Hey guys new to the site


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Hey guys new to excelmale

I haven’t started TRT yet, but am looking to get on it. I’ve had low T almost all my life, and have had several bouts of depression. I struggle to get my T up even with exercise, and my upper body doesn’t seem to respond too well to exercise, and I seem to stall out on my lifts a lot faster than orher people I know.

I live in canada, and I’m not sure if my T is low right now or not, cause I don’t feel depressed right now, though the energy is a bit low.

Im not sure if a doctor will even test me given my age, and I don’t want them thinking I’m trying to do steroids or anything. And I’m not sure if there is any TRT prescribing doctors in the Lower Mainland in BC (Abbotsford)

how wouldnyou guys advise approaching a doctor? Should I just tell them I think I have low T, and want to get TRT to treat it? I don’t have a family doctor, but what if the doctor says no, should I just go to another doctor and keep trying till I get one willing to treat me?

I want to get on a TRT and HCg protocol, I’ve heard doctors in Canada tend not to prescribe HCg, so I’m not sure how that would work.

If anybodys been prescribed TRT anywhere in the valley, could you recommend a doctor?
Welcome to Excelmale. I live in Toronto and can assure you that the only generalized statement about receiving good, cutting-edge care if you are androgen deficient is..."It will be a challenge." That isn't all that different from guys in the United States, all of us face challenges in securing a good doctor. Our healthcare system presents certain difficulties, but they all can be overcome with patience and a bit of luck. I certainly obtained good care, it can be done. Haven't two Vancouver practices been identified for you in another post?

You write you have had low testosterone "all your life." That is confirmed with lab work? Can you post up your lab values, all of your results, not just total and free testosterone, with ranges, and a good discussion will be generated. If this is the case, that you are hypogonadal, demonstrably, the conversation with your doctor should be much easier.
Oh hey, thanks for the reply to the other thread, I didn’t see it till now. I called one of the clinics and they said I should get my blood work done first.

I havent gotten blood work done for a while, and don’t remember the results for the test before, but I remember the T results were in the lower normal range.

The clinic said they would refer me to their naturopath first and give me supplements, and start TRT after. And I emailed the other clinic, and am waiting for their response to see what they offer.

I guess step 1 is get blood work done, so I’ll get on that, and I can post the results as soon as I get them

the clinic I called said they do prescribe HCg tho, so that’s good, I just gotta get my blood tested first

Thanks for the links tho, they helped a lot
You are in good company here! That sad truth is most men never find a good doctor and have a bad experience with a local T-mill, and thats if they ever get help at all. It's to your credit that you found this website.

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