blood work every 2 weeks till week 8 at least..
I must say I feel pretty good and hope my levels will stable up with time so i won t need a double dose any more later on.
everyone any experience on 8ml per x 8 or ten weeks?
thank you for this magnificent forum!!
first of all thanks for the accept on this great website / Forum.
I m 47 years old and have been on HRT treatment for 7 years now with a very good Belgian Endocrinologe. I have been on gels till 1.5 month ago and recently switched to Nebido.
gels in Belgium are maxed at 2,5mg so I had to put on too much and my endo found Nebido more suitable.
my endo prscribed me 1 injection 4ml in each buttcheak every 8 weeks (so 8ml per 8 weeks). She told me that 4ml is too little and t will drop before too low before the 8 weeks are passed. This is based on her experience with other patients.
I am doing blood work every 2 weeks now because measuring is knowing

Week 2
test: 1461
free test: 31.04
oestradiol: 34
blood pressure: 125/65 approximately
week 4
test: 1013
free test: 18,56
oestradiol: 31
Blood pressure: stable
I will keep up with blood work every 2 weeks till week 8 at least..
I must say I feel pretty good and hope my levels will stable up with time so i won t need a double dose any more later on.
everyone any experience on 8ml per x 8 or ten weeks?
thank you for this magnificent forum!!
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