Hemaglobin and my crash......need advice


New Member
Hi all,

So I started to get anxiety - panic attacks after my last full dose of TEST CYP about three weeks ago. My Estradiol was 39 with 40 being the max within range. Of course my doctor laughed at the mention of an AI. I stopped the injections and my test went from TT went from 750 to 250....free test 180 to 50. Feeling like shit.... My latest labs even with the lower test had my hemoglobin and hemacrt at just within the normal range. My urologist will no longer prescribe test cyp. I went to see my family doc and I am injecting smaller dosed more frequently. Is there a form of TRT that does not boost Hemog and Hemcrt?? I heard giving blood was a good idea. I am not doing well mentally. Haven't been to the gym in weeks.

Any suggestions for getting the levels lower?
Abrupt discontinuation of TRT is not the way to approach elevated hematocrit and hemoglobin. Donate blood or have your doctor prescribe a therapeutic phlebotomy. Did your doctor discuss blood donation or phlebotomy with you? If not, you failed to receive the standard of care you deserve.


You are dealing with a somewhat common side-effect. It can be managed.
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Chris 57 - This is kind of a response to both your thread and the private message I sent you. An E2 at 39 is super high for those of us who are more sensitive to the effects of estradiol. Others are fine with this level, and others will say it's only an issue if your test/estradiol ratio is off. All sound advice and some truth there in many cases, but not to me or anyone else super sensative to either this level of E2 or the fluctuation of E2 in the body. Some people can have horrible symptoms just simply from the change in E2 levels in the body. People who that doesn't apply to will disagree, but it applies to me and other guys who really feel the E2. My E2 was only 37pg/ml and I was an absolute disaster. My anxiety, depression and anger were extremely difficult for everyone around me to deal with. I put my wife and kids through so much stress. Many guys here are generally not pro anastrozole, and for good reason, they don't need it, and their E2 may even be higher than yours. But as it's been said a million time, what works for one guy can have a completely different response in another guy. One day I decided to take 1/2mg of anastrozole. Almost instantly, probably within 30 minutes, I began to feel so much better. Today I'm taking 1/4mg twice a week after my twice weekly injection of 60mg of Testosterone (Total weekly - 120mg test and about .5mg AI). Anastrozole has been a life saver for me...but in small doses. Occasionally I will try going without an AI (just to see how it effects me) and wow can I feel it. We have some of the most cutting edge docs and some other, non docs, who are extremely knowledgeable in this topic and they have radically different views on using an AI. If you have those strong symptoms, don't let your doc talk you out of taking a small dose of anastrozole. If that's the case, I'll say what's been said on this boards many times...find another doctor.

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