It has been difficult for me to process the fact that Dr. Crisler took his own life. I struggled to share this but if we can prevent at least one of you from taking your own life, then this discussion is worth it. My sister committed suicide two years ago and I have not yet come to terms with it. It is such a stigmatized topic that few people want to discuss. All survivors of someone who kills him or herself will always wonder if they could have done something to prevent the person from taking their own life.
Helping a man at risk of suicide
I am so very sorry to hear this. My prayers go out to his surviving loved ones... :,(
My very good friend took his own life a few years back. It was COMPLETELY out of character for this Japanese man to hang himself in his mother's garage, where both he and his wife lived. He was on anti-depressants, yet when I inquired what medications he was taking, my Chinese friend (his wife's sister) indicated, "We're Chinese and we don't ask those questions."
Being a recipient of many different anti-depressants, I know the way these drugs alter the mind ESPECIALLY if you quit them without weaning yourself off of them!
The last one I took was low-dose Effexor while I was undergoing intense chemotherapy for NHL in 2013. I just recently QUIT the drug (weaned myself off) when I began TRT in Sept. 2018 and I feel great!
My post is
NOT to say Dr. Crisler was on psychotropic drugs.
I'm new to this site and have never known nor heard of Dr. Crisler...until now, sadly.
Keep the faith and stay the course.
God bless each one of you and remember, we're all in this rough world together.