J, look at
Defy Medical ..
http://www.defymedical.com/ .. They can get you on the right track!
Oh my, 1mg/day!! Buddy, that's not like a kind of high dosage, that's potentially dangerous! If your E2 was still elevated after that protocol, then that to me indicates the E2 is intra-testicular aromatization, which as discussed above is unable to be effectively treated with an AI. Maybe you can clarify what your AI protocol was at the time of your labs?
I suspect your SHBG might be just a tad bit over the desired range (?) .. Free test is right about 1.6%, IMO would be good to see in the 2% to 3% range. One marker that usually can effect this Vitamin D, which is vital in so many aspects of supporting a well balanced protocol. You will find many members here that are therapeutic protocols, 5,000+ iu/day, or Drisdol 50,000/iu week and up ...
Back to the E2 ... I'd like to spin it if I could and tell you the assay you use is fine, but that wouldn't be right. That lab is designed for females, and there is a large variance in the measurement accuracy in comparison to the sensitive assay, when used to test men. The Labcorp "Sensitive" #140244 reference range is 3-70 pg/ml. You will tend to see many of us aim to fall in the 20pg - 35pg/ml range, or close thereof. I'd like to sugarcoat the other lab for you, but I can't .. If you're going aim to have an effective HRT protocol, you need to manage it with a sensitive or ultra-sensitive assay, anything else will just be winging it.
I know exactly what you're saying about "not having that overall sense of well being." Just keep in mind that testosterone is just one component when looking at the entire picture. Granted, an important component, but one of several. You will find the thyroid, adrenals, various vitamins & nutrients also play a large role, as does keeping other variables like RBC's & HCT in check.
The real secret is balance .. If one area is off balance, like the thyroid, you can sometimes find that the culprit originated with cortisol & the adrenals. That can be furthermore influenced by other factors that are not in balance. By the time you get on Test Replacement Therapy, many of these other variables are still problematic and need addressed.
Sounds like you need to reach out to a place that specializes in this topic. Look at
Defy, you will find Jasen on here as well, as he is a Moderator. Hope some of this helps ...