Hello all - following rough NHS doctor appointment


New Member
Hi All,

I'm saying hello following a pretty patronising and lacking empathy appointment with a GP a my local NHS surgery. Its actually the third time i've been but previously I knew little or nothing about TRT and I simply got referred for therapy / counselling - they said i'm simply depressed. This GP went one step further and told me its just my personality and theres not alot that can be done about that.

This time I went armed with all my symptoms, how long it has been going on, the link that I had surgery on my testis when I was 6 years old, the anger, frustration, depression, tiredness etc... etc... etc...

The testostrone was never discuss until i raised it and it was bluntly put aside with a "You wouldnt been able to have facial hair and your voice wouldn't be masculine if you had low T"

I was worried I'd be wasting my time as i've read so many people say this very thing but I was surprised when those exact words came out of the GP's mouth.

Regardless he agreed to do a test but i've already contacted balancemyhormones and the leger clinic so I can get the ball rolling with people that will actually take me seriously.
"Regardless he agreed to do a test but i've already contacted balancemyhormones and the leger clinic so I can get the ball rolling with people that will actually take me seriously"

Good call mate, the NHS/GP's are a waste of time in general, certainly for me and many others who say the same on this forum, good luck at the Leger clinic
Don't think you're in the Dark Ages alone in the UK as I get the same treatment here in the States dealing with the HMO Kaiser Permanente (my wife is from England and thinks they are great and like the National Healthcare System in England). Doctors will prescribe such things as stopping any testosterone protocol you're following and doing a follow-up blood test after going dry for a 3 month period. Best part comes then as they'll just say 'you're levels are fine for a man of your age' when they weren't going to help you and alleviate your symptoms to begin with. That's why I've gone with concierge T treatment with Defy Medical. Bob
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Don't think you're in the Dark Ages alone in the UK as I get the same treatment here in the States dealing with the HMO Kaiser Permanente (my wife is from England and thinks they are great and like the National Healthcare System in England). Doctors he'll will prescribe such things as stopping any testosterone protocol you're following and doing a follow-up blood test after going dry for a 3 month period. Best part comes then as they'll just say 'you're levels are fine for a man of your age' when they weren't going to help you and alleviate your symptoms to begin with. That's why I've gone with concierge T treatment with Defy Medical. Bob

I had the great misfortune to have Kaiser for a number of years. In the beginning it was pretty OK, they charted my cholesterol and did physicals, they even gave me a tetanus shot, a DRE, and a colonoscopy....all good things. It turns out that's what Kaiser is really good at, as it saves them money to catch things early.

Where things came off the rails for me was that over a few months later on I started to feel really horrible. No energy, cold, winded really easily. Where I used to go for two or three miles walks, now I started having to head home after a couple of blocks. And I had horrible headaches. Kaiser blew me totally off, I went there over a dozen times, and got no answers. Of course, they saved themselves legally, and saved themselves a lot of their money, as they didn't run any tests on me. At this point, my symptoms were vague enough they were hard to pin down. If you don't run any tests, that is. So, they didn't.

By this time I could hardly function, barely drag myself to work. As an act of desperation I switched insurances at the next opportunity. And then it happened. While at work I had a major heart attack. They had to call 911 for me, a dozen guys in two fire trucks and the paramedics, the entire circus. They found at the ER I had a completely blocked major coronary artery, and another that was 60% closed. With great difficulty they got them both stented. Turns out it had happened slowly due to my extreme hypothyroism (97 degree body temperature, FT3 wildly below range, Kaiser never tested or cared). They told me my blocked artery happened over a few years, and that the only thing keeping me alive was the growth of collateral arteries, the smaller arteries that somehow grew a bit to keep the heart going.

One thing led to another, and now smarter, I followed up with a good local anti-aging D.O. doctor ($$$). He treats my hypothyroidism, low T, and I had low estrogen as well (another thing Kaiser never tested for, T was 240 total, free T could not be measured), and all of my artieries are staying open now for 14 years. For many years with Kaisar I looked pale and had low hemoglobin, once I got on T it immediately resolved. I'm now picky as hell about my doctors.

My wifes experiences are even worse with Kaiser. Worse.

If a person doesn't really get sick, Kaisar is fine. They even give you cool graphs of your cholesterol and stuff. They weigh you annually as well, and take your BP. If you get sick, good chance you will die. If you get cancer, make your arrangements.

I wouldn't send my dog to Kaiser.


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