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New Member
I stumbled across this site researching things about my current TRT protocol. I have went through the gamete. I'm currently on 100mg of Test Cyp every week. After the first month I developed a lump under my right breast (I've done AAS cycles in the past and know what that means usually, gyno). I asked my endo for an AI and some HCG to potentially keep the HPTA going somewhat, and help with testosterone. She wouldn't do it, saying she doesn't handle those things, the urologist does. I saw the urologist of this particular hospital and he refused as well (talking about himself, cursing and talking about a testimony that he had to do two weeks earlier). All he wanted to do is talk about testosterone abuse, he wasn't hearing me about any of my estrogen concerns or HPTA. My Endo nurse gave me some words of encouragement and told me to don't stop trying to find a doc that will suite my needs. Anyway, I found a urologist that found it funny that endo doesn't deal with AI/HCG (as did I) and prescribed me 1mg of Anastrazole daily and clomid (instead of HCG) 12.5mg daily. I think the AI dose is too high, but I'll get into the forums for all the other details and questions. Good to be here!
Welcome and thanks for posting
I am sorry to hear of your doctor troubles, although all to common when it comes to TRT.
First and foremost, your new protocol is even worse! Did the new doc test estradiol before starting anastrozol? Even if your E2 was elevated, 1mg per day is way too high and will cause more eventual side effects. Your gynecomastia may be pre-existing from your previous AAS use. It is normal for any hormonal changes to aggravate gyno, however it does not mean your E2 is too high at that time. The second issue with the clomiphene. Clomid will do nothing for you as long as you are taking testosterone exogenously. Clomids interaction with the pituitary is over ridden by the negative feedback from being on TRT. Its activity as a SERM is weak and will probably do nothing to help with your gyno symptoms. Clomid is best used if coming off testosterone or AAS to help stim the pituitary to produce LH, but testosterone must first be discontinued for at least 1 week for it to work.

If you do not have a recent blood test, it may be a good idea to request estradiol (sensitive), Testosterone F&T, CMP (check liver), CBC (check hematocrit). Estradiol needs to be maintained in a specific range. Too high and too low is bad.
I agree, but he wanted to try the clomid first. I have a follow up in three months in which I will tell him that it did nothing for me, and I would like to switch to HCG. I am not going to take 1mg of anastrozole daily. He wrote me that script today, because he didn't know exactly how much to give me. (I had to see a urologist for this because my endo doesn't handle AI or HCG). He didn't have my labs, and didn't want me to have to wait around for him to get them. He just got them and is going to call me (his nurse will) with the dose that he feels is necessary. Here are my latest labs 6 weeks after starting IM test cyp:

Test serum (would only do this and not free): 669.4 ng/dl
Estradiol (regular test): 37 pg/ml

My estrogen levels have risen along with my test levels. I have the gyno, the moon face, very emotional (which is not my personality at all). I have issues with keeping an erection at times, and my libido is not great. My opinion on how I feel is that I needed a small dose of anastrozole to bring me into optimal estrogen range, and HCG to maintain my HPTA, amongst other things that are posted in this forum.

I have done alot of reading, even before I registered, and there is quite a bit of valid information on this site. I just wish that these "specialists" would get with the times, and not be so afraid. Thanks for your welcome and info. I'll be perusing the board.....

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